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Everything posted by Voda

  1. Indeed Steven. Again my apologies. Take care and thanks all you guys for this awesome forum .... Voda
  2. My apologies Steven, You are right, of course. But like many of us, the stress that this organisation has caused me is actually making me ill. I hope that the Citizens Advice Bureau tells me what action I can take ( In Court, if needs be ) against WF. All my other creditors have played fairly and behaved totally responsibly. What makes Welscum so important that they do not feel they have to act in a decent manner. Voda
  3. Hi Guys, I really am getting to the end of my tether with this bunch of [edit]. Some smoothie left a message for me to call him today. THEY NEVER ANSWER MY LETTERS so I am going to put all my correspondence in the hands of the CAB as all these so called financial organisations such as the FSA and Financial Ombudsman are rubbish. I am so glad that I have everything in writing. Voda
  4. Morning everyone, If the Tories return to Government, they would get rid of the FSA and make the Bank of England more responsible.
  5. I am loving all this. Well done Guys, can't wait to see the final demise of Welscum .... Have a great weekend. Voda
  6. Aktiv Capital ...... Another bunch of crooks/parasites who are chasing me for a debt that is " Long Time Expired ". I ignore all these people over this debt and they eventually go away ....LOL !!! I am too old and ugly to be caught out by these morons !!! Voda
  7. Please God, May Welscum be soon no more. They are the Devil organisation and totally evil. Voda
  8. Thanks Stewie and Guys, Thought my dream would lighten up the mood on here ..... :grin: Nitey nite. Sweet dreams ....
  9. Morning Guys, Sadly I woke up before anything exciting or otherwise happened ...... I thought that the dream was very significant. i.e Welscum stripping it's clients bare..... Have a great day and hey wasn't that Andy Murray match simply magnificent last night..... Voda
  10. I had a dream !! Last night I had a dream that I had gone into Welcome's local office to talk to the Branch Manager. I was asked to take my trousers/skirt off before seeing him. He kept me waiting an hour at least until I told him that I had to leave as I had another appointment. He wouldn't so I could not leave without seeing him. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hi Paul, Many thanks for your answer. I get it now, I think !!! Take care Voda
  12. Hi HTH, Excuse me if I am a bit thick on this but when I multiply £4.05 by 180, I make it £729.00 not £810.00 !!! I am probably missing something anyway ...Duh Take care Voda
  13. Hi again mojo8, LOL !! Prospective employer - " I see on your CV that you worked for Welcome Finance." " Yes indeed " - He or she says. " Did you get any worthwhile training whilst in their employ." " Absolutely ". " Then why does your former company have such an awful reputation". " Good question and I have no idea but they did teach me to follow the company line." " Did you think that their teaching was good or bad ". " Good question but to be honest it was the only job that I could get at the time and something is better than nothing." " What makes you think that our company is right for you ". " I am agressive, good at dealing with awkward customers who will not tow the line, great at selling all kinds of add-ons to new agreements and know how to meet targets each month". " Well thank you for coming to see us and we will be in touch". " My pleasure and if you decide to offer me a job, you will not regret employing me." :wink:
  14. Hiya, I am praying for the day when WF are finished for good and all their staff have to find a decent job with a decent company. Take care Voda
  15. Hi mojo8, I would rather have borrowed from a loanshark than Welscum....;-) At least you know where you are with a loanshark..... With WF, agree with you, they sure make up the rules as they go along...... Voda
  16. Morning Postie, Thanks for the info.... Makes you wonder who you can trust these days with crooked MP's and now serving Police Officers in the Met.... The whole world has gone mad.... Voda
  17. Hi Guys, That reminds me now. When I had finished paying for my car after 36 months ( not Welscum rubbish but a lovely Japanese coupe that I bought from an excellent main dealer with three year's warranty ), I received a phone call from WF's Head Office saying that I was one payment short. I told them that the agreement was for 36 months and was fully paid up and the bloke said sorry, you are quite correct. So obviously they had put down 37 payments to again make their accounts look healthier than they actually were. Postie, when do you think all the scandals that you have uncovered will be revealed?...e.g The Police etc. Nite Voda
  18. Hi MarkieMark, Agree with you totally. I have NEVER in all my life dealt with such a firm of incompetent cowboys. I really hope they die a slow and painful death very soon. Take care Voda
  19. Morning Postie & Silly Girl, All my agreements were signed at the Feltham Branch. Voda
  20. Hi Postie, That's the number I called yesterday. Yep, Sutton is in South West London. Take care Voda
  21. Hi all, Been away for a few days and when I arrived back, some monkey had left a message asking me to call them. His number was 0208 643 6480. ( Sutton and Belmont area ) So I rang them and it was their Collections Dept - NDU or something. Some jerk answered and I said " What company are you " and he said, " NDU " or something. I said " What company is this " and he said " Who are you ". I said, " I am not telling you until you tell me ". Stand Off ..... Of course, I recognised their number anyway and said " By any chance are you part of Welcome Finance " and he said, " Yes ". I said, " Oh yes, you are the company that's going BUST " and hung up. Voda chuckles. I HATE THIS COMPANY WITH A VENGEANCE THAT NEVER HAS THE COURTESY TO ANSWER MY LETTERS SO UNTIL THEY DO, THEN I WILL NEVER SPEAK TO THE COWBOYS.
  22. Hi Andie, Great. I'll PM you later and a few of us should get together on this one. Must nip out and do the lottery .....
  23. The more that I hear about Welcome Finance, the more they disgust me. Forging signatures etc, unbelievable. There is a new series of Watchdog coming out in the Autumn and I gather that Anne Robinson is presenting it again. What about it guys and gals? Voda
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