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  1. my bank is HALIFAX. The account they took the money from is the one i gave them when i first set up my direct debits. It is showing up on my online statement as it was paid to THL by cash????? Which seems strange too!!!
  2. :evil:Hi. Could someone give me some advice as i am really unsure of the next step to take!!! I had a payday loan with a company called THL DIRECT back in july last year. Due to reasons beyond my control were unable to repay on the due date. THL extended this period for a further 28 days ( very kind of them!!!) Our circumstances still hadnt improved so i wrote THL a letter, explaining that my husband had lost his job. They agreed a monthly repayment plan to which i set up a standing order each month! All was fine until January 2010. Our other debts were piling up, but after taking advice from my previous posts on here, i wrote to my creditors and requested a balance and offered repayments on a pro-rata basis. To cut a very long story short, THL never replied. So after each threatening Email they sent me(Which was a fair few!) i replied and asked them to confirm my balance and agree to my repayment plan. still each email from me went unanswered. Then 3 weeks ago i received an email telling me my balance was £514 ( i only had a £150 loan!!!!) I then sent an email telling them i had set up a standing order to leave my account at the end of each month starting 28th may 2010. Then on the 18th may i got an email thanking me for paying my loan in full!!!!! I thought this was strange but left it as i thought they might of wiped my debt(YEAH RIGHT!!!) I got a letter from my bank this morning saying i am exactly £514 overdrawn! This was a dormant account as i had been advised to close it down back in october as there were fraudulant attempts at taking money out (WHICH IS YET ANOTHER STORY!!!!). The account was empty and had been debited with £514 to clear my THL account! Its a basic account with no overdraft....BUT IT WAS DORMANT!!!!(couldnt be fully closed down as there was a debit of £5 on it from old bank charges but certainly couldnt be used!!!! CAN THL DO THIS???? Its the only account number they held for me up until last week when i set up a standing order from my current account. But surely its illegal isnt it ? We had an aggreement in place. Is the bank at fault for paying it or THL for collecting it? or is it totally above board? I'm so confused!!!! obviously now i am in debt to the bank !! :evil:HELLLPPPP!!!!!
  3. Thankyou very much for this advice, it is much appreciated! I will get the letter printed off and post it in the morning. I will post on here again when, or IF, I receive a reply !!!!!
  4. Hi thanks for getting back to me. It was an online payday loan that I had for £250. But now the balance is £505 !!!!!
  5. Please help me on a problem that i have with FREDRICKSON INT. Last year i took out a payday loan for £250. Soon after that i lost my job so was unable to pay it back. Around NOVEMBER time i recieved a letter from fredrickson demanding £505. After recieving around 3 letters a week and numourous phonecalls from them each day, i decided to write to them and show them my financial statement. My circumstances allow me to make a payment of £5 per month to FREDRICKSON, as i also have other creditors. They then started to send text messages to both my mobile and my landline number. I had previously been advised to only deal with them through letters and Email as they can be very sneaky. So i Emailed them back and asked if they were willing to accept my offer. I've heard nothing. Then this morning i recieved a letter from BRYAN CARTER & CO telling me to pay up or i'm off to court. So i really would appreciate any advice on the next step to take. Clearly FREDRICKSON are ignoring me and my letters, emails etc yet are still bombarding me with letters, phonecalls etc !!!!! PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. hi there robjam thanks for the response. i did have to 'lose' my debit card as they were helping theirselves to my cash! i also opened a new bank account as they were repeatedly trying to set up standing orders etc. my money is definatly safe from them now! thankyou for your advice, its been much appreciated. thanx
  7. Hi there. I'm really hoping that there is some1 out there that can help me with a stupid situation i have landed myself in!!! Back in August this year i took out about 5 payday loans. Stupid i know, but i was desperate at the time!! Anyway, 1 is with DEBITCARD LOANS, 1 with WAGES TODAY, 1 with PAYDAY EXPRESS, 1 with TOTAL HOME LOANS (THL) and 1 with PAYDAY UK. Although theres a few companies here, the total amout i borrowed was just over £1000. I have learnt my mistake! I would be grateful of any advice in dealing with these companies as i have totally ignored the 20 odd phonecalls i get a day, and the letters are 'filed' in the cupboard! I realise now that i have got to pay these and they are not going to go away!!! ANY ADVICE PLEASE???????????
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