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Everything posted by fieldy969

  1. Hi All. This has come to a satisfying solution. After constant phone calls and an email to the Asda headquarters I received a response. I was offered a full refund (to right!) and £15 goodwill which was appreciated. I was also given free delivery for my next online shop at Asda. The refund was processed very quickly. I will now be taking my custom back to Tesco. I wonder if they take free delivery vouchers for Asda Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  2. Thank you for the response suzieblooz, this does make things abit clearer as to why the driver left when he did. I know obviously you are meant to be in for your slot and had I realised that this would of turned out the way it has I wouldn't of bothered in the first place. I feel the Customer Service shouldn't have accepted my request for the driver to wait if they knew the circumstances the drivers are under. It has now come to the point that when I ring the store I don't think they are taking me seriously. The supposedly manager of Online shopping has been as bad if not worse than the Customer Service team. Empty promises of call backs have annoyed me the most. I feel like I'm fighting a lost cause and still have no refund/compensation that the manager promised. If I had been unreasonable than this is the kind of service I would have expected but for a first time user of Asda's online service I will never be shopping with them (Online or Offline) ever again.
  3. Thank you for your response barracad. From what I understood is that the Online help had called the store requested the last delievery slot and asked the driver to call me as I wouldn't be far away (which I was not). The delivery slot is 5-7 so if this was the last slot then why did the driver leave before 7? I've also read somewhere that Asda will only take the money on delivery of the items, as this didn't happen what gives them the right to take payment 4 days after?
  4. Hi All, I would like to share with you my recent experience with ASDA Online shopping which has turned into a farce. Apologies for this being such a heavy thread: I placed my order online on Saturday 31st January and requested a delivery time between 5-7 on Sunday 1st February from Asda in Watford. I rang up the Online help on Sunday afternoon and stated that I would be traveling from Portsmouth back to Watford. I used the online shopping knowing that there would be no stores open for me to get food for the week. The driver was asked to give me the latest delivery spot and if I was not in to ring me as I would not be far away. The driver called at 6.39pm and I told him I was at the train station and would be 5 minutes. The driver said he might have to leave even though he had up to 7.00pm to make the delivery. I asked him to wait repeatedly and I would be there shortly. As requested the driver should have stayed as I was at the house by 6.45pm but I saw him driving away before I reached my house. I called the Online help immediately and stated what had happened and was told that they would rearrange a delivery slot for me. I received a courtesy call on Monday from a representative who said they would not be able to deliver the food that day (due to the weather) and that I would receive a further call to confirm the situation. I waited all morning Tuesday and received nothing and this point I was beginning to lose my patience, was I really going to have to wait for a 3rd day to get food which should have been delivered the day I requested. I decided to ring the helpline again. I was now speaking to a third rep, they said they would call the store whilst I was on hold and ask what the situation was. After a couple of minutes of waiting I was put through to a person from the store with no warning. The person on the other end said 'hello?' in a confused voice and asked who I was. Why didn't the rep tell the store rep what the situation was? After explaining the situation and a lot of confusion from the stores end, the store rep said they would have to call me back because they didn't know what was going on. At this point I had lost patience with a service that was meant to be so simple to use. I rang again after another hour of waiting for a call and spoke to a 4th rep. I now had to explain the situation for a 3rd time and was told that the rep would call back in 15 minutes with an update. I didn't receive the call (unsurprisingly) and so rang for a 5th time speaking to the 5th rep. By now I was pretty sure I had spoken to the whole team. I then decided to check my account on the ASDA website and it said the order had been closed and the food delivered, simply not true! True to his word the 5th rep had managed to get the store to give me a call. I spoke to Andy Phillips who totally agreed with what I was saying and had been very understanding. He tried to compensate me with money of my next shop online/free delivery (is it really worth going through all of this again, I think not). I was told I would get a call on Tuesday. I checked my bank account this morning and realized I had been charged for groceries which had not been delivered; at this point I'm boiling over and feel trapped. Tuesday's call did not come and I rang Andy direct today. His response was he would look into the matter and call me back. 2 hours passed and no response. I call for the final time for Andy to say "Are you going to be in tonight?" 4 days after original delivery date, I DO NOT WANT THE FOOD!! I feel for them this should be a priority matter as the service I have received has been atrocious. The ASDA store in Watford is only a 5 minute drive from my house so why had the driver left in such hurry if the store was so close? So for the driver to wait for 5 minute it resulted in a 96 hour delay for groceries which could have been delivered on the day requested... Andy has said he will get me a refund but I don't think this is enough for the inconvenience and waste of time this event has been. Where do I go from here? I have lost a lot of time chasing this order, wasted money on phone calls to poor customer service and received only 1 inbound courtesy call vs. 7 outbound calls to keep the process moving. I am 20 years old and currently on an industrial placement. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.
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