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  1. my wife and i recieved letters yesterday regarding our accounts:( we each have our own account and one joint account(all will be effected). luckily i'm in a position that i could clear off two of them,probably before the deadline but why should i!? by the way if they try to move you to a royalties gold acc,DONT LET THEM! (it works out just as expensive). i realy feel this is a kick in the teath to the very people who bailed them out. i would seriously consider moving banks,is there any descent ones out there?? bookworm,good work on the letter!
  2. silverfox,,thanks i will send that letter me thinks:D also thanks for the other members inputs too!
  3. thank you so much for the reply,£10 would be 2/3 of the dept! its more the principal of it tho,they are asking for money without telling me what its for!!
  4. first of ,greart site as i have used the advice given on this site to get me whare i am to date BUT i could do with some advice now..... 1 a letter from lowell portfolio arrives 10/08 saying i am due £**.** to 3mobile. this letter is accompanied by a letter from 3mobile saying they have past on the dept. on recieving this letter i contacted 3mobile who have no record of me owing any money. 2 i ignore lowell after speaking to 3mobile. 3 i recieve a letter from mackenzie hall who i reply to with the template letter. 4 mackenzie hall reply with,we have requested the credit ageement from our client(lowell portfolio)and have put you account on hold and if we do not recieve anything from lowell porfolio we will close your account and return it to the client.(not exact wording as i cant find the letter). 5 a letter arrives 6 weeks later bisacally asking for the same as mackenzie hall.(this time from buchananclarkeandwells). i reply with the template letter to them and lowell porfolio aswell this time. 6 i recieve a letter from bkw saying the account has been closed at there office. i also recieved a letter from lowell porfolio... We are in receipt of your request for a copy of the executed credit agreement in accordance with Section 77(1) and / or 78(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The account agreement to which you seek is not a regulated agreement under the Consumer credit Act 1974 and the provisions of this Act do not apply to this debt. Our client therefore has no obligation under the provision of the Act to supply the information requested by you. We would therefore request you contact us on the number below to forward your proposals to settle the outstanding debt. now,my question is! is this true and if not ,whare would i go from here??? thanks in advance:D
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