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Everything posted by cupcake68

  1. Sorry! I wasn't meaning to sound ungrateful for the support! I didn't think you were saying I should have to change my number (I was just trying to find that fighting spirit and I found it in the wrong place!) Had a letter from mint today informing of default charges added to our account! (Boy! they don't hang around do they?) I wonder if that is because we missed one payment or because they received our CCA request?!
  2. Hi Thanks for the support! Should I have to change my number? I have had it for years! I was amazed when it was quiet all day yesterday until half past 8 (surely that is a bit much?! after all I could have been ill and just missed a payment!) We've been out this evening and just got home to 4 calls all from one credit card(!!!) I am getting a bit braver, maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to answer! I have always turned down the option of PPI because we have always been self employed (think maybe I should have taken it out in hindsight!) but a hot scented bath sounds like a lovely idea! Everyones support really does help. Thank you x
  3. I love all these ideas. I just don't have the fight in me any more! Life has become so emotionally draining I just can't face another unnecessary fight. I suppose that says it all ....... This one's not unnecessary, it is actually the most important fight I have on at the moment!!! Off to find some inner strength from somewhere! (used to have it by the bucket loads, just not sure where I have put it now!)
  4. Thanks so much! I am going to start answering them and telling them to put it in writing. I just thought that missing one payment they might be easy on me this month if they just thought it might be an oversight. Silly I know! When they call and I am not around the children I will take your advice.
  5. The phone hasn't stopped ringing!! We ended up taking it off the hook tonight! SHould we answer them?
  6. I have had one caller try several times in the lats 48 hours but I haven't been brave enough to answer!! Am I making things worse? Will they just keep trying or will they get the message and write instead? I don't like this bit! I have a feeling I'm not going to like the next bit much either!!
  7. All 30 letters sent out today. So now I am waiting until 14 working days are up. Can someone please confirm the next step to me. If no response I can just not pay them and explain it's because they haven't provided an enforceable agreement. Any agreements that do arrive I will post on here and hope and pray for someone in the know to advise me. In the meantime anyone calling and asking why we haven't paid this months minimum payments I just tell them we have written to them and would like all correspondence in writing and hang up. Is this all right? Sorry to be a pain but now starting to panic!!!!!!!!!1
  8. Hi MG Thanks so much for all you advice. I hadn't thought about EPC on holiday let, I'm now looking into it (so thanks!) and the info about harassment is great, I am really getting worried about them calling and turning up. My eldest always rushes to answer the phone, I'm having to tell her not to answer just in case!! She had a really tough time at school last year and I don't want her to start getting upset again because of all this. I am sitting here tonight filling in the letters tonight, it has taken quite some time to complete 30 of them(!!) I am posting them tomorrow so time will start ticking. Thanks again Esile
  9. Thanks for the support MG I'm not feeling so confident today so your words of support really help! Just trying to make room in our house for my Dad so that we can try to get some extra income from renting out his place!! Not enough room!!!! I keep telling myself things have to get worse before they get better. The letters are going out on monday. maybe I'll feel on top of it once they are all done.
  10. Thanks for the advice guys and gals! I feel so differently now about all this, it's so weird! I have spent the last nine months losing sleep over missing a payment and having them phone, now I feel almost relieved it is happening, waiting for it has just put everything on hold. I actually started doing jobs that I have been wanting to do since last summer yesterday. I suppose I now realise there is life after not making minimum payments which before I didn't know! And I know I wouldn't feel like this if I hadn't found this site.
  11. So I have been to the post office today to get the 30 (yes 30 between the 3 of us!) postal orders. While the poor girl was printing them out she asked if I was sending them to the banks (I assume she meant credit cards companies) when I said yes she said "get them for everything you can" !!! It's obviously becoming more well known! Will be printing off my letters tonight and I will be sending them all on monday. We have decided not to pat this months minimum payments, it would have meant we had no money left for food or petrol. So I will be expecting the phone calls to start next week. What do I say? Do I just say I have reason to believe the agreement may be unenforceable and I am waiting for a reply from them before I make any more payments? Can I tell them they should not call again?
  12. Thanks for that information! I will try to find them. We have been told Abbey will only loan if we pay off C/C debts first(!) so no joy there. The only faint glimmer of hope is that we may (only may!) have someone interested in buying the flats for investment so fingers crossed.
