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Everything posted by Grizza

  1. Hi, I have sent them a letter, by registered post asking for a written copy of our Credit Agreement, and giving them 14 days from the date of the letter to reply. They have not done this, is the debt now void, and uncollectable by law?
  2. This is what I told them, but they said its in their Terms & Conditions, and that I 'signed' it, so they can do it! I agree with you that I think they would find it hard to action this, as what company would accept it without a Court Order? However I do not want my company knowing my personal business, which they would if they phoned and tried get the money this way. Would they be in breach of the Data Protection Act? I have written to them on a few occasions, but never sem to get a reply. Even though I can access my account, and the Credit Agreement online, if I write to them requesting a printed version, and they do not reply within the 14 days, will that void the agreement as it does a normal loan? I have also cancelled my Debit Card and asked for a new one, how would I stand getting my money back from the bank?
  3. However, can they contact your HR Department and legally take the money from your pay? They have told me they can, as its stated in their terms and conditions, and if you don't agree to this, they won't lend you the money.
  4. I too have had dealings with them. They have taken £45.00 from my account on a few occasions, without permission, and phoned me the other day at work, saying if I don't come to an arrangement, they would contact my HR department and get the money direct from them (Its in their rules). I agreed £10.00 a month, and they still took £45.00 out of my account. Where do you stand legally?
  5. Yes, i too have found them to be terrible! They too have taken money out of my account without permission. They also phoned me up at work and told me that if I didn't reach a payment plan, they would contact my HR department and take the money directly out of my pay (Its in their agreement)! I agreed a payment of £10.00 a month, but they have still taken £45.00 out afterwards. Where do you stand legally?
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