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caring guy

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Everything posted by caring guy

  1. At my place of work we were recently given a document called "code of conduct for healthcare support workers and adult social care workers in England". We were told that these guidelines apply to us. The link is below: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/component/docman/doc_download/2246-code-of-conduct-healthcare-support.html My concern is under section 1 called be accountable by making sure you can answer for your actions or omissions There is a statement which reads: 2. always behave and present yourself in a way that does not call into question your suitability to work in a health and social care environment. For me what type of offences, committed outside of work, could be deemed to make you unsuitable? I'm happy that things like theft, assault and the other obvious things which would preclude you from working with vulnerable people BUT I see this as a very broad spectrum of things that could be used as an easy way to dismiss a member of staff who has committed an offence. For example, a person who does not pay a parking ticket. Are they unsuitable? Where do you draw the line here? This is a very worrying way to threaten staff.
  2. I've had a meeting and been told a decision about the overtime being shared out amongst all will be made shortly. I said if that is not the decision all parties will raise a grievance.
  3. If it was offered to me I would have suggested the action I have already described. I'm a fair person. I'm a team player and would have made a rota for the extra work with all people interested. My boss told me nobody else was considered.
  4. I'm a part-time employee contracted 4 days a week, not by choice. Putting an ad on the staff notice board would have added a few days to sorting this out fairly. I still want this sorted out fairly. One person is getting £1600 worth of overtime and I was told that if extra work on a Friday was available i'd be considered. I wasn't. I will be meeting this manager but I think that he wont be able to offer me any real FAIR answer. If I put in a grievance the manager's boss will get to know about it so he wont do it again.
  5. Neither I or the person who got the overtime has protected characteristics. Two of the people not offered the overtime definitely has protected characteristics. If I were the manager I would have: Advertised the extra hours on the board. Shared the overtime out between all interested parties and drawn up a rota for 3 months. As I do not work Fridays I would have had a whole day's work, if asked, on Fridays. This person is getting overtime on Thurs and Fridays for 3 months. This comes to around £1600. Where does equality leave me with regard to making a grievance?
  6. What do you mean by the person who got the overtime wasn't qualified? The job that I do I have a work-related qualification, as have the 3 other people. The person who has got the overtime has not completed this course as his job role involves driving a vehicle only.
  7. The overtime was only offered to one person and this temporary job was kept quiet. My assistant manager only knew about this when they received a call telling them the manager's decision. My assistant manager says they were not consulted at all and does not want the person selected for overtime. The person who has the overtime did request extra work. The person who go the work is not qualified. The four people not asked are all qualified to do the job. I'm not sure if there is a policy on overtime but as it's the council there must be an equal opportunities argument to be had. Thanks for all of your replies - even those I do not agree with.
  8. In the council environment I work in these are some extra hours available on Fridays for 3 months. I do not work Fridays. The manager has asked one person to do these hours for 3 months. This person has accepted. There were 4 people who would have been interested, if asked. This extra work was not made public until this was announced yesterday. Should extra work be advertised so all those interested can put their name forward or can you just give it to a "favourite" without asking others? Thanks.
  9. Hi: I know that i owe the money as i can see this on my agency / council pay slips. The point is that i feel that as the mistake, in my opinion, was made by either the tax office or my new employer. That being true why should i now have to pay for the error.
  10. When i took a job working for the council i stopped working for the agency on a Friday and started working for the county on the Monday. The agency work was at the same place i was offered a job for the council. The new job was 4 days a week so i remained registered for work with the agency in order to try and get work one day a week. The chance of getting work was unlikley and i never worked for the agency again even though i remained registered, as i am now. When i filled out a P46 for the council i ticked box B "this is now my only job since 6 April i have had another job........" I did not get a P45 from the agency as i remained regsitered for work. I did not tick box C as i did not consider myself to have another job. I then received a letter in Nov last year saying i owed over £600 in tax. This is because HMRC have given me two sets of tax allowance (one at the agency and one at the council). They (HMRC) say they did this as i ticked box B on the P46. I am currently wrting to appeal this decision. Any ideas as to what i can write? Thanks for any help.
  11. When i took a job working for the council i stopped working for the agency on a Friday and started working for the county on the Monday. The agency work was at the same place i was offered a job for the council. The new job was 4 days a week so i remained registered for work with the agency in order to try and get work one day a week. The chance of getting work was unlikley and i never worked for the agency again even though i remained registered, as i am now. When i filled out a P46 for the council i ticked box B "this is now my only job since 6 April i have had another job........" I did not get a P45 from the agency as i remained regsitered for work. I did not tick box C as i did not consider myself to have another job. I then received a letter in Nov last year saying i owed over £600 in tax. This is because HMRC have given me two sets of tax allowance (one at the agency and one at the council). They (HMRC) say they did this as i ticked box B on the P46. I am currently wrting to appeal this decision. Any ideas as to what i can write? Thanks for any help.
  12. between 4.45 and 5.05. The question is though is it optional or mandatory?
  13. My contract says i work 30 hours per week 8.30 - 4.30 Mon - Thu in a day centre.
  14. 2 of the staff have kids the other 4 do not have children under 18.
  15. Emmzzi: I've already had the quiet conversation. I've been told "you must be flexible as it's in your job description". Others, who work unitl 3.30pm, are down the road by 3.31pm.
  16. A line in my job description reads as follows: "Work flexible hours on occasions where the needs of the service users require this" To me you can interpet this to mean: a. I am expected to do overtime if required. b. I am expected to change my start and finish times but still do the allocated 7.5 hours if required. c. A and B. Also, what does occasional actually mean? I am supposed o finish at 4.30 but am currently finishing later than that 2/3 times a week out of 4 days. I get the time off to cover this but do i have a right to leave at 4.30 or am i duty bound to work later due to list item a?
  17. I am the first rep they've ever had. I'll also be the only 1. 40% of the staff are in the union. Why is the collective bargaining a big deal as i've not been told that's relevant.
  18. My branch officer said this person has been obstructive before and he's "on his case". I'll play it by ear though.
  19. I also offered to go on the course on my day off each week but they weren't prepared to pay me my daily wage to attend (£50). Why should i be the only person attending who is not being paid? My day off is currently used for domestic work and chores. I also work weekends too to make ends meet. I have a meeting tomorrow with this manager and my full time officer is on his case too!!!
  20. Unison. Also, i've been told to wait another year not next year i.e Nov 2013 until i possibly could go on this course.
  21. My branch secretary is now dealing with this. The time off is 10 days in total not 10 weeks.
  22. The course i wanted to go on was Thursdays (a working day for me) and they said no. I also asked if i went on a day i do not work (Fridays) would they pay me for those 10 days. No again was the reply. If i went Fridays work would not be affected at all but they do not want to pay me 2 weeks extra money. Is it reasonable for me to attend while not being paid while all the other people are being paid (they all work full time).
  23. I have just completed level 1 training to be a union rep at my workplace. I had a day a week off for 10 weeks to attend. I've now been asked to attend the level 2 course starting at the end of April for another ten weeks. My employer has told me i cannot be spared as we are short of staff. I could go to a course in a years time though. The ACAS document "time off for trade union duties and activities" says the employer has to let you have reasonable time off for union training. Any ideas as to what exactly is reasonable judged as?
  24. The policy says that yo do not get paid for day 1 and day 2 off sick. It also says you can take leave (if you have it) in order to get paid. The policy states the management have a right to send you home and you will not be paid (the same as not coming in). Your right to sick pay starts on Day 3. If you have no holiday left then you would lose 2 days money if you were off for 2 days or more. Have i understood your question properly?
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