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Everything posted by tudorwin

  1. Thank you. dx100uk I did not realize all my messages were kept. But thing change. the law changes from time to time. Would not the company Mortgage claims have obtained a sars if so i must have it know as they have returned all their & my original paperwork to me. I am not sure i can do this on my own. I have the attention span of a goldfish. to my way of thinking if i could at the very least get back the ERC of £24,439 i dont mind paying a company their commission because to me anything is better than nothing. If there was someone on here who could help me step by step starting from page one I would do it my self but as i said my health has deteriorated in recent years & I am afraid i can not concentrate. Is it possible i could send someone from this site all my paper work & they could tell me what to do next.
  2. Back in 2005/6 Ocean Finance arranged a large*mortgage*of 399,000 pounds for me.* In late 2007 I was lucky to sell my house & payback Capstone/SPML. Just before they repossess it.* I still have all the paperwork. Am I right in thinking I can reclaim all the charges payed to Capstone SPML.* which amounted to a lot including court costs etc. Also are Capstone/SPML known to have included*PPI*in with my monthly payments, & if so, can i also reclaim that. I also paid about 24,439.75p pounds early repayment fees,* can I reclaim that back baring in mind they broke our contract 1st by taking me to court. Any help & advice you can give me would be gratefully received.* Thanks. I have read some where i can reclaim all my unfair charges back from SPML.* Have I left it to late baring in mind the dates I have enclosed below.* & most inportantly is it possible to claim back the £24,439.75 early repayment charge. I did send all my paperwork to a reclaim company called Mortgage claims. They have now sent everything back to me saying my mortgage was mis sold. But because the figure is less than 18,000 they would not be interested in pursuing the claim under a no win no fee basis I do have all the paperwork including all there correspondence with Acenden. Where do i start to claim & what do i claim for. Below are some of the fees i have paid to SPML/ACENDEN Arrangement fee £499 Broker fee £4,000 Procuration fee £9,975 Early repayment charge £24,439.75 2/6/06 £25 unpaid d/d 4/7/06 £25 unpaid d/d 31/7/06 £50 arrears management fee 31/8/06 £50 arrears management fee 14/11/06 £25 unpaid cheque fee 30/11/06 £50 arrears management fee 8/1/07 £50 arrears management fee 31/1/07 £50 arrears management fee 19/2/07 £15 early repayment statement fee 28/2/07 £50 arrears management fee 13/3/07 £100 litigation fee 30/3/07 £50 arrears management fee 25/6/07 £725 legal costs 31/7/07 £50 arrears management fee 31/8/07 £50 arrears management fee 23/9/07 £190 early repayment & deeds release charge 23/9/07 £24,439.75 early repayment charge Thank you all in anticipation of your help.
  3. Hi this is such a big site covering so many different topics. Where do i post a new thread asking for advice about reclaiming charges & early repayment charges, procuration fee's etc from SPML/ACENDEN
  4. Thank you ericsbrother It says. date of contravention 10/12/2014 & date of this notice 02/01/2015 plus it took at least another 3 days for us to receive it in the post. Does this mean it is timed out.
  5. Thank you Armadillo71 yes it is Britannia parking.
  6. Sorry Renegadeimp. it was not my intention to offend you.
  7. I have received a parking charge notice which I am sure you all know is not a fine, just an invoice that they would like me to pay. From a well known bunch of legal muggers. The so called offence was staying approximately 10 minuets longer than the 2 hours i paid £1 to park for. In a private car park whilst Christmas shopping. Spending over £500 in shops owned by the same company who owns the car park. The car park muggers have sent me a photo of my car entering & leaving said car park unfortunately for them they have got the date/times wrong. I know i can prove beyond all reasonable doubt that there date/times are completely wrong in a court. Do I write & tell them. There for giving them the opportunity to change the date & time to the correct one. or my personal choice would be to say & do nothing. Wait for my day in court & prove beyond doubt I was not there at those times. I am sorry to be a bit cagey about who, where & when etc. But i know the car park muggers monitor these forums.
