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Everything posted by NS83

  1. Similar to the thread above, I appreciate all the advice but am still a bit unsure of myself. I received a parking fine in a Sainsbury's car park managed by Euro Car Parks a few months back. The car park is free for 2hours and as such i didn't buy and display a ticket. When i returned to my car i had a parking ticket. It said under "other" not displaying a ticket. I asked the parking attendant why i needed to display a ticket & he replied that the signs state that you need to display a ticket no matter what. On closer inspection of the sign, in TINY writing at the bottom, it did in fact say that. I wrote to them (stupidly now as I see from suggested courses of action to say they need to prove who was driving) to say i thought it was unfair. They claimed the signs were fair & that i needed to pay. I went back to say that I was aware they were unable to claim damages in a private car park in excess of the damages caused which, in a free car park is nothing. They have responded quoting case Arthur and another v Anker and another (1996) saying i still have to pay. Any thoughts on next steps...?
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