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Everything posted by joesmummy

  1. It's ok...I know that wasn't what you were trying to say. It really was such a stupid thing to do and I deeply regret it as it has caused a great deal of distress at a time when I really don't need it. I just know that calling these companies is often problematic and I wondered if putting it in writing would be better? The bank told me that they would be informing the companies that the CPA had been stopped.
  2. I have absolutely no intention whatsoever of borrowing any more money!! It has to go down as the most stupid thing i have ever done in my life!! Obviously I had every intention of repaying and had I been entitled to company sick pay, may have been able to keep up, however I have not been there long enough so it is a case of getting ssp for the for-seeable future. I am signed off for another month as of yesterday and will need quite a lot of recovery time.
  3. I am happy to provide a copy of my sick note or proof of my income but I don't think they need to know the personal details of my surgery do they?
  4. Good morning, I need some help and advice. I took out two loans before Christmas, one with Quick Quid for £300 and one with Lending Stream for £400. I have paid one payment back to Quick Quid of £44 and I have paid two payments to LS - £153 and £212 but there is still a balance of over £400 outstanding. I am currently signed off sick from work and awaiting an operation so I am on SSP. I cannot afford to repay at the rate they want - the next LS payment due is for over £200!! I contacted my bank yesterday and cancelled the CPA. They told me that if either company took any money from my account it would be refunded within 48 hours. What else do I need to do now? I have not contacted the companies yet. I know that realistically I need to offer them at least something but I am worried that they will not accept my offer. I have been advised that I can claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction to help me over the next few weeks but I still will only be able to afford a maximum of £10 per month to each company. I would be grateful for any help and advice on the proper way to deal with this as painlessly as possible. With many thanks.
  5. Hi there, thanks for your reply. Yes, it says I may be prosecuted. I think I am going to write a letter as then I can keep a record of what is said. I mean surely they will see from his NI number that he hasn't earnt or claimed anything. I just have no idea where to start or what to say. I'm scared truth be told. Scared my money will stop, scared I will have to repay thousands of pounds and worst thing is, its my own stupid fault.
  6. I am in a similar situation myself. Got married Sept 2011. I got a letter saying that they had recieved infor that my partner was living with me. He doesnt work, just stays at home with the children and doesnt claim either. I hust thought that as there were no financial implications that it wouldnt matter but obviously it does matter!!! Feel a bit sick myself as i am scared of what might happen when I "Confess" You are not alone and I hope that knowing that at least helps a little bit. xx
  7. Hi there, I got married last september and my husband moved in with me. He stays at home with the children, he does not work or claim any benefit at all. The only money coming into the house is my wage so I stupidly did not think I needed to tell tax credits as financially, nothing had changed. I got a letter yesterday saying that they had recieved information that I was living with my partner and I have until 15th October to tell them why i did not inform them otherwise my tax credits will be stopped and i will be prosecuted for giving false information. They didn't actually get his surname right at all - they gave him a double barelled surname - they got the Nash bit right then added Bond which I really don't understand. I'm really worried. I realise now that I have messed up badly and I am obviously willing to repay any over payment but I am too scared to phone them as I don't know what to say. I don't want to be accused of fraud!! How can I rescue this situation without losing the lifeline that is my tax credits. Thanks in advance.
  8. We are also struggling to understand how payments have been made on the account. We have not paid them, one was allegedly paid by cheque and neither of us have, or have ever had a cheque book!!
  9. I have already written to the original creditor, Halifax, but they sent a letter back, which we got today, stating that they no longer had anything to do with the account.
  10. No, we moved in on 2/1/06 My partner knew the previous occupant of the property. And no, I did not know my partner in 2004 but I really do not see waht that has to do with anything. He has been the victim of identity theft. He lived in a completely different county in 2004.
  11. Should also mention that after going through every bit of paperwork in the house I have found an invoice for deposit on a property, on headed paper, from a residential lettings company in Somerset, dated 27th March 2004, with his old address on (Wincanton, Somerset)!!!! Will that be enough to stop Capquest???
