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  1. Update: SAR eceived, no signatures of any kind included, sent a letter to DEBT MANAGERS LTD who were pestering me telling them the account will be in dispute after 12 days and the usual gumpf telling them not to pass to any other company etc etc Received a letter from DEBT MANAGERS LTD several weeks ago saying they are passing the account back to barclaycard and they will take no further action. Sent a letter to Barclaycard saying no signatures were provided and demanding back the £100 they took under right to offset, saying iff they can't prove I owe the debt they have no legal right to take it. Received a letter a few days ago saying they couldn't find details of my account to investigate (they sent me the SAR??!!), so have given them specific account number and address registered with the account, they shouldn't have anymore excuses not to find it. Currently awaiting a response to my letter from them.
  2. Blackadder Red Dwarf Family guy Futurama Archer (new animated series, check it out) Stuff that will never be topped: Deadwood Rome Heroes Dexter
  3. "I would like the honourable member to explain exactly how someone would take what is effectively millions of peoples DNA records, and sell them to the highest bidder whilst bypassing the wealth of top security which would be employed to protect said data. I also ask for an explination of why an insurance company should, in their right minds, give life insurance to someone who's family has a chronic history of disease and complications, if all such insurance companies did not screen said customers every insurance company in the world would likely be bankrupt".
  4. "I would ask the honourable member of the house what, exactly he has to hide which would make him hesitant to join the national DNA database. The DNA database can be used by forces such as the police to identify if a person has committed a crime, I fail to see why this is such a disagreeable prospect for him".
  5. I thank the honourable member for those comments, and in response: 1) DNA Database "Should a citizen visit a doctor, hospital, or any other medical institution the practitioner they meet with shall access the DNA database during the appointment and check the last date the citizens details were updated, if this date is over 6 months the citizen must update those details during the appointment, it shall be a criminal offence to knowingly provide inacurate information and should the citizen refuse to update these details then treatment will be refused, in the case of emergency the citizen will be treated before details are confirmed. Should the citizen have no fixed address they must provide all information available and residence status shall be marked as unstable until a fixed address is available to update. These details should take no longer than 10 minutes to update so time should not be a major factor". "In regards to those citizens who have passed away, a note will be placed on their file stating where they currently rest, in the case of any other method such as cremation, the address of the institution who carried out the cremation will be noted, the file will then be digitally archived allowing easy access to that file should there be a need to do so. After a period of 10 years, the file will be deleted entirely from the national database". "People who find themselves in an incorrect blood group can have their details updated free of charge by submitting a small form available from their local council, this will also require another form to be attached from a doctor stating that they have confirmed the citizen is currently in an incorrect group". "In addition to this, the undersecretary of state's comments are also valid actions we will be persuing in support". 2) Identity Cards "Data collection will be started at 16 years of age, when a file is created the first entry is free of charge, the parent of the citizen will be responsible for providing all details for the child at that stage, at 18 years of age the person in question must update their details themselves via a form (or via the internet) which can be provided by their local council. Should the child have no parents then the next closest family member will be able to submit a form on the child's behalf (providing ID to prove their relation to the child). These ID cards can be used as identification when opening bank accounts and as such, the system prevent that person from opening the account or using the card as ID for credit in any form whilst the details remain incorrect. If a child has no family at all to provide the form they will be able to visit their local jobcentre of council who can assign a case worker who will be able to update their details. For children under 18 who have no family or next of kin, ordering a new ID card shall be free. Changing details on your ID card shall remain free but providing a new card will be at a charge". "Information included on the ID card itself will be: Full Name Date of birth Current registered address Reference number linked to that person's ID file Valid from and Expiry dates" 3) Crime "If the honourable member is referring to home security, there are many home security systems that citizens are able to purchase and install themselves. Should the honourable member be referring to services such as the police, my plan is to increase the numbers of police in every area as they are currently struggling to cope with all emergencies due to small force sizes, all current community support officers, who I regard to be close to useless as a job role, shall be trained to become full force members free of charge". 4) Defence "Regarding Trident submarines, we cannot justify spending £20bn to update a submarine to extend it's life by only 5 years, a new system will be developed to deploy the trident missiles at a greatly reduced cost without the need for the submarines, in short, the missiles will stay, the most of the submarines will not, all the remaining submarines will be phased out as soon as a new deployment system is active"
