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mr ibby

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  1. does the car cot-out at running temp?? is it ok on cold start??
  2. well some 1 is lieing becuase you were driving and the clutch went so hw could the engine be siezed??? thats a lie because i onw a garage and if the engine waz siezed it would not start. if it starts and goes into gear wouth out pressing the clutch then it need a new clutch not and engine. and even if u did drive in high water the car would have sucked the water throw the intake and wouls have stopped straight away not like 3 months after for more info you can call me on 07979837596
  3. hi. i own a garage and from my own opinion its a comman fault its because the cars are not bein serviced on time or are not serviced at all. i am willing to take this job on. 07979837596 or 07523427990 just give me a call as i took 2 turbos out 2day. and also i wont be useinf recondition one because you will have the same problem. i will replace a turbo, cat, oil, oil filter, oil breather, clean tyhe intercooler system, air filter, and also will test drive the cars. but how sure you that the turbo is blown???
  4. well most people never service their cars and if you dont know much about cars you might have damaged the engine because a blown turbo suckes all the engine oil and out the exhaust and if u didnt knw and drove it the engine must have got damaged and also you have to replace all the filters and a cat and you have to clean all the intercooler because any trace of oil can cause another blown engine because diesel cars will rev out untill the engine dies or oil runs out. the oil fills up in the chamers and keeps the engine on full revs even if you take the key out.
  5. hey. well the garage have the right to keep ur car until you dont pay and some garages do charge for storage. and the noise is it only when ur starting the car?? if yes then its most likely the starter which makes a funny noise. i have done quite a few with noisey starters.
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