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Everything posted by misselle

  1. my partner is an area manager for a well known betting shop and after reading this thread he has advised that the problem wont be the underage person infact it wouldnt matter what age the person was its the fact that they werent an employee and were allowed into the shop unsupervised. This person could have done anything in the shop and nobody would have known regardless if the money was locked away the person entering the shop wasnt an employee. If a staff memeber was to leave the shop floor unsupervised whilst there are customers in then this person would be sacked for gross misconduct and i suspect that your friends area manager may view this as similar circumstances. your friends intentions may have been in the right place but it was a very stupid thing to do. Best thing i think they could hope for would be a written warning.
  2. I havent posted for a while as i have had a nightmare month with the sudden death of a close family member. Wonga are still hounding me dispite me agreeing to a repayment plan and setting up a standing order to pay it, i keep getting texts telling me my balance is creeping up even though they have agreed to freeze it. At the moment i'm not really in a state mentally to deal with their harrassing phone calls. I've sent a number of emails to 1 month loan and lending stream requesting a payment plan but to date all my requests have been ignored. Does anyone have contact details for the two of them which will get me someone in a position to deal with my requests. Its coming to the end of the month and i'm beyond stressed again about my financial situation to be honest with everything that has happened i think i'm hanging on by a thread from having some sort of nervious breakdown. Any help would be great guys Thanks
  3. Thank you all for the advice I shall certainly be acting upon it all. I today have got a reply back from Wonga which has confused me they have agreed to me paying back the amount I suggested over the 12 months as I suggested by standing order however they go onto mention taking the money each month from my card. I shall copy the email below to see what you think. Thank you for your recent email. Based on your circumstances, I will place you on a new repayment arrangement taking effect immediately. Please bear in mind your current balance has frozen at £xxxx This outstanding balance will be divided by 12 monthly instalments of £xxxx. The first instalment will be taken on the 1st May 2011. Please see below the further dates payments will be debited from your card. As these payments will be taken from your card, should your card be inactive you do need to let us know with the new card details. It is very important to remind you that once you are on a repayment plan should you default on one of your repayment dates, we will allow you 6 days to try and correct the account otherwise on day 7 the system will deactivate the arrangement and will attempt to collect the full balance. To setup a standing order you will need the below details then their details are supplied.
  4. i really dont want them to ring me at work i dont think my work would be too happy at them ringing me there due to the nature of my job, i presume they wouldnt be able to tell them at work why they want to speak to me due to the data protection act? i'd be mortified if people at work found out about my financial mess. once this is over with I will never touch another loan or credit card in my life. its just not worth it at all especially when I have to pay for my wedding in two years this is killing me. I'll just have to tell them to refer to my emails if they call me. If they ask for bank statments or a break down of my income/outgoings am I required by law to give them the information?
  5. and thank you so much for your quick reply. I actually feel like a weight has been lifted just by sending the emails for payment plan requests off to these companies.
  6. my current account is with halifax so I dont think it should be too much problem. I didnt realise that Wonga werent allowed to do this, i assumed that because i do owe them the money that they could take it regardless if it left me with nothing. I'll set about getting another account today. Now that i have offered them a payment plan will they stop hounding me with phonecalls, texts and emails like they have done for the last 2 days?
  7. After what has been a nightmare few months I was told by my bosses at work that everyone will lose their shift allowance which means that my monthly wage is dropping a significant amount each month. My pay on Thursday was the first month without my shift allowance and it hurt like hell. I'm in a very desperate situation with payday loans and my credit cards. I got into bother last year with my car failling its MOT and since public transport isnt an option for traveling the 25 miles to work I took out a payday loan to get it fixed, my partner then got made redundant and things got out of control using my cards and payday loans to get by each month. I have finaly taken my head out of the sand after Wonga cleared my bank account first thing on thursday leaving me not a single penny to pay my mortage or council tax or any other bills coming out including utilites. Thankfully my parents have paid my mortage this month but they dont have the sort of money to loan me to do it next month or pay anything else off for me and as you can imagine wonga dont care that i have nothing to live off. I can deal with reducing my credit cards on a different forum but i really need some help with my pdloans. I've read alot of threads so have an idea of what i need to do and I am currently typing up an email to send to them all. but would like some advice from you guys as i am terrified having to do this. here is what I owe: Wonga 389 is what I still have to pay them Lending Stream : 129 and 131 without interest I believe 1 month loan: 260 including interest txtloan: 234 Wagedayadvance-150 I have cancelled my card and direct debits so that no more money can be taken from my account and check my account regular so that I can catch any DD being reinstated. Wonga keep asking me to ring them but to be honest i am rubbish on the phone and will more than likley cave to whatever they ask so i would prefer everything to be done by email and that way i have proof if they agree to anything. Thanks
  8. appologies yes it did have my name on it it had my first inital and surname written at the top of it.
