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Everything posted by bouncingback

  1. Hi, back in November my daughter received a PCN from Civil enforcement ltd. stating she hadn't paid for parking. The parking was in a conservative club that you had to pay for on your phone. S he arrived at 12:08 and left at 12:27. In this time she didn't have her phone on her so ran into the shop to see how she could pay as the club was closed. (the only place to park to visit this shop is the club). They couldn't help so she returned back to the car and left. She later received the PCN then a letter from ZZPS saying they will instruct their solicitors to chase up the now £140. Then another letter arrived from QDR wanting £236. Now she has received a claim form from Northampton from civil enforcements saying she will be going to court. We are not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated Thank You
  2. She's worried if she dont pay it, she'll get into trouble. If they start sending their snotty letters and they increase the amount then she will panic as she does. So not to sure whether to write a letter of complaint or just ignore it.
  3. Hi I posted further down about a ticket my daughter got. It was infact a parking charge notice, not a ticket! After speaking to my daughter, she actually tried to get a ticket for 3hours free parking but one didn't come out the machine. It seemed that day it worked when it wanted to. The next day the machine had an out of order sign on it, and is still out of order today! I since found out that the local council lease the land, so who do I write to to complain about the notice would it be the council or the company that owns it? Thank you.
  4. Hi not sure if this is posted in the right place or not. My daughter parked in a small shopping center car park today and got a ticket from ANPR Ltd. Stating they want £100 or if paid in 14 days £50. Where she parked there was a sign up saying 3 hours free parking, she didnt realise she had to get a ticket to cover herself. She was only gone 10 minutes at the most. You cant email these people to complain they only want payment. Apparently a lot of people park there and dont bother with a ticket if they are rushing in and out and a lot of times the machine dont work hence why the locals dont bother. Will she have to pay this or can we send a letter of complaint to this company? All help greatly appreciated
  5. Hi my mum received a letter from philips.org today, It was addressed to an unknown name but obviously her address, it was hand delivered through the door. The letter stated that she owed 773 pounds and that it had gone to court and now the baliffs were coming! Being a pensioner she got worried and phoned the company explaning that she doesn't know who the person was and that she isn't in any debt. She asked what the debt was supposed to be as it isn't stated on the letter. The woman on the phone was very rude to my mother, telling her to send them a bill or something with her name on it. My mother refused and also refused to tell them her name. With that the woman on the phone upset my mother by telling them it didnt matter because the baliffs were coming anyway and they would sort it out. What should my mother do about it as shes been ill and I dont want her to worry about these people and there crappy attitude!
  6. Thank you for all your help, the doorstep joke was a classic . I will be sending that letter off asap. Thanks again
  7. I have had a letter from shop direct saying they wont take payment from me anymore, then months later I get a letter from lowell saying as I didnt reply to previous letters (I haven't had previous letters from them) they may instruct an agent to call at my home, that was in may, then todays letter saying they want payment. I have only received these 2 letters from lowell. And I havent signed anything from shop direct.
  8. Hi fox thanks for replying I have no idea if they have a right to be collecting as I dont really understand the ins and outs of debts lol. Every month for 3/4 months I got a default notice from shop direct because I was a few days late paying. I dont know what a notice of assignment is, if its something to do with me signing something then I haven't signed nothing. And the account is about 1 to 1and a half years old.
  9. Hi I'm a newby here, so i hope i've posted this in the right place. I received a letter today from Lowell, saying that I owed shop direct £381.34, and now they want payment from me. My last payment to shop direct was in January for £30. Previous to that like most people I ran into money troubles I phoned shop direct back in October 08 stating this and that I would like the default charges to be dropped and the interest to be held for 6 months, as this would help reduce my balance. Every month a statement would arrive with interest and a default charge, every month I would ring them saying You were supposed to have put the interest on hold, I would get the same answer as the previous month 'sorry someone hasn't done it'. My partner was put on part time hours back in Febuary so the money was really tight. Leading to me stopping payments. Lowell have stated that they now want one payment of £228.80 as full and final payment, or 3 equal payments of £95.33 over 3 months or £50 DD until balance is cleared. I truly can't afford any off these payments and dont know what to do. Can someone please advise me.
  10. They want to know where the carpets are for the frontroom and 2 of the bedrooms. Although they should know of the bad damp problem and why the carpets were replaced by woodflooring.My friend has explained several times if the damp problems were resolved 9 years ago when first reported maybe the carpets would still be there.
  11. The old head teacher knew about the flooring and decor she gave the go ahead. The funny thing about all this is they seem to be nit picking because he heard a rumour from a teacher that they want to knock the house down for carparking space!! The new head that seems to be causing all this trouble seems to have it in for my friend as GET THIS her husband has got the job as site agent.... go figure!!! and he won't be living on site.
  12. The keys were handed back before time and the property was left in better condition that what he got it in, thats why he doesn't understand why she is phoning all the time asking where the carpets have gone etc, surely having woodflooring replace the carpets because of the damp problem is better than having mouldy carpets.Which they would have to replace anyway for the next site agent.
  13. when he moved in there was a carpet in the frontroom and 2 bedrooms, and a wardrobe. The house is a flatroofed single brick house so like a garage really. The house is covered in damp was reported since 01 no repairs were ever carried out despite several letters complaining bout the state of the property. Over time he had decorated several times but the damp continued and ruined the frontroom carpet he replaced this with woodflooring, the same with the bedrooms. the wardrobe was replaced with a modern double one which he left as he did the flooring. No he didnt need to tell anyone as he was improving the house to make the conditions more liveable.
  14. Thank you for taking the time to reply, she is indeed harrassing him he had 3 calls on Thursday and that was just in the two hours he was at my house. So would I be right in saying that he can tell her to stop the calls and put things in writing in the future.
  15. oops does it sorry, like i said i'm asking for a friend. He only wanted to know does the school receptionist have the right to keep ringing him over matters concerning the house, surely that would be up to the head teacher or the council to do and not her.
  16. He was given something like 56 days to leave or it would of gone to court.
  17. county council owns the property and after losing his job he had to vacant his home aswell. (its on school site) so as he wasnt employed anymore by them he HAD to give the house up to. The house came with the job.
  18. The rent was taken out of his wages and yes he signed a separate tenacy agreement.
  19. Hi a friend of mine lost his job as school site agent, this included losing his home aswell. He handed back the keys and left the property in better condition than when he moved in. The school recepitionist rung him several times last week asking him questions as to where the carpets went and several other stupid questions. Now the place was in need of severe repairs, ie very damp and wiring was dangerous. This had been logged back to 01 but still repairs wasn't done. So the carpets were replaced with wood flooring due to getting damp and going mouldy as was several pieces of furniture. They were replaced with my friends own money and were left as replacements. Am I right in thinking that the school receptionist has nothing to do with the property what so ever, its the council that own the property.Does he have the right to tell her to stop ringing him and all correspondse should be through letters only. After all her job is school receptionist so she shouldn't be harrassing him, thats not her job discription.
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