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Everything posted by kb_ba1

  1. Just wondering now if trying to get my charges back will b e a bit cheeky! Think I'll attempt that once the debt is signed off. Don't want them going back on their word...
  2. Thanks Jim and Landy. I'll follow your progress with interest. Good luck to you all. I'm sure you'll get there eventually. Keep up the fight and don't let our friends at MBNA win. x
  3. Thank the lord. We've reached an agreement of £4500. A little more than I hoped but at least I can draw a line under the whole saga within two months. Have to pay £135.12 & £139.68 on the 28th of Aug and then the outstanding within 60days. Have also had confirmation that I won't be chased for the remaining debt by them or a third party. Thanks god and thank you all for your help advice and support. Now I hope to be able to give something back. If I wasn't so skint I'd buy you all a drink!
  4. MBNA Europe Bank ltd Customer Assistance Department PO Box 30 Chester Business Park Chester CH4 9FD But the address should be on your statements, or I'm sure they would be on their websites... Good luck!
  5. Hi Talbot, they're asking for 34% so I guess there is room to haggle. They've given me until Friday to decide and to get the funds to them which isn't very long considering it's Wednesday! I've gone back and offered them 28%. My first offer was 25% so we'll see. Fingers crossed!
  6. Hi Talbot. Thanks for your input. I'll give that a go. What I have offered is all I can afford. The only other option is to say I can give them a bit more (not what they are asking but a bit more), but only if it's stretched over a few months...
  7. *bump* sorry, got a stress on now! 28th August??? HOW is that possible???!!! Gah!!!!!!!! I need a lay down...
  8. Ok... Have received an email reply offering me a settlement: "I have spoken to the Director with regards to your accounts, and the lowest amount that we are prepared to accept as a short settlement is £5500.00 across both of your accounts. This would need to be paid as follows: Account ending XXXX would need a debt/credit card payment of £135.12 to be paid by the 28th August at the latest, and the remainder of £2188.27 to be sent by Cheque immediately. Account ending XXXX would need a debt/credit card payment of £139.68 to be paid by the 28th August at the latest and the remainder of £3036.93 to be sent by Cheque immediately. On the basis that this goes ahead we will register a partial settlement with the Credit Reference agencies for six years and you will no longer be liable to pay the remainder of the balance. Neither MBNA EBL nor any of its subsidiary companies or collection agents will ever pursue you for the remaining balance." I can only afford to offer £4100 and that's what I'm borrowing from my partner. And there is no way I can magic up the extra £1400 in 3days. Not sure how next to proceed. Even if I didn't pay any rent or bills this month and didn't eat my salary wouldn't cover the extra. That's more than I get paid! Any ideas???!
  9. Latest email states I should have a decision by the end of the day... It's going to be a long afternoon!
  10. Thanks landy. I've got my fingers and my toes and my legs crossed!
  11. Have sent over details of my other debts, which thankfully are minimal in comparison. But I know they won't budge unless I give it to them. Just hoping they will still go for my offer. I'm starting to think they won't now...
  12. They have provided me with an 'agreement'. Not that I'm 100% it's enforcable but if it ever did reach court the judge would probably pass it. The account did end up in dispute but the threats etc. continued regardless of course! Think I will just have to give them what they want and hope for the best.
  13. Reply via email... Any thoughts before I send one back? When discussing options of Short Settlements we need to know the total amount of Credits to whom you owe money too. If I do not receive this information I can not move forward with the request of your offer for short settling this account, which would need to be agreed by my Director. Thanks!
  14. Thanks to Jim, Mister V and Talbot for your posts. Made for some interesting reading. I'm just waiting to hear back from MBNA now and am hoping they will except my offer. It's no less than they would get if they sold the debt on so it's probably in their favour to settle with me. I'll keep you all posted.
  15. and if that's the case why would they keep asking the total of my debts???
  16. Oh god, don't say that! Haven't sent them any further info just another email... Now I'm REALLY starting to worry.
  17. Okey dokey just going to post my reply and what you guys think. Chances are my it's a settlement or going bankrupt. I'd even struggle to pay reduced payments at them moment as I often run out of cash two weeks after getting paid. So basically I think it's this or nothing. Anyway, would love to hear what you think! I am contacting you to ask why you need further financial information. As I have said I would like to go forward with a settlement, not reduced payments plan. I would like to receive a definite arrangement and can provide you with the funds of £4100 within 28days. This is an ex graita payment so you should have no need for my financial details. A settlement is the way I wish to proceed and due to my current financial situation it’s likely I will need to go down the bankruptcy route. As a result MBNA would receive nothing, I do not want this to be the case. As I have said before I am not denying my debt and at least through a settlement the company still receives a payment. Please provide me with a definite settlement via email or post and the funds will be paid to you.
  18. Would someone be willing to read over my email to MBNA before I send it? Not sure I should post it here or PM it for opinions. But as always any help/comments are very much appreciated!
  19. Thanks susiemac. I understand the automation system and to be honest even if they do default me my credit rating is screwed anyway so not sure it would make a whole lot of difference. Ok then, think I will drop them another line stating my choice is the settlement offer not the reduced payment plan. That I will provide no further financial details as for a definate arrangement and get the money to them by the end of the month and hopefully I'll get a good nights sleep at the end of it. Am just a bit worried about upsetting them and ruining any chance I may have... But will have a think of how I'm going to word the email later on tonight. Thanks again!
  20. Just like to know how to proceed now if anyone has any magic ideas...
  21. Have also received an automated email stating they are left with no choice but to default me as I won't communicate with them... What about all the letters I've sent and the offers I've made??? I want to cry...
  22. Should have read my emails before posting... Sent my income/expenditure info yesterday (though now seems I didn't need to). Anyway, was then asked for my total number of creditors and thought 'well that was in the info I sent you'. However it would appear they actually wanted the total amount I owe. Though I wouldn't have thought "I need your total amount of creditors, for example you have 5 creditors totallying 20K" actually means that. Anyway before I say do I need to? I'm guessing they are now plugging for the reduced payment plan. Which I don't want. Basically they either get what my partner is willing to give them or I consider going bankrupt and they get nothing. Now what do I do? Was feeling better yesterday and now I've got my stress on again...
  23. I sure hope so! I pay 'em with a spare kidney if I have to!
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