  9. there isnt an awful lot of detail on the card its a red sorry we missed you card which has the box ticked for package and too big for letter box and the time and date it was delivered although the date is wrong it says the 7th instead of the 6th. there isnt an item number or anything like that on it which might be the reason they are having such trouble tracking it down. one of the people i spoke to at the sorting office said it had been the van which had tried to deliver it so i dont know if that makes any difference.
  10. i wonder if anyone can advise me of my next step as i am now at my whits end with royal mail. i returned home on 6th december from a nightmare 5 hour car journey trying to get home from work due to the snow to find that royal mail had posted a card through my door to say they had tried to deliver my parcel at 10.20 that morning and they had returned it to the depot and to wait 4 hours before collecting. i went the next afternoon to collect the parcel and was told by the man at the desk that it hadnt been returned to the depot yet and that it wouldnt be in until later that day as the card had only been left that morning as the date on the card stated the 7th. i explained that it must be a mistake on the date as it had 100% been left the day before however i gave up and went home returning the next day. i was then told they couldnt find my parcel and to leave my details. i've been back numerous times since then leaving my details for phonecalls which havent been returned and then calling customer services to be told they will get it redelivered and so on. i still havent recieved my parcel and to top it off i have no idea what it is or who sent it so I'm not sure where i am meant to go from here as royal mail have been no use at all espcially after i said i dont know what the parcel is to be able to give them the size or shape or anything. any advice would be good Thanks
  11. thanks for your replies, My sister had her disciplinary this afternoon and 45minutes later the gave her the verdict. she hasnt been sacked but she has been given a final written warning dispite the fact she hasnt ever been given so much as verbal warning before. They based their descion soley on tracing 3 hours worth of calls and have said they havent and arent taking into acount the fact that her time in betweens hasnt ever changed and didnt increase in that time frame of 3 hours. seems a bit out of order to me that they arent looking at the bigger picture here but i think the fact that she went in armed with her stats probaly shocked them and it might have been that which stopped them sacking her because to be honest i was expecting her to be sacked. I think now she is going to appeal it. Can a company give someone a final written warning dispite that person never having any other warnings? Thanks
  12. I had a feeling that was what i was going to be told, was hoping it wasnt what i would hear but at least i do now know. Personally I believe that she has a decent enough case to prove there has been no dip in her performance as they are claiming but i am not sure if they will settle for that or if they do they will just find something else. With the ET i understand you have to be a year in emplyment is that correct? my Sister is just short of a year and when i say short i mean that her year is on Tuesday. Would that make any difference to a claim?
  13. Hi i am asking for some advice on behalf of my sister whom was taken by surprise on thursday by her employer whom have told her she is under investigation for gross misscondut at the call centre she works for and her disciplinary hearing is on Monday. My sister has worked at a call centre taking calls for a very well known company for just under a year its a year this week coming. She got a a new job 3 months ago to a different department within the company still taking calls but different type of calls. Whilst working in her original department which dealt with customers calling when they had a problem she told her manager she was uable to cope and so took this new job when it came up thuss eliminating the stress. The company have been very short staffed the last few weeks and so my sister for the last two weeks has been told to man the phones for her old department even though this causes her stress which was hightened by the fact that in the 3 months since she moved there has been lots of changes made to systems and new packages given to customers which my sister knows nothing about as she hasnt had any training on it because her new department doesnt need to deal with it. At a team meeting on thursday she stressed to her manager again that she was feeling stressed and wanted to be taking off those calls and do the job that she is meant to be doing not her old one, the manager fobbed her off basically and my sister called her bluff on alot of points raised. Now at no point did my sister raise her voice or become agressive and there are other staff memebers whom were present to back this up. at the end of the day HR and her manaer took her into an office and told her that she there has been a trace put on her calls she had been taken ( turns out her manager asked for it to be put on straight away after their run in) and that they are now investigating her for call avoidance and being agressive and abusive to her manager during the team meeting. My sister stood her ground on the being agressive and pointed out that there were witnesses, she admited that yes she was annoyed and angry and being fobbed off but at no point was she threating abusive or agressive and hadnt even raised her voice. They then went onto the subject of saying she had spent alot of time in between calls and was call avoding which is grossmisconduct and if proven then it would be instance dismissal. They produced a list of her calls and stats for that day and said out of 17 calls she could only resolve 4 but admited that some of the calls she couldnt resolve were issue such as transferred to the wrong department and likes of. She was then given a report of the accusations and told she has to attend the formal disciplinary on Monday. Now after the meeting my sister got statments form her team backing up what had happened with her manager and they have now dropped that allegation however they are pushing the call avoidance. She is only 21 and this is her first proper job since college so she is very very stressed. Ive tried to advise on what I can and I have told her to get a copy of her stats from when she started the job. She did this and I've had a quick look and as far as i can tell her time inbetween calls has actually improved over the months to an average it certainly hasnt gotten anything worse so i dont see how they can accuse this especially after just tracing her calls for a few hours. Does anyone else have any advice? knowing this companys lack of respect for its employees i fear the worst in the matter that she will get sacked, i fear the tackling her manager has basically put a big mark on her head. Thanks Misselle
  14. i was wondering if anyone had any advice with regards to the current situation im im. i recently lost my grandparent and the funeral is early next week. i work shifts and i am due to work the late shift the day before and of the funeral. i requested 2 days special leave to attend as i have to drive 6 hours to where the funeral is being held. i was refused the special leave on the grounds that it was not a close relative. i quizzed hr about this and they said there are no set rules and that it would be down to my manager to decide and that they would not over rule. the thing is i know of three other people whom have been grated special leave for a grandparents funeral and one who had it granted for an uncles funeral. they have said i can use my holiday leave to attend but im furious that i should have to do that when people in the same situation havent. can anyone advise?