  8. Hi I know i have not been on this site for a while, I have been abroad. I have read some where i can reclaim all my unfair charges back from SPML. Have I left it to late baring in mind the dates I have enclosed below. & most inportantly is it possible to claim back the £24,439.75 early repayment charge. MY UNFAIR MORTGAGE CHARGES DATE AMOUNT WHAT 2/6/06 £25 unpaid d/d 4/7/06 £25 unpaid d/d 31/7/06 £50 arrears management fee 31/8/06 £50 arrears management fee 14/11/06 £25 unpaid cheque fee 30/11/06 £50 arrears management fee 8/1/07 £50 arrears management fee 31/1/07 £50 arrears management fee 19/2/07 £15 early repayment statement fee 28/2/07 £50 arrears management fee 13/3/07 £100 litigation fee 30/3/07 £50 arrears management fee 25/6/07 £725 legal costs 31/7/07 £50 arrears management fee 31/8/07 £50 arrears management fee 23/9/07 £190 early repayment & deeds release charge 23/9/07 £24,439.75 early repayment charge
  9. Thank you MIKE770 Shoud I write to Lowell portfolio or Shop direct or both.
  10. Hello again, I have had a reply from Lowell portfolio, stating they have been in touch with Shop Direct, who have checked their records & confirmed that they have no record of any claims of fraud being raised with them previously. Lowell portfolio also say in their letter. "There were also regular payments made towards the account via Maestro/Solo card throughout 2008". The letter also says "due to the information provided shop direct will not be treating the account as fraudulent & you would remain liable for the full balance". QUESTION. should I write to to either shop direct or Lowell portfolio or both. Asking for proof of these Maestro/solo card payments, Which would then show clearly that these payments were made not by me but buy my daughter who has a different name. & from a different address. which as i have said before I have never lived at. I am wondering if a letter directly to Shop direct telling the whole truth would help or just make things worse. Thank you in advance of your help.
  11. Hi please help; I have been a member of check my file for about 6 months, & my credit rating was pretty good up until a week ago. From about 5 years ago, until last week sometime, my mortgage my loan & my 4 credit cards were all up to date & marked OK. At the end of 2007 I moved abroad for 3 years, but kept my house here in the UK, leaving it empty, but returning a couple of times each year, to visit my grown up children & grandchildren. The problem is one of my children opened up 3 mail order catalogues accounts at their address (not mine) while I was abroad, using my name, date of birth & details, but registered to their address. I had no idea they had done this until last week. When 3 black default notices appeared on my credit report linked to their address, under my name. Where incidentally I have never lived. These black marks on my record where first registered about 4 years ago, but have only just showed up being linked to my address last week. I have read somewhere I need to get a crime number from the police to distance myself from these fraudulent credit applications/defaults. But obviously I cannot do that I would not & could not drop my daughter in trouble with the police. Despite her destroying my good credit record. All three debts amount to about £1,000 which I could pay off provided I can track down the original mail order companies, If I got in touch & explained what has happened, I am guessing they would be happy to take my money & mark it satisfied or settled but I am guessing the black marks would remain on my record until they drop off in a couple of years. Also I am guessing it won’t be long before debt collectors are banging on my door. Any help or advice any of you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I have just had a letter from Lowell portfolio, demanding £600 odd pounds. from one of the mail order catalog company's addressed to me at my home address, this is not my debt. Should I write directly to them, telling them this is not my debt.
  12. Thank you Brigadier, the links to my old addresses & the links to my daughters house were onl put on there last week. but i will write to all the CRA/s & demand they be removed. many thanks. PS Where would i find the links to the CRA's postal addresses, & should I post them recorded.
  13. Thank you reallymadwoman My credit report links me to some of my old addresses one of which I moved from in 1999 can I also ask them to remove it.& how many years after i moved should an old address link stay on my record.
  14. My credit report links me to some of my old addresses one of which I moved from in 1999 can I ask them to remove it.& how many years after i moved should an old address link stay on my record.
