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Posts posted by tobyjugg2

  1. another high spot from the locals

    Ten candidates managed to avoid the indignity of losing to Count Binface in London - but Nick Scanlon of Britain First was not one of them.



    Ten candidates managed to avoid the indignity of losing to Count Binface in London - but Nick Scanlon of Britain First was not one of...


  2. I dont always agree with Pollys' opinions, but this I largely do - apart from one bit ..

    - i do see Sue grays hand in this ..

    Keir Starmer should be embracing the Tories’ disgruntled voters – not their turncoat MPs


    After Natalie Elphicke’s welcome, would Labour turn any Tory dregs away? This is beneath the dignity of a party on the verge of power...


  3. Rwanda



    The bombing of the Shabindu displacement camp in Goma, attributed to the Rwandan army and M23 rebels, highlights serious concerns...



    Tories on supplying arms to Israel

    "David Cameron has said the UK will not be following the US in withholding arms sales to Israel, saying the positions are not comparable since the UK is not a large state to state arms supplier to Israel."

    ..  barely half a billion quids worth while we've been in power

    Foreign secretary also says UK does not support large-scale invasion of Rafah unless Israel presents plan to protect civilians .. but wont do owt if they dont


    Foreign secretary also says UK does not support large-scale invasion of Rafah unless Israel presents plan to protect civilians



    This post examines UK Exports to Israel


  4. As the figures supposedly behind the poops flagship, international law breaking policy are shown to be .. fantasy

    "the department said the figures were “estimates” based on an “operational snapshot collected by the French authorities”, which had not been verified and “likely to be subject to a relatively high degree of measurement error”."



    The department had previously admitted the figures were 'unverified' and likely to be erroneous


  5. This would look promising .. if it wasn't OAZ doing it ...

    Now I had the O/AZ vaccine in the early days - but as detailed here, only because it was my only vaccine option - other than not get vaccinated which would be stupid.



    Researchers are developing a vaccine that will protect us against the next coronavirus pandemic


  6. Well, who would have thought that UK politics could have sunk any lower than johnson V corbyn, but its so bad that Cameron is our shining light and outstanding statesman


    Foreign secretary will say too few states have stepped up to spend on defence, take on Iranian proxies or champion women’s rights


    Really shows how far our nation has fallen since Camerons 'Fox paws referendum

    - shame labours potential rock stars are shadowed by starmer .. who clearly needs to follow Corbyn and johnson the liar into a the annals of a history page that lists how NOT to do it


  7. Just the info in the links I added as far as I can see

    Just continuing Folding all the companies and trying to remove assets from UK jurisdiction while they are still perhaps under the protection of the Tory guv  it seems

    Don't know about others opinions, but the police 'awaiting the outcome of years of  meetings talking about it before prosecuting is getting rather thin IMO

  8. So, anyone know what the latest is with Tory Peer Baroness Mone the PPE Crony?

    - or Almost senior church devil Vennells?


    - or do we have to wait for the Labour guv ..




    EXCLUSIVE: Michelle Mone is dissolving her interiors business and an app making company.

    MICHELLE Mone has shut down two of her three remaining businesses whilst being under investigation for allegations linked to...


  9. 22 hours ago, honeybee13 said:

    'Sir John Curtice, the polling expert, also projected the Conservatives nine points behind in the national vote share but advised against using this ­data to estimate Westminster seats. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today ­programme: “It’s quite long been the case, certainly since the late 1980s, that the way that people vote in local elections doesn’t necessarily exactly mirror the way that they would vote in a general election.” '

    There are so many factors, and local elections are often far more about local issues and people, but the one previously general rule in a general election are that the hard core Tories vote Tory and hard core Labour voters vote labour


    Gaza seems to have dulled both the muslim and Jewish labour votes more than the Tories - and I can see why - but do the muslim voters really think that the Tories will do ANYTHING other than talk and then do whatever the Americans say - and thats support Israel whatever they do first and foremost in real terms?

