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the tinkerman

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Everything posted by the tinkerman

  1. Why should the people who have paid off their loans be treated any different, if they should have not lent the money under the new lending criteria to those people surely same difference and should be at least entitled to the interest back.
  2. Hi wanton Thanks for the reply. Whilst I understand the gist of what you are saying I think you would be surprised at how many people do not tell the truth when it comes to claiming state benefits, that is why I was asking the question do they have any system in place where they can check what finances you actually have other than you telling them over the phone or sending in statements, otherwise I just think it is a bit of a ad hoc system, don’t get me wrong whilst I fully understand that there are people who cannot save due to their circumstances, then there are people who don’t want to save, then there are people who do save but then why should that be detrimental as to what pension credits they receive, they have worked all their lives, been cautious and saved some of their money so why should they then have to live on it, would a fairer system not be that they all get the same amount of pension credits. I mean the lady in question here is not a millionaire or anything, in fact she is only just above the amount you have quoted, thankfully I am nowhere near retirement age yet but it begs the question is it really worth saving any money for a rainy day. Wouldn't surprise me in few years time, that if you have a private pension then you will be expected to live on that and not get a state pension or just get part of a state pension to top it up. Just my thoughts. Tinks
  3. Hi Was wondering if anyone out their could shed any Light on this please Family friends Husband has had to go into a nursing home so the council have informed her that she should apply for pension credits. When she rang them they asked for her savings details which she gave and then they advised that she would be be entitled to some pension credits but before they could process the application that she needed the last 3 months statements in front of her and has 30 days in which to get them for the 3 accounts appertaining to here savings She then asked would she not be better off sending them a copy, to which they stated no so long as she had them in front of her when she rang back then that would suffice and it is only under certain circumstances were they may ask you for a copy of them. Which begs the question how do they know if people are telling the truth or not as regards their savings if you don't need to send them a copy of your statements or do they have access and the authority to get this information. Tinks
  4. Hi wouldn't mind those 2 email addresses please, Did they accept a reduced settlement offer on the original loan. Tinks
  5. Must have CitizenB, unfortunately she does pay tax but not a high rate
  6. Hi Connif thanks for the reply but can you elaborate on that please.
  7. Hi Friend just had her ppi claim upheld, sent her an offer of £3200 minus £417 for tax base rate at 20% for 8% compensation, she is just a normal tax payer is this about right. Any thoughts please Tinks
  8. Cheers dx thanks for the prompt reply, knew I could rely on you Will keep informed. Tinks
  9. Hi All Had a letter t/day from fos re my ppi claims with HFC Bank. It states that HFC would like to make me an offer to settle my complaint were the business will calculate this offer using the same approach as the fos takes when deciding that a business has mis sold ppi. Furthermore it states " If I would like to accept HFC offer that I do not need to do anything and if the fos do not hear from me within the next 14 days they will assume that I have accepted the offer and they will let HFC know". How HFC will calculate your offer Amount you will receive will depend on a, type of ppi policies taken out b, whether your loan or c/card account or ppi polices are still active When they calculate the final figure HFC will also take into account the amount of money you might of received from your ppi policies and any arrears, they will then write to me with the exact figures. It then goes onto state "the business HFC tells us the fos that it then could take up to 8 weeks to calculate and process the payment from the date accepted and if I do not agree with the calculations ring HFC and if not ale to resolve then contact the fos". Also stated "If I agree with HFC offer I also agree that the ppi polices I had with HFC will be cancelled, that means I you will lose your insurance cover", (Which my polices are all done and dusted anyway and been paid up years ago) Finally it states "as explained in there fact sheet, that I still have the right to ask an ombudsman to look at my complaint and make a final decision, but hopefully this will not now be necessary. Problem is nowhere does it state what the offer maybe or is, so how can I possibly make a decision on whether to accept or not, as for all I know if accepting the offer they could then offer me a £1 or nothing for all I know. Anyone had the same scenario or any ideas as to what I should do next. Tinks
  10. Exactly what happened to me more or less dx will send off for SAR right away. Once again cheers Tinks
  11. Hi dx But surely if they say that they have no records they would say the same thing regarding the SAR or is it more to the point that you have at least showed to the FOS that you have asked for a SAR regardless of the outcome and if so at this point in proceedings as it is with an adjudicator is it worth sending for a SAR to HFC or not. Tinks