  15. Hi Brigadier, Any more thoughts on removing these defaults, If i contact the CRA's & tell them I have never lived at the 2 addresses linked to me, would they just contact the police & tell them there had been a fraudulent application for credit.There by sending trouble to my daughters door. One of the debts owned by cabot is registered to me in my name here at my home address, but from a letter my daughter has now given me was sent to her address in 2010, so I can prove this debt was not from here as cabot state on my credit report.
  16. Thank you Brigadier, the only one that that seems to be owned is by Cabot, which they have registered it here at my current address, but I know , it was at my daughters address not here at my home address, can i get this changed. The other 2 are registered at her address but linked to my address. What is cmf. How do I state I have never been resident at these addresses, & how do I prove. it. years ago when they used to stamp your passport in & out of the country I may have been able to but not now, although I may be able to produce bills & bank statements for the time I was abroad proving I was not even in the UK but do I really want to give these parasites any more info about me.
  17. Hi please help; I have been a member of check my file for about 6 months, & my credit rating was pretty good up until a week ago. From about 5 years ago, until last week sometime, my mortgage my loan & my 4 credit cards were all up to date & marked OK. At the end of 2007 I moved abroad for 3 years, but kept my house here in the UK, leaving it empty, but returning a couple of times each year, to visit my grown up children & grandchildren. The problem is one of my children opened up 3 mail order catalogues accounts at their address (not mine) while I was abroad, using my name, date of birth & details, but registered to their address. I had no idea they had done this until last week. When 3 black default notices appeared on my credit report linked to their address, under my name. Where incidentally I have never lived. These black marks on my record where first registered about 4 years ago, but have only just showed up being linked to my address last week. I have read somewhere I need to get a crime number from the police to distance myself from these fraudulent credit applications/defaults. But obviously I cannot do that I would not & could not drop my daughter in trouble with the police. Despite her destroying my good credit record. All three debts amount to about £1,000 which I could pay off provided I can track down the original mail order companies, If I got in touch & explained what has happened, I am guessing they would be happy to take my money & mark it satisfied or settled but I am guessing the black marks would remain on my record until they drop off in a couple of years. Also I am guessing it won’t be long before debt collectors are banging on my door. Any help or advice any of you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Hi I am new here , Back in 2005/6 Ocean Finance arranged a large mortgage of about 400,000 pounds for me. In late 2007 I was lucky to sell my house & payback Capstone/SPML. Just before they repossed it. I still have all the paperwork. Am I right in thinking I can reclaim all the charges payed to Capstone SPML. which amounted to a lot including court costs etc. Also are Capstone/SPML known to have included PPI in with my monthly payments, & if so, can i also reclaim that. I also paid about 25,000 pounds early repayment fees, can I reclaim that back baring in mind they broke our contract 1st by taking me to court. Any help & advice you can give me would be gratefully received. Thanks. PS If I have posted this in the wrong place, would you be kind & let me know where it should be. Thanks again.
  19. Hi I am very new to this & could do with some advice, I am not even sure if I am in the right section. I had a second mortgage with GE consumer finance home lending, which we took out on 4th December 2003 & was payed off when we remortgaged on 23rd March 2006. The amount we payed them back on this date was £35,584 , I have no idea whether ppi was included in this loan or not. I have the account number, but no other paper work, I know I was paying about £386 per month. How do i find out if I was paying PPI. Any help you can give me on starting the ball rolling would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Back in 2005/6 Ocean Finance arranged a large mortgage of about 400,000 pounds for me. In late 2007 I was lucky to sell my house & payback Capstone/SPML. Just before they repossed it. I still have all the paperwork. Am I right in thinking I can reclaim all the charges payed to Capstone SPML. which amounted to a lot including court costs etc , & about 25,000 pounds early repayment fees, also are they known to have included PPI in with my monthly payments, & if so can i also reclaim that. Any help & advice you can give me would be gratefully received. Thanks
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