  13. Magiciansgirl Thanks so much for explanation. I have asked so many questions I have confused myself!!! I see now what you mean about the insurance claims - Thanks! I can't believe how bad B seem! If I had known all this then I would never have signed! Good luck with your refund! Are you curently requesting a refund or are you waiting until you pay them off?
  14. Underdog So if they do not reply within the 14 days I do not have to pay until they supply an enforceable agreement? Do I have that right? Thanks
  15. Underdog Thanks for the support. We will see what happens with each one. Am I right in saying I have to give them 16 working days to reply? If they don't do I immediately write saying I will not be paying any more? Magiciansgirl I'm slightly confused about the insurance you are talking about, could you please explain? Thanks everyone!
  16. Hi Underdog They are all quite old, I think only one is since Apr 07, it's the quantity that we have that makes me think we couldn't be so lucky!! I have saved this letter from this site at some time in the last few weeks is this the letter I should be sending to them all? 1 High Street, Newtown, Kent R21 4RH June 28, 2006 The Loan Company Company House, Church Street, Newtown, Kent, R1 7HG Dear Sir/Madam Re:− Account/Reference Number 4563210025897412 This letter is a formal request pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I require you to provide me with a true copy of the credit agreement relating to the above account, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide. I expect you to comply fully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit. You are reminded that should you fail to comply with my request, the provisions of s.77 will apply. If it is your view that you are not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA 1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. In the case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. If you contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement, you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of both rights and duties. Your attention is drawn to ss.5(2), 3(b),6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). I enclose a postal order in the sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee. Note that these funds are not to be used for any other purpose. If you are unable to comply fully and properly with this request, you should confirm this in writing at the earliest opportunity, and certainly within the statutory time limit for compliance, and return the fee. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Mr A N Other Should I do them all at once being that I know I can't meet any of the payments next month? Any advice useful! Thanks
  17. SO! We met with the debt advice people last week, they were very helpful, but basically we aren't earning enough to pay our debts (this we knew!) We now have to go away and re jig our budget to show that we have a minimum amount left in our budget to show about twenty pound spare each month, therefore stating we can only afford to pay each credit card £1 per month. I asked the question about uns=enforceable credit agreements, they new nothing about them but couldn't believe big organisations like barclaycard would leave themselves open!!! So!! We have also been told by Abbey that the mortgage we have been waiting a decision on for 9 weeks is only available to us if we pay off our credit cards first!!! Back to the same old story, they will only lend if you can prove that you don't need it! So! We are stuck with the extortionately high 2nd charge for ever (well it seems like it will be forever!) let's just hope they don't increase the interest any more than 12.1% that we now pay. SO! I cannot pay the credit card minimum payments next month therefore I feel we have no choice but to CCA them all now hoping that we can get some off our back (I still can't believe this is possible!) then once we know where we stand with each of them we will have to go back to the debt counselling people and ask them to negotiate with each lender. Does this seem the sensible thing to do? My mind has been in a whirl for so long with all this I'm not completely sure I'm seeing this straight! Please could anyone give me some support or advice about it all! :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  18. Hi Gizmo No we both have to run the business, we are getting the right amount of tax credits. We took out a loan which is secured on our property and it is the interest on that that takes nearly all that the business earns right now!
  19. I wonder if anyone can help me! My partner and I started a new businesslast year (bad timing!) and for the first 6 months we were able to pay ourselves £500 each per month, since September we have been unable to take any wage. Although we are both working full time what we are bringing in is only just covering our overheads. Therefore since September we have been living on about £700 per month in working tax credits and child tax credits. We cannot afford to give up on the business because we have used our home as security, so we cannot get work elsewhere. Are there any other benefits we could be claiming. We have two children aged 6 and 9. Thanks
  20. Thanks GB I will see what they tell me on Thursday but I will def CCA them all next weekend. We still haven't heard from Abbey about the mortgage!!! Let's hope next week will be a better one! This site has taught me so much! The worst thing about this experience is the fear of the unknown and now I've found this site I don't feel so in the dark about it all! Thank you
  21. GB Wow! Silly mistake by MBNA! (ha ha he he!) That will serve them right for reducing my credit limit so harshly and increase my interest rate to 34%!! Nosnibor Thanks for your advice, I do find it weird but i do still worry about them having the option if they so decide! We have made an appointment to see a debt counsellor next week are they likely to know/suggest about finding out if our agreements are enforceable? Is it something i can discuss with them or is it best not to mention? I will still be CCAing them whatever advice they give!
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