  12. Hi mm. Point taken on the first part of my paragraph but regardless of whether PPI was a very useful product for a lot of people or not as I stated further on in my paragraph if it was all to be fair, frank, straight, overt and above board then like I saiif it was all to be fair, frank, straight, overt and above board then like I said it I was quite categorically told I would not get these loans unless the ppi was taken out,it I was quite categorically told I would not get these loans unless the ppi was taken out, and as regards the typed cross and pre ticked cross for the so called OPTIONAL PPI well if you really wanted the PPI then why did they not let you fill it in yourself and then ask you to sign that you have done just that!fair enough they get you to sign the bottom of the agreement for the loan but if you had also filled in the ppi section yourself and signed to say that you had done so then they would have no comebacks whatsoever would they regarding the miss- selling of PPI, simple enough to put into practise but we all know WHY they did not do that Don't we as dx quoted enough said. You seem to be missing the bigger picture here mm I am all for people’s opinions regarding PPI and their thoughts but if you are going to answer my threads then please answer the whole paragraph and don't just look to pick holes in part of it, I was not arguing the point that ppi was not a useful product for some people it just was not a viable product for me given my works cover of Full sick pay,life,redundancy and pension, more to the point was the way of how HFC conduct their business and the underhanded tactic's they used to get you to take ppi out when you did not need it! As stated above simple measure, if you really want PPI then let YOU fill the ppi part yourself, then get you to sign it to say to have done so, end of story, case closed, not a cat in hell’s chance then to claim it was missold! but I wonder why they did not do that Hmmmmm like dx stated its called BIG FAT COMMISSION! Tinks
  13. Right dx I was under the impression no records mean’s no data! But what if the FOS have actually asked them for data/records regarding these accounts as they could have done in my case, can they lie to the FOS as well. surely the FOS must have had cases with HFC were they have had data from HFC that is well and beyond the six year period and surely the FOS would be wise to this sort of cover up. That said I would though the agreements I have sent to them with the information on regarding the ppi and the stamp paid in full must stand for something. Also if I had sent for a SAR what was to stop them saying this data been destroyed to and legally how would you go about proving any different if that is what they said. Tinks
  14. I did not see the point dx after their final response letter stated that “the accounts that your complaint refers to were closed over six years ago. To meet the HFC Bank's data protection obligations all account records are securely destroyed once an account has been closed for 6 years. We have received legal agreements for the above accounts however we still require further documentation that supports your claim that ppi was missold on the accounts in question." But what I can't get my head round is the Ombudsman has stated that he needs to write to HFC Bank for more info, yet at the same time they have told me quite categorically in writing that they have no records referring to these accounts and say for instance if they now state that they have to the ombudsman surely then that must be illegal to tell the customer they have not in writing and withhold that information from the customer, I mean to say what about all the thousands of customers who have been told the same thing that . To meet the HFC Bank's data protection obligations all account records are securely destroyed once an account has been closed for 6 years and the customer have no evidence of their own to prove otherwise, they are not very likely to then take their cases to the ombudsman as they would think no proof, bank has no record hence not got a leg to stand on so to speak. Must have got away without paying out millions.
  15. Got it in one dx Although I don't think one or two were refinanced as their is a gap of 5 years between the dates taken out to the dates paid, the other two the first one was paid off early so could have been refinanced but I can't honestly remember that far back but all in all I do know that they have all been paid off. Tinks
  16. Hi mm Like I said even though you can only make out the top half of the agreements due to wear and tear, it still shows clearly my account no, date taken out, name, address, and the ppi breakdown including interest and fair enough you cannot make out the term of the loans but it has a great big HFC stamp PAID IN FULL with the date paid and yes I paid a couple of these loans off early but surely it would not take a rocket scientist to then just take the term from the date the agreement was taken out to the date each one was paid in full so what I cannot get my head round is why the missing information of the term of these loans is such a big issue apart from adding/calculating the 8% interest as I would just be happy with the figure I originally paid for the ppi back, I can therefore only surmise that HFC somehow think the agreements I have sent to them are fake or that I have somehow obtained a stamp from HFC and stamped and dated the dam things myself in which case I would gladly take court action to prove otherwise. Also why would anyone in their right mind take out PPI if you were already covered through your works it would just be a complete waste of money, like I said it I was quite categorically told I would not get these loans unless the ppi was taken out, and as regards the typed cross and pre ticked cross for the so called OPTIONAL PPI well if you really wanted the PPI then why did they not let you fill it in yourself and then ask you to sign that you have done just that! fair enough they get you to sign the bottom of the agreement for the loan but if you had also filled in the ppi section yourself and signed to say that you had done so then they would have no comebacks whatsoever would they regarding the miss- selling of PPI, simple enough to put into practise but we all know WHY they did not do that Don't we as dx quoted enough said.
