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Everything posted by missworry

  1. Hi Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The debt was with Cap1. In 2010 requested a copy of CCA They failed to supply prescribed terms and signature on the same paperwork, etc,
  2. Hello, I have just checked my credit file, it would a appear within the last few months I have received a CCJ. This has come as a bit of a shock mainly because I have not lived at my old address for 12 months. Therefore, I was not in a position to have been made aware of the impending action. Needles to say, my absence in court was sufficient grounds for the judgement to be served. Can I apply to the courts to have this judgement removed?
  3. Thank you -This was helpful but at the same time, if there was a template, or example I could study this would be helpful too. Much appreciated
  4. Hello, I have been on this forum for over an hour and so far, unsuccessful in finding a 'letter of authority template'. There's a good chance you don't actually have an example here, but I thought I double check by asking. I have been ill recently and I now want a friend to be in position to deal with a creditor on my behalf. Many thanks
  5. Thank you for replying. Yes it was Cabot. I need a template for making a final settlement offer, but I can no longer find it on here? Cheers
  6. Hello, Some while ago I started a thread asking about settlement offers to a DCA. The link provide in that post no longer works? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...Budget-Planner I assume that page has been moved, but my question is where has letter "J" been moved to? Thank you [ATTACH=CONFIG]48990[/ATTACH]
  7. Hi, Very interesting thread, are there any updates on your progress? I am in similar situation myself so I would be happy to hear how got on.
  8. Thank you for that sppedfreek! When I first made my claim for Council Tax Benefit I was never asked to provide audited accounts so why are they trying this on now?
  9. I am currently in receipt of working tax credits and I am also eligible for Council Tax Benefit of which I have been claiming for just over 12 months Recently my local authority has written to me requesting that I provided them with a copy of my self employed audited accounts? I prepare my own tax return each and every and have done so for a while. I do not run a business and therefore I don not see the need to employ a team of accountants to sign off my annual tax returns. Are they just picking me alone or has this become standard practice across the board for all self employed Council Tax Benefit recipients? In their letter they threaten to suspend my benefit if I can not produce audited accounts, what is my best course of action and how do I appeal against this. Thank you in advance.
  10. Sorry for taking a while in getting back to you. Thank you for your your help. x
  11. Hi Bzooka Boo, When you wrote "if you simply make an offer now, not only do you reset the clock so you can be chased for another 6 years, but if you pay that 20% then the other 80% they will sell to another DCA to chase." I do nut fully understand how this can be, If I were to make Cabot an offer of 20% and they except and agree to the settlement figure, how can they then sell the debt back to another DCA to peruse me for the remaining 80%? - The BIG QUESTION IS.... .what steps do I need to take to prevent this from happening in the first place.? Many thanks.
  12. Well that is very strange then? Could they of just made a simple mistake? Thanks for your reply and help so far.
  13. I believe so, I can not spot anything untoward with the CCA. Why do you say there must be something wrong with them? You have me intrigued but a little bit worried at the same time.
  14. I will go through all my letters and the banks letters too so that I double check. Assuming there are no further charges that I can reclaim what do you consider my best plan of attack? Thank you.
  15. Default dates; Credit Card 06/07/11 Current acc 12/03/11
  16. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your advice too. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. To my surprise the card was actually taken out in 2000 and I have a copy of the T&Cs (agreement) along with my signature. Also checked my credit file and Cabot not Lloyds have their name against the debts, this corresponds with the letters I have from Lloyds and also Cabot themselves. What's my next best course of action? Thank you in advance for you help.
  17. That made me stop and pay attention! I will look through my records and get back to you. Thank you for your advice. Here are the answers to your earlier questions; Which Bank is this? Lloyds TSB How old is the credit card and how much is the outstanding balance? £6341.00 -The card was issued some 6 years ago (approx). However, I fell into arrears some 3 years ago along with my current account. How much is the current account? £970.00 Have you reclaimed any of the unfair charges that will have been added to these accounts? Yes Does Cr@pbot own the debt or are they simply the gophers in between doing the banks dirty work? Cabot own the debts - I have a letters from both Lloyds & Cabot saying they do. Have you received a notice of assignment from the bank, and a default notice for the credit card? Yes Check your credit files and see what is on there, ie, who's name is next to the default marker, if there is one. I have not been able to access my Experian account as of yet but from memory Cabot are named. Of course I will make sure later on today. Don't offer them anything at all yet, there is much more info you need to get off them and indeed tell them in order to make a F&F, if you simply make an offer now, not only do you reset the clock so you can be chased for another 6 years, but if you pay that 20% then the other 80% they will sell to another DCA to chase. I will confess I am more than alarmed when you write that I could rest the clock simply by trying to reach a settlement figure with Cabot - how does this work? Thank you once again.
  18. Cabot currently own a few of my debts which were passed to them via my bank. I am making very small monthly payments to cover the outstanding monies - I am sure Cabot would like me to pay more but I can't. However, thanks to a family member I have been offered a bit of financial assistance in the way of an interest free loan to get the debt collectors off my back. I wish to offer Cabot a settlement figure for the 2 outstanding debts (credit card & current account) so that I can bring this matter to a close. I would like to know what is the best approach and is there a recognised minimum % that can be offered by myself which they would have to accept, also are there any templates that would be suitable here on CAG that I could use. Thank you
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