  12. We know because we spoke to Capquest and that was the information they gave us. 16th March 2004.
  13. Hi, I posted on here a couple of weeks ago regarding a problem with Capquest and a fraudulent Halifax Credit card. I sent off a CCA request to Capquest after they issued a Statutory Demand for Bankruptcy. I also sent a letter to Halifax explaining that in November 2009 I contacted them regarding a fraudulent credit card application, which they promised to look into but haven't and asking them to a) take the alleged debt back from Capquest and b) look into the matter fully. (I sent a copy of this letter to Crapquest too). I sent them both recorded delivery on 22/5/10. I got a letter back today from Halifax saying that they no longer own the debt and all correspondence must be with Crapquest. Now, there has definately been a fraudulent card application. The card was taken out in March 2004, in my partners name, at our address, trouble is, he did not move in here unitl 2006!! What else can I do to sort this out? Halifax don't want to know even though when we spoke to htem on Nov 09 they promised to look into it. I know how evil Capquest are and I want to arm myself woth as much ammo as I can!! Any advice would be greatfully recieved! Capquest are by far the most VILE bunch of people I have ever had to deal with and I don't want to be scared of them any more! Thanks in advance.
  14. hi there, thanks for looking. At present the person at Capquest has put things on hold for 14 days, pending the letters and cheque she asked me to send. We DO NOT have the CCA and my partner DID NOT apply for or have this credit card and he has NEVER signed anything or made any payments on the account. We have never recieved anything from Halifax, only from capquest.
  15. Hi there, have used this site before and it has always been brilliant for help and advice so I am back again!! My partnet have just been served with a statutory demand for bankruptcy from Capquest. It was hand delivered by a "gentelman" and is dated 27th April 2010. It is for a Halifax Credit Card that was taken out on 16/3/2004 and is for the amount of £1315. It is in his name and taken out from this address. The problem is that he did not live here in 2004! I spoke to a very rude lady at capquest who told me that the last payment to the halifax was made on 23/08/06, a payment of £95. then on 13th July 2007 a cheque was sent to Capquest, who had by then taken over the account, for £106 and a further payment of £100 was paid to them on 28th July 2007, apparantley this was made at a bank but she would not say which bank! We have had letters from capquest before and we contacted Halifax to tell them that we suspected that this was a case of identity theft and they promised that they would put things on hold and look into it. We heard nothing more and assumed the matter was cloesed....until about two hours ago!!! The person from capquest has told me i need to send them a signed letter of dispute and a £10 cheque and ask to see the original credit agreement. Now, I think this is a bit strange as I thought it was £1 you had to send??? Could some one please advise me of which letters I should be sending and to whom and what i should be asking for etc etc? I would be very grateful for your help. Look forward to hearing from some of you soon, regards, joesmummy.
  16. many thanks for that. I had no idea that you could be made bankrupt just like that. i have no other debts, i have a credit card which i pay ever month but that is up to date. How can they write letters like that threatening bankruptcy?
  17. Hi there, I am seeking advice and would be very grateful for comments/advice on this matter. I am being chased for a Halifax debt that is over 10 years old. I recieved a letter from CapQuest this morning it said: "On 19th Sept 08, a statutory demand for bankruptcy was sent to you, which we have not recieved a positive contact from (Please note, I have never recieved anything of this nature from Halifax or CapQuest, in fact I have had not contact from either for years!) We therefore have no alternative but to instruct our field agents ScotCall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy. If satisfactory service has been achieved by the agent, they will sign a witness statement that a personal service has been achieved, which may be required by the court....it then goes on about costs incurred etc and says that I must contact them and enter into a repayment agreement. They claim the balance due is £1266.62. I am extremely unsure what to do now. I have had no contact with either company for AT LEAST ten years, I have read about statute barring and CCA's but I dont fully understand the process. I would be grateful for some advice please. Many thanks.
  18. I was thinking about getting some more firm legal advice and I think I will do so. At the end of the day it all comes down to proof and I will have some difficulty proving my innocence. At present is looks like I have fraudulently rented a property, not paid any rent, obtained credit and not paid it off and not paid my council tax!!! I explained to the lady at the council yesterday that I had bank statements delivered to my previous address and even my degree certificate but she said unless I was named on the mortgage or utility bills, (which I wasnt as it was my previous partners house and he continued to claim single persons council tax discount so he is not going to back me up!!) that I couldn't prove I did not live at the property in question. She basically said that I could have had mail delivered to one address while actually residing at another which i suppose is true but only if you are as dishonest as my ex-partner who I am sure has done this on purpose. Thankfully the council tax thing appears to be the only debt being chased linked to that address for now, as i said, other debts have been written off. there is also the issue with the inland revenue, again, cant see a way out of that one and now to top it all i just got a letter through the post from Red Collections (i thought Lowells were dealing with it) regarding the Barclaycard situation saying they are going to take me to court even though I emailled weeks ago saying i wanted to pay £20 a month and heard nothing back!!!! End of rope comes to mind!!
