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Posts posted by tobyjugg2

  1. The EU is more socialist in outlook than many right wing politicians are comfortable with. There is a feeling within certain parties that the UK is too restricted by 'rights' and they prefer to strip a lot of these, so employers can include contract terms which were previously not allowed. If the Tories had a majority from 2020, which is likely with Corbyn around, you will see them gradually withdrawing legislation that they consider restricts freedom by business to make decisions right for them.


    I think this is true whichever party gains power in the UK, even Labour under Corbyn - even if it was through Labours traditional 'lack of will' to overturn Tory changes if they see some benefit to be had from leaving and using it while whinging about Tory changes.


    It seems to me that:


    If controlling immigration is your driving motivation - vote Out


    If workers and peoples rights are your prime motivation - vote In


    If its that National lawmakers should have priority - vote out, and accept that rights MAY well be reduced.


    Most other things are really swings and roundabouts and if anyone actually knows what the real result will be (if there would be any major overall gains or losses), they are hiding it well - including whether businesses are better in or out.

  2. That is exactly what could happen after Brexit, if right wing politicians see it as an opportunity to remove various rights people have now. E.g workers rights, human rights. I think some extremely wealthy people see it as a chance to turn the UK into a tax haven, with UK Banks having less scrutiny than is required at the moment. If they think that either the US government or European countries would allow that to happen without consequences, they are a bit deluded.


    That is exactly the problem with brexit.

    and if Scotland secedes, it would be even worse.


    and when you really think about it - its because of who the majority of us who vote - vote for.





    If we used our votes better, and voted for better people, brexit would be far less of an issue.

  3. Aldi's meat and tinned stuff is brilliant and noticeably cheaper than pretty much all the rest. Same for boxed/packet cereals/rice/pasta etc

    Their Tinned stuff is as good as premium but at tesco/Asda/Morrison saver budget 'brand prices.


    Fruit and veg not so good in Aldi as our local Tesco, and Tesco is also better fruit and vegwise than our local morrisons


    Farmfoods is great for the frozen chicken, burger etc and I find far better than Iceland.

  4. Sorry - I mixed and matched incorrectly there

    Npower are in my opinion the worst and have reported losses + 2400 job losses also owned by a german company


    Eon as above - German


    EDF - French


    Scottish Power - Spanish


    Sorry about it being the mirror - but it says well what has been happening for years with these parent companies protecting their home markets at the expense of the UK (and British Gas following suit through greed)



  5. I do notice however that no one has made any alternative suggestions which the poll allows for ?


    Not sure how you could define other suggestions that would be relevant.


    Noisy children can be for many reasons, medical, child. parent, situation, upbringing, whats already happened that day and a million others.


    The only things we can judge on is

    Should the shop manage the environment for the majority of its customers? - The answer for me can only be a resounding YES.


    Whether the parent or child need help/locking up/or just a little quiet time to calm down and get control - is a far more complex issue.

  6. 7bn Loss With UK Profits Flat


    So UK profits from the worst UK energy supplier are bolstering this German firm ....


    and with French EDF (80% owned by French government) finance director resigning over the UK Nuclear Power station build as he thinks it will put them at financial risk despite the guaranteed price per KW being twice that of the current prices ...


    What price selling off crucial UK infrastructure to foreign governments/companies??

  7. She might have a rogue bit of software on her PC doing the dirty on her. My Lenovo has a setting that when it is on battery it shuts the wifi down! I have managed to turn that little option off.


    There are lots of other reports of various settings that can be tweaked. That is the only one I've needed to do on the Lenovo. It is a good laptop and I like the keyboard.


    I was 25 years in IT sillygirl.


    I am quite sure this was a massive throttling.capacity issue with the EE broadband which was temporarily 'fixed' at engineers visits so as to log a successful intervention.


    I was offered EE BB at £2.50 a month (+ line rental) for life (while I had mobile contract with them) and declined.

  8. Indeed :) But at the same time.. men don't want to have babies !


    By that I expect you mean the 5-8 hours average in labour, but perhaps you also mean the 9 months pregnancy of which only the last 3-6 are commonly more uncomfortable.


    Other than that I did at least as much or more of bringing up, entertaining, educating and taking out of my daughter.


    For that my ex wife got 12 years off work.


    - sign me up for a couple.



  9. apparently spain has chipped in with a 'threat' re gibralter. the more these politicking 'threats' come in, the more its an out vote.... :)


    Actually its the British Gibraltan Chief Minister of Gibraltar Fabien Picardo that has raised the 'threat' of Spain 'Pouncing', the Spanish have said they will be talking about Gibraltar the day after the Brexit vote - well they talk about Gibralter every day.


    Spain should worry more about the independence movement in the thoroughly beautiful and wealthy Catalan region.



    More Cameron dirty tricks and fear mongering I think.