  17. Hi mm Well A, this was done in a office and I even remember the managers name and him telling me that I would not get these loans without ppi, B, even though you can only make out the top half of the agreements, it still shows clearly my account no, date taken out, name, address, and the ppi breakdown including interest and fair enough you cannot make out the term of the loans but it has a great big HFC stamp PAID IN FULL with the date paid and yes I paid a couple of these loans off early but surely it would not take a rocket scientist to then just take the term from the date the agreement was taken out to the date each one was paid in full. As for having any of my statements showing payments towards my loans not a chance as these were 1988 onwards and unless you had all your statements this would not reveal the duration anyway, furthermore as for giving something for HFC to work off, well in their final response letter to me they state " We have received your legal agreements for the above accounts however we still require further documentation that supports your claim that ppi was missold on the accounts in question" to which I have also sent to them full documentation of my sickness, life, redundancy, pension insurance cover from my employer at the time these loans were taken out. So all in all they have that plus copies of legal agreements which and fair enough you cannot make out the term of the loans but it has my account no, date taken out, name, address, and the ppi breakdown including interest and a great big HFC stamp PAID IN FULL with the date paid personally I would certainly not call that a lack of documentary evidence, I would say it was pretty damming evidence especially finding what I did given how long ago it was. I mean there are companies out there that claim you do not even need ANY documentation to reclaim your ppi just the name of your bank and apparently are successful and like dx has stated you only need to look at HFC track record regarding the misselling of ppi and the threads relating to them on here, not to mention the fact that back in 2008 HFC were fined over a million pounds for the misselling of ppi, and that is not a assumption that is a fact. Tinks
  18. Hi On two of the agreements the figures where written in pen but the cross in the box for the optional ppi was already typed in, the other two loans the figure were written in pen and the box for the optional ppi was already ticked in pen when they were presented to me. As regards my employer at the time, and going off the letter I received from HFC, I thought you had to prove why you thought it had been missold and as I already had sickness,life, and redundancy cover through work then it was pretty obvious that I therefore did not require ppi as it was of no use to me. Tinks
  19. Hi Had a few past loans with ppi claims from 1988 onwards, now been with FOS for over 16 months. I found 4 copies of legal agreements in the loft but the bottom part of the agreements were beyond repair and could not make out at all, the top parts of each agreement were readable and you can clearly make out my name, address, the acc numbers, ppi showing single premium, life cover, sickness and redundancy cover with the figures showing and total figure with interest added and the optional box has a cross already in the box which is printed rather that been ticked with a pen and each agreement at the top has the HFC stamp on paid in full with the date it was paid off. When I originally sent copies of the info I had to HFC as above they stated that since it was over a six year period that they have destroyed all records, and although they have acknowledged they were copies of legal agreements they needed info as to why I thought they were missold. I can remember when the loans were taken out that I was told in no uncertain terms on each occasion that unless I took the ppi out that I would not get the loans regardless of my employment status, and since I have found the information from my employer at the time to prove that I got paid work or play, had life cover and got redundancy pay along with a pension. All the above info was then sent to the FOS over a year ago, but now because then agreements don't show the term of the agreements ( ie) how long they were taken out for due to wear and tear the ombudsman is now stating that he needs to ask HFC for more information regarding the terms etc which obviously as per HFC final response letter which the FOS has had a copy they are not going to have as they have already stated they have destroyed all the records so I don't see what that is going to achieve, and even if they do find anything surely then that is illegal to say they have destroyed all records if they have not! But now I get the distinct impression from what the FOS has told me that if HFC have no info regarding this issue, then without that it is down to HFC bank as to whether they accept my claim or reject it based on the information I have managed to salvage and from the vibes I was getting from the ombudsman if HFC have not got any info regarding the terms then HFC would reject my claim and the ombudsman would side with them. It seems to me u cannot win with these people even if you have got evidence to prove that u have had single premium ppi with interest added and box pre crossed and then stamped with HFC stamp PAID IN FULL with the date paid and you can then prove as to why it was missold with evidence from your employer at the time l though that would count for something but obviously not, has this been a complete waste of my time and effort. Any thoughts please.
  20. Thanks for informing me,keep us informed please Did it it state on the repayment plan that £88 will be taken on Thursday.
  21. Hi irishgal25 Just a quick question re your p/plan set up with wonga, I assume you went through wonga's online p/plan i & e but can see that you managed to set a standing order up with them, so does it give you the option to do this on the form and if not how did you go about setting the standing order up with them and did you tell them that you were cancelling the CPA and they were okay with this. Any advice would be grateful. Tinks
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