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  1. I recently purchased a "Nikon Coolpix L16" camera from an Argos store for around £55. I purchased the camera to take on holidays. I took the camera home & checked on the Nikon website for any firmware updates i could install to the camera. Instead, i found an "important message" from Nikon stating that there was a chance that cameras with certain serial numbers have a chance of "melting" (albeit if you put the batteries in the wrong way & dropped it - unlikely I know, but still, its not what you want to hear about your new purchase). So they want people who have these camera to return it to them for "inspection". I contacted Nikon through email stating I wasn't happy & in fairness they replied the next day giving the address to return the camera to & advising me I should use a insured postal service. I replied stating that if I had to pay for the postage I wanted a refund from Nikon as they has sold me a "possibly faulty" camera. Nikon replied again saying if I wanted a refund I would have to take it back to Argos. How can I return it to Argos if it is working? Do I wait for it to melt? I'm really peeved with Nikons attitude & i appreciate the camera was "only" £55 but it just stinks to me. I would like a refund from Nikon & for them to pay the postage so i can return it to them. I haven't went back to Argos, because i thought Nikon would have a lot better customer service than they do & would have refunded me. Now they are just annoying me lol What do you guys & gals think? What would you do? Are Nikon obliged to give me a refund as it is their camera? thank you all
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