    Reform has unquestionably affected the Tory local vote - so should affect the GE vote a bit more, but has largely been factored in - reform isnt new in any way - its all Brexitish although there seem to be far more ex 'conservative' core reform/ukip/brexitish voters than ex 'labour' core voters - about 6-8% of the national vote in a GE seems to me. A little up on prior brexitish/faragits scores

    But the large swathes of center ground voters who decide who wins the election seem to have utterly deserted the Tories in their millions - although they have gone to labour, libdems and greens - and many real conservatives are in limbo despite Sunak being naturally more a thatcherite than most - his party currently seems far less so.

    Johnson promised much, and many were taken in, just as people (inc me) made that mistake with Farage in the early days - but we now know that they are self serving liars who can't be trusted with anything - although I still think it likely The Liar will be back - but most likely after the GE (60/40)

    Starmer is lacking in charisma and presence, but others in his cabinet should shine. But Corbynistas could still cause trouble - another group that seem happy to drag everything down if they think it suites


    Johnson perhaps could reunite some of the Tory party - but he seems to have numerous criminal and political convistions sitting in the background should he try

    Lying about giving preference to dogs in the Afghan evacuations - and lying about it

    Unlawfully proroguing parliament

    embezzlement re funds and spending (eg flat referb) .. repeatedly

    Taking jobs before he should after being booted - should lose his PM pension and rights over that IMO

    the list goes on ad nauseam

  10. @lolerz

    Cameron seems to be the Uk leader on that - but he has nothing to lose and everything to gain doesn't he - but I'm not saying he doesn't believe what he is saying or the stance hes taking - I think he does.

    I can understand ALL the other politicians being 'careful - especially as the UK has zip/nada/zero influence with Netanyahu - who is unquestionably looking to destroy Gaza and let the settlers in. Its a no-win situation for everyone who gets involved whatever happens - the sideline must look like a very good place to be for many whatever mud might be (rightly) slung their way.


    Its a horrendous situation, which both Hamas, Netanyahu and the settlers Israeli invading forces make unsolvable.

  11. Post Brexit changes linked to ‘collapse in confidence’ for UK farmers in food security crisis

    NFU President Tom Bradshaw has warned that the collapse in confidence has seen 7,000 agricultural businesses close down since 2019 and is now imperilling food security in Britain.



    A devastating new report has revealed a collapse in confidence among farmers since Brexit


  12. Well, not quite the trouncing they deserve, and Andy Street suffering - despite distancing himself from the poops and being a good mayor (and despite the rather ridiculous muslim voter labour boycott across regions - did they really want the tories to stay in power?)

    - But not bad at all

    The Reformatory goons managed two council seats didn't it - out of over 300 they tried for ..  :rofl:



  13. HOOOWLS with laughter



    Former prime minister Boris Johnson was caught out by a law his own government introduced as he went to vote on Thursday



    Campaign groups have warned that controversial voter ID rules may prevent people from voting


    and like a Tory candidate here who doesn't have 'conservative' anywhere on his billboard


    Exclusive: Tees Valley mayor’s extraordinary broadside against his own party as Tories brace for drubbing in local elections – and MPs...


    • Haha 2
  14. So, Sunak has managed to get someone to 'volunteer to go to Rwanda hasn't he?

    .. for just £3000 payment to the person plus 5 years free board and lodging isnt it?

    - cost to UK taxpayer over £300M+ (300 million quid+) isnt it? - Bargain says Rwanda, especially with all the profit we made privately selling those luxury chalets Bravermann advertised for us


    I wonder how many brits would jump at that offer? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

    Lets see, up to 5 years free board and lodging and £3k in my pocket ..

    I'd go - and like that person - just come back if/when I get bored.

    First job - off to Botswana for a week to see the elephants.


    Of course the paid volunteers going to Botswana are meaningless - Rwanda have REPEATEDLY said they wont take any forcibly trafficked people in breach of international law eh?

    Have the poops actually got any civil servants to agree to go yet - probably end up as more massive payments to VIPal contractors to go and sit there doing nowt shortly eh?



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