  15. My concern over this would be if your employer decided to get an updated CRB check done which more and more employers are doing after a certain period of employment usualy around 5 years also, i know that England have put a halt on the Protection of Vurnable Groups act however if that does eventually come in there will be new rules and your job may well fall under that group in which case not telling them about it could very well put you in hot water with you employer
  16. Everything will show up on your enhanced CRB check from caution to nfa to time in jail as rehabilitaion of offenders act doesnt apply to this type of application and at times yes ORI can go out from a police force even for things that you werent charged for or any action taken upon if the police deem it relevant to the job then they will disclose on it
  17. i believe the driving offence would should up on a standard CRB there are verry little differences between a standard and enhanced CRB roa is applied to neither of them and enhanced has lists checks. i could be corrected however as i dont do CR checks but i do process criminal record checks within scotland. as for the other thing i beleive it would probably gone down as no further action on your record if there were no charges or cautions
  18. I was wondering if anyone had any information or advice on sky offers. I have recently just bought my first house and would like to get sky installed after i move in on the 5th of march. I know the current people have a BT line and telephone number however i would like to go with sky for my TV, phone and broadband. I have looked online at their website and see they only do sky HD boxes now which was a shock as I don't really want HD. I seem to remeber offers at christmas time advertising on TV all 3 from sky for £23 a month then line rental on top. Is anyone aware of any offers at the moment which I can getwhich will help with keeping the costs down initally and hopefully monthly with getting sky installed. Many thanks
  19. just wanted to give an update, I have spoken to my mother and she has said that the matter has been resolved between her and Kwikfit and that when she called the number they were very helpful and it was resolved quickly
  20. Just a quick update to let everyone know I have passed on the number that the kiwkfit webteam have posted to my mother and i am currently waiting to hear back from her what the result of contacting them has been
  21. I must say that is a valid point you could be any tom dick or harry claiming to be kiwkfit. Its a shame that this couldnt have been resolved by the garage manager and area manager at the time instead of insisting that it wasnt his problem because of the fact we wouldnt drive and unsafe car back to kiwkfit to fix their problem. Why is a response only given now that ive brought the issue into a public forum
  22. Being honest none of us are car savy and that being the reason why we took it to kwikfit because we thought they were a reputable company that we could trust to do the job properly and not rips us off. How wrong we were. The garage were we got the MOT done have kept the parts and have written a report about the condition of the parts and the fact that they were not fitted properly causing the cable in the handbreak to losen and that if force had been used on the breaks in say an emergency stop that the breaks would have failed thats how bad it was. That being the reason also why they said the car wasnt fit to drive and declared it unsafe. Kiwkfit were dreadful on the phone and i couldnt believe that they would even suggest that someone get in a car which has been declared as unsafe because of the breaking problems and drive it to their garage to let their monkeys fix it. When we write to their head office do we ask for an explanation as to the price along with the work carried out? do we ask for them to pay back to us what we had to pay to have new ones fitted? I am actually very shocked by the whole thing more so that I know my mum has been driving around my young brother to school and back for months with breaks that could have gone at any moment
  23. In May my mum had some reconditioned calipers fitted at our local kwikfit for £195, after they were fitted my mum noticed her breaks felt different but assumed it was down to the calipers being new. Last week the car went to a friends garage to get its MOT which it failed due to the Calipers, the garage basicaly said that they have to declaire the car as unsafe as the breaks where one step away from snapping if force was used on the and that the parking break cable was also loose all due to these calipers. My mum of course told them that kwickfit had fitted them and they were still under guarentee, but because of the state of the breaks she was too scared to drive the car to kwikfit and so paid £100 for brand new ones to be fitted. Now the garage have written a statement confirming what caused the problem and so my mum called kwikfit. The manager told her that she should have DRIVEN the unsafe car to them to have their fix the problem and because she didnt they wouldnt give her a partial refund for the money she has had to spend they wouldnt even say sorry! My mum demanded to speