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Everything posted by kentguy76

  1. Is there anyway of finding out if debt is statue barred and what steps i need to take to clean up/remove them from my credit file. 3 out of the 4 creditors have failed to supply me with a cca which I asked for and the one that did took 6 weeks in doing so. Any advice would be handy Thanks
  2. is there a way of finding out when i last paid without claiming knowledge of debt. Thanks
  3. I recieved a letter from Westcot saying I owed 3800 from an MBNA card, i asked for a CCA and they have come back with a computer print out of my details and a photocopy of the signature slip. The last time I paid was June 2003. Do they need to supply me with more than that? Whats my next step?
  4. so after 6 years, if I went to get a mortgage, the adverse credit would not hinder my chances?
  5. so after the 6 years, does the debt get wiped from my credit file or does the black mark remain?
  6. From what date is a debt considered statute barred? Is it 6 years from the date you took out the loan or 6 years from when you last acknowledged the debt. Thanks
  7. what if they can provide me with the details from the CCA request. What do I do next?
  8. Should I email them my intent and tell them to keep all contact in writing?
  9. they said it was egg, so maybe a credit card
  10. I had a call from these people yesterday saying that I owed them £2057 and has got me worried. I fell onto hard times and couldnt afford to pay the debt. I last made a payment in 2003/4. The guy on the phone said if I dont come to an agreement they will start bankcruptcy proceedings against me on friday. What can I do?
  11. thanks for your advice. much appreciated. what happened when you requested the CCA?
  12. I will send it recorded too, but if I send them an email detailing my intent of requesting a CCA via post and not to call me again, would that help? That way it gives me proof that I have called them today as requested and also that I have played ball?
  13. I will do it recorded, but if I email them of my intent to request a CCA via post and the fact I called them today as requested then I have proof that I have played ball
  14. Thanks Gallache, I will do. Shall I email them to inform them I am sending a request for a CCA?
  15. The last time I paid was in 2003/4 and they have supposedly be trying to contact me at my old address but my ex girlfriend lives there and have asked her if anything arrived for me and she said no. Then out of the blue I get a call at work from this guy saying if I didnt settle the debt they would start bankruptcy proceedings against me.
  16. Not yet, can I do that over the phone and do they have to do this before they take any further action?
  17. Ruthbridge called me yesterday and said they wanted to collect £2057. They said if I dont call them to arrange payment by friday, bankruptcy proceedings will commence. What can I do?
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