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  1. I have a pine style B & Q Kitchen. It was fitted in Oct 2004. I have the same units in the kitchen and the utility. Several of the door fronts now have the laminate lifting in places. The worst is a larder door which is in the utility so is not near any source of heat, steam etc., The whole of the laminate on this door has lifted and it is only held on around the very edge. I have tried to ring customer services but have had no joy. If I end up having to replace all of these it will mean not only a new kitchen but also a new utility. They stopped making this design a few years ago and don't seem to do any thing close to it. this makes it even worse as all the ends of the units are colour matched as are the pelmets and cornice etc. I have my house on the market and really do not wish to have to spend out on a new kitchen, but I cant see a buyer being happy if they spot this problem. Can someone please tell me who is the best person to contact to get this sorted out. It is obviously a manufacturing fault but could end up costing me a lot of money that I cant afford!! ANY kitchen should last longer than 4 years!!!
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