    At the start of this I was probably 60% leaning toward an in vote, but as it goes on I am currently 80% toward an out vote.


    In my opinion

    The first few years may be awkward, and we may need (please please please) to move away from reliance (sic) on the Financial sector


    Multiple decisions made recently by Germany broadly in the face of the rest of the EU seem insanity to me


    Big banks who pay damn little to the UK and ass a lot of risk may leave, but if as should be, they will then be charged for operating here, then they will have to pay in or there will be opportunities for those mostly treasured lost things like building societies to come back - and hopefully protected like the undeserving multi-national banks are now.


    Migration will be better out


    Trade will be a mix of better and worse, with worse being mainly for the multi-nationals who take far more from our society than they put in - sod em.


    Prices may rise some, but society has a good chance of being better


    I dont give too much of a damn about the stupid bulb, kettle and hoover arguments, the real important big stuff is lining up in the out camp for me.

  10. I think Greece had already shown they were not trustworthy with finances - so would they use any money provided to them for the benefit of the migrants, for the migrants ?


    It was inevitable that Turkey would pretty much blackmail the EU into providing more cash or other benefits.


    I think the government was not wise with money and the EU was undoubtedly complicit in the misrepresentation of Greece and others financial status.

    This seems to me no different and far less than the UK government entrenched affair with the financial sector.


    Whatever the case with that, I think that 6Billion euro would be far better and more appropriately used by Greece than Turkey,

    as would the migrants/refugees themselves.

  11. TJ we are trying to encourage our posters with problems with VF to post here with the outcome.....please do not redirect them to other forums.








    OK Andy.

    The first time I posted the link I posted it separate to another post in case of issues - as i stated in the post,

    I then received a PM appearing to not only indicate it was OK, but a good idea else i would not have posted these links again no matter how useful they seem to me.


    PM was from a site team member.


    It seemed to me that threads here could and should still be updated with any resolution or not.

  12. I would hope so if they were being paid 3B euros and had agreed to do so, even if we did then say 'we want another 3B and some other stuff'


    (The second part of that newsnight is a female Turkish MP on the censorship arrest and take over of Press and free speech issues in Turkey - aka what issues?)


    I think anyone applying western values to Turkey and expecting them to honour deals is living in cloud cuckoo land.

    The simple fact is Turkey is a major instigator of the cause of the migration and continues to seek those same goals



    Look at the latest EU deal with Turkey.


    More money

    - Understandable, but I think the EU should be giving all this money to Greece to manage the siuation on behalf of the EU. Greece would benefit from the cash influx and would be on board for EU goals. The refugees would also be near Syria for return at the end of the conflict. Genuine refugee applications could then be properly processed while also helping an EU country in need of economic support.


    Syrian refugees taken from Turkey for each non Syrian/non refugee returned to Turkey

    Well Turkey will be onboard for that so it could depopulate Syria of Syrians (making them an EU problem) making way for Turkish migration into Syria.

    But who could define who is and is not Syrian?

    What about Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan all of whom are in similar situations?

    Let alone Balkan and Pakistani migrants?

  13. Is your daughter in a town or in the country? I am about 1/2 mile away from the exchange here so shouldn't experience any problems speed wise.


    A few dozen yards away from a fiber cabinet.


    Was 11m on Sky adsl2

    Consistantly sub 1m on EE



    Let me expand on the issues

    Ring up to complain when speed dropped - engineer would arrive and speed would be back up for a very short while - then back down again until next engineer visit.

  14. Turkey already has a large number of migrants and of course it will be young men who migrate more.


    If the UK had a large number of migrants wanting to leave the UK, do people think the UK would be trying to stop them leaving ?


    I would hope so if they were being paid 3B euros and had agreed to do so, even if we did then say 'we want another 3B and some other stuff'


    (The second part of that newsnight is a female Turkish MP on the censorship arrest and take over of Press and free speech issues in Turkey - aka what issues?)

  15. Last nights newsnight is worth a watch.



    First part is on the migration crisis and Turkey negotiations


    Although short, it says:


    Turkey coast guard is not responding - leaving any Greek coast guard reports of ships until they are in Greek waters


    EU chappie saying they dont see Turkey as being suitable for EU membership for at least 3-5 years, and that Turkey would need to change.


    Same EU minister saying majority of migrants so far are young men


    and not least it shows the immensely uplifting hospitality (as always) of the Greek people.

  16. I've had no problems with my EE phone and am joining them for home broadband.



    You will probably regret that BB choice sillygirl.


    I know a few who went with them for BB - all regretted it. My daughter the most detailed - she ended up paying them to leave early.

    It was OK for a short while - just over a month (common it seems) and then became pretty much unusable for anything other than emails and slow web browsing.


    No issues with sky before or BT (apart from apparent heavy throttling at times) after.

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