  19. thankyou for your reply. The council are investigating at present but do have a "signed" and witnessed tenancy agreement. There is also apparently rental arrears on the property too which I may be liable for. I am not sure who I spoke to at the police station, just the guy on the front desk I assume and he said that because my signature was used I dont have a leg to stand on. As a matter of fact, the lady i spoke to at the council yesterday commented on how easy my signature would be to forge and advised me to change it!! This is all really scary to be honest. Some of the DCA's have been really understanding and have written off store and credit cards taken out in my name but to be honest I feel sick to my stomach at how devious my ex has been and how every finger is now pointing at me and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.
  20. This is a bit of a long one but I am really hoping for some advice so here goes!! My ex partner left the family home in Nov 2003. After a few months I started getting letters from DCA's regarding credit cards and store cards in my name that I had never signed up for. There was also a £5000 loan from welcome finance that my name was on, jointly with his, again, I did not agree to this. to cut a long story short, I was held liable for these debts and as I was a student at the time the University helped me to pay them off. Shortly after this my ex-partner went bankrupt. I have since moved on in life and moved out of the area so you can imagine my surprise when two bailiffs arrived at my property yesterday morning wanting a payment of £1000 for un-paid council tax on a property I had never lived in!! Over the past few months I have had several letters from DCA's regarding credit cards and store cards again taken out in my name but for an address I have never lived in. Some of these debts have been written off but the council obviously think that I was the occupant of this property particularly as it has come to light that I apparantley signed a tenacy agreement and my signature was witnessed by someone who happens to be a friend of my ex-partner!!! I DID NOT sign a tenancy agreement but after calling the council yesterday it seems that the evidence against me is overwhelming and the bailiffs told me they would be back in two weeks and they were not very polite about it either!!!! I do have one outstanding debt, a barclaycard credit card that I had a s a student but this has been handed over to that many dca's that I dont know who is dealing with it or what to do any more!! I am worried sick about the bailiffs coming again. I have emailled the council with the full version of events on the advice of the lovely helpful lady i spoke to yesterday but according to the CAB i should just pay it!! I also spoke to the police who were not interested. I am also being hounded by the Inland Revenue as my partner neglected to tell them he had left the family home and continued to claim working tax credit and childrens tax credits. I was not working at the time as I had my daughter in 2002 and i then was at uni but again it seems that even though he was the main claimant, because it was a joint claim, I am liable. I am confused, worried and need a plan of attack as I want to take back some control over this and my debt situation so if any one can advise I would be very grateful or if anyone has been ina similar situation I would like to hear from them too.many thanks for taking the time to read this.
  21. Hi there, have just joined the site and have read other threads with great interest, people on this site seem to give good information and advice so I would appreciate some thoughts on my present predicament!! Since the 1st January 2006, my partner and I have been using an Npower pre-payment card to purchase the white £5 pre-payment tokens, from the post office or the local shop, to go in our electicity meter. Last Friday I went to the post office to buy some more to top up the electricity meter and was told that the post office would not be selling them any more as all card meters were being changed to key meters and was surprised that I had not been contacted by my present supplier to make arrangements for the meter to be changed. I went to the local shop straight after, who informed me of the same thing. I came straight home and rang Npower to ask them a) why they had not arranged to change the meter and b) when they were coming to do it. They informed me that they did not supply this property with electricity, that it was supplied by British Gas and had been since 13th April 2006 and I had better phone them. I argued that we had been using an Npower payment card since Jan 2006 and at no time had we ever requested that our supplier be changed, but the "customer service" person said it was not Npoweres problem. So, and I know this is long winded but please stay with me, I rang British Gas, who told me that they did not, and have never, supplied this property with electricity. So, i then rang YEDL to find out who the supplier actually is only for them to tell me that according to their records there is NO existing supplier for this property and there has not been one for over three years! I gave then the serial number of the meter (which says on it property of Yorkshire electricity!) to see if that would help and the helpful lady said that no motches were found. So, what I want to know is, where has all my money been going? If it has been going to Npower for electricity they admit they dont supply, surely that is illegal in some way? Who then is responsible for the meter and how on earth do I get it changed? I have been given a brand new MPAN number and I assume that I am free to choose whoever I want to provide power to my property but this whole thing just does not seem right to me. Any comments, advice or information on what should be my next move would be greatly appreciated or I would be interested to hear from anyone in a similar situation. Many thanks.
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