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  1. If you move house, and do not notify any creditors of your new address, is it possible for the CRA's to link you to your old address/debts ? Or, is it possible to move and begin to slowly build up a fresh credit rating and clean report by opening new bank accounts and only have new things at the new address ? Many thanks
  2. Hello I left the UK 5 years ago, to work overseas, and left a whole load of unsecured debt behind - loans and credit cards. It was about £80k in total I am now coming back to the UK to work and don't know how to go about dealing with it. Because I have been out of the country I have had no correspondence about any of the debts, so I have no idea what is happening re chasing me for payment. I am renting a property and understand that I can get a bank account for my salary to be paid into, with just a cashcard and no overdraft etc I have several questions :- If I get an account with a bank that I have no debt with, will I be found by other creditors ? If I go on the electoral role will I be found by the creditors ? If I can get past 6 years without being found, will my old debts disappear ? If one company finds me, do they all - by sharing information, or do they just want settlement of their own debts ? If I stay at the rented house for a while, and don't use any previous addresses, will I eventually get some credit and build a new profile, or is there some other link other than address ? I would be grateful for any help and advice
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