  6. Since I've always wondered how I would run the country if the village idiot was removed from office, i've decided to play a little game. I'm the prime minister, below is how I would fix this country and initiatives I would start to achieve the targets. The first person to reply is leader of the opposition party (which at this stage would be the conservatives, but you can judge which party I would be via my manifesto below). Second person to reply is leader of the Lib Dems or whichever 3rd party it happens to be. Any subsequent posts are by random members of the house (you can state which party you represent before your question, can be fictional if you like). Fire your questions at me about the manifesto and i'll reply in a very prime-ministerish way, think of this as a game where were all in the house of commons and debating with each other (which tends to be better than most soap opera's anyways). So, here goes. (ignore any spelling mistakes, i got little to no sleep last night and i'm sat at work bored ) IMPORTANT NOTE: Although you can be representatives of fictional parties I would ask that you dont ask any un-related questions such as "BUT WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT THE PENGUIN ARMY ADVANCING ON OUR BORDERS??!!!111111one", the aim of this game is to see how people would solve the countries problems or change things to make them work, so constructive if possible pleeease ---------------------------------------------------- Prime Minister Mr. DoomPriestKano 2010 Manifesto and Initiatives. ---------------------------------------------------- "Members of the house, esteemed colleagues and honourable representatives, having been chosen by the people to fix Britain, I shall not disappoint". "Britain is in a dire financial situation. With our defecit reaching hundreds of millions per year, this cannot continue and therefore I shall enact the following procedures, initiatives and schemes to remedy the situation, these issues may be controversial but I invite you to discuss the matter with me and if we can provide any workeable alternatives, I welcome the opportunity". 1) Defence "Britain has always been a beacon for democracy, helping those under opression and promoting free will and freedom throughout the world, however we cannot fight a war on a defecit, despite my own patriotic feelings telling me to remain in Afghanistan and Iraq, I intend to withdraw all troops as soon as possible, they are currently poorly equipped and cannot do their job effectively without appropriate support, I will not be responsible for the deaths of our brave soldiers and we must now look to saving Britain before we save anywhere else. The previous prime minister has said that we currently have a number of active nuclear trident submarines as deterrent against aggressors, I believe there are too many of these submarines and plan to reduce their numbers, saving several billion pounds which will be re-invested to reduce our current defecit." 2) Crime "Another scheme which the previous prime minister suggested introducing, and one which I actually support is a national DNA database. This is a highly controversial subject and one that many people have objected to, which they have full rights to do. To remedy their concerns I make this pledge, which will be enacted as part of the law to govern the system, that the data collected will NOT be used to spy on the person in question, the data will be used solely to drastically reduce the crime rate within britain as DNA evidence is a very important and powerful tool in the fight against crime. I invite anyone to supply their arguments against this and I will consider any alternatives offered." "Further to this, I intend to introduce the National ID card across britain, these cards can be used as passports but without the size and inconvenience as cards do not degrade in quality as fast and can also be stored easily, this card will be the chief form of identification for british citizens. Card potection has come along vastly in recent years so producing forgeries of these cards will be difficult and there will be several instantly-recognizeable methods of spotting a fake should they arise." "There will be an amendment to the law stating that anyone who breaks ino a property is at the mercy of the property owner, reasonable force to eject the offender may be used, if it is proved that the property owner has used excessive force, criminal charges may be initiated against that person. "Those who cause child neglect and are proven to have acted willfully in abusing a child or causing a child's death as a result of neglect will be steralized andwill NOT be eligable for adoption schemes". 3) Prisons + Punishment "Firstly, the definition of "life" shall be changed from a minimum of 25 years to it's literal meaning, if you get life, you will spend the rest of your days incarcerated". "Our prison system is overcrowded and this has led to early release for many dangerous people who should not be allowed back on our streets, therefore I propose that a new off-shore prison facility be built to house all current prison inmates, this correctional facility will be a maximum security facility, and will NOT have the current luxuries that all inmates enjoy such as sky television, games consoles and other items. These criminals have broken the law and as such should be trated as what they are, giving them luxuries and a roof over their heads will do nothing but convince them to re-offend when released if they have nowhere else to go." "In regards to punishment, as well as being registered on the sex offenders register anyone who commits a sexual crime with an underage person (or overage and unconsented) and the act is admitted or found guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, offending party will have their reproductive organs removed. Likewise, the act of murder shall result in the ending of the offenders life or life imprisonment using the same guidelines as previously mentioned for sexual crimes, the crime must be pleaded guilty or proven beyond any reasonable doubt." 4) Transport "The rail and bus companies will be bought and re-nationalized so we can protect jobs and focus on improving the country's transport system". "The high-speed rail network will be expanded to cover all major cities, this will not be enacted until the defecit is under control and ticket prices will rise slightly to fund the expansion, with a 25% drop in ticket prices after the expansion is complete, this ticket price reduction will be for a period of 6 months to refund the public for the expansion funding" 5) Finances "Footballers in england who earn over 25000 a month will be taxed at 50%, and a further 1% for every £10,000 thereafter (meaning if christiano ronaldo was still playing in the UK, he would be taxed at 56% as he's currently on a hideous £80,000 wage)". "MP's will no longer be able to claim mortgage costs on second homes, instead they CAN claim on travel expenses, and any expenses directly linked to their constituancy. MP's will take a 25% wage reduction, including myself, which will be used to reduce the defecit". "To help reduce the defecit we MUST look to britain's finances before helping anyone elses, therefore all governmental aid overseas for disaster relief will be halted until the defecit is under control, there are charities who can help those overseas and I urge the public to donate to them if they wish to make a difference". "Banking bonuses paid above £30,000 to any employee of any bank of financial institution at the end of the fiscal year who have situation within the UK's borders will be taxed at 50%, seeing as they get paid millions despite a drop in profits this shouldn't worry them much". "We will be immediately recovering the billions we have paid the banks to bail them out, if they refuse to pay we will pass the issue to a debt collection agency who will then constantly harrass them to recover the money, let's see how they like it". "All benefits will be merged to one department, there will no longer be several benefits for different situations, you will call a single number, they will assess your situation and pay you a single payment for anything you are entitled to" "The previously suggested Robin Hood Tax will be taken into effect, this system states that any financial transaction that leaves the country shall pay a 0.005% tax, this will raise billions and will be used directly to reduce our defecit, I am raising the tax to 0.010% to double the revenue, this will still be unseeable in transaction fees by companies". "Using the money gained from all the aforementioned financial initiatives we will immediately drop the defecit by paying off all external loans and debt owing to other countries". "Should there by any further issues you need me to state my position on, please feel free to ask, Mr. Speaker, I now invite all questions from other parties".
  7. Iv'e had kittens put down before (had swelling on it's cranium preventing it from functioning properly), so i've been on both sides of the fence. In the end I look at things logically, my own wellbeing comes first, if I have to put my pet to sleep to fall behind on bills, I would pay the bills, but thats me.
  8. To be honest though, britain had zimbabwe, then they moaned about independence and being the idiots we are we gave it to them, now what, they are dying of starvation, subject to abuse by that ***hole mugabe (who should be promptly "removed" from office by the SAS IMOVHO) and they are basically stuffed now. British rule may be harsh, but it's safe, and used to be very lucrative, not so much nowdays mind you but still, between british ownership and abuse / disease / starvation / looting / military crime I would consider british rule to be the better option.
  9. Make sure you dont pay for a CV template, microsft word has some built in which you could use and there are plenty of free websites, try those.
  10. I'll tell you what, the only animal I truly love is the cat, they totally kick ass, dogs are all well and good but they tend to be big and messy, or just big, or just messy, in either case it's annoying to have around. Cats sleep half the time, show you affection when they're awake and the only bad point is when they start pestering you for food when you genuinely can't be arsed to move My mum has 4 cats, Tex, Iggy, Lilly and Rio. Tex is completely black apart from white paws, and an INCREDIBLY stylish white strip down the center of his chin, never seen such a lovely looking cat. Iggy is mental, he attacks your feet (never hurts you) when he's in a wierd mood and curls up in his own little corner of the sofa. In the end, I find cats far more agreeable and manageable than dogs. Makes me wonder who mans best friend really is, although dogs only retain this title as some of them actually jump into lakes to save humans, a cat would be like "WTF?1 I'M OUTTA HERE!".
  11. Unfortunately your right, there will always be frail and easily intimidated people who will just buckle under threats from these guys, it's a shame.
  12. let down? LET DOWN? they haven't just let you down, they have behaved positively disgustingly towards a member of the public who requires assistance, i'm guessing you mentioned to the lady that you were unable to wait for that long in the queue? christ i'm angry! and that's not a regular thing! Follow silverfox's advice, it's easy and should bear some fruit if the circumstances allow it. Also, the health card is an ace in the hole, when you contact them via letter to claim on your charges / interest, pile on the guilt for allowing you to suffer in one of their branch queue's despite asking for help, mentioning the resulting incident outside, they wont risk arguing as it's a matter they would find very awkward to deal with. They also tend to get jittery if you mention Watchdog, the OFT or any other asset that will happily screw them over should you report the matter.
  13. To be honest I would disagree with this, mostly because of my current situation, I have always believed that if you want a debtor to pay his debts, you keep 100% unchallengeable proof that they must repay it, losing the paperwork is a silly move and should be treated harshly to force them to be more efficient with the data they hold. If they can't prove the debt I consider myself absent of responsibility to pay for it. It's a dog-eat-dog world, creditors had better get used to it. But as I said, thats incredibly biased due to my current gripe with Barclaycard
  14. Watched some of those a few years ago, not my style of comedy but I can appreciate the time and effort that went into them I'm more of a red dwarf / blackadder / futurama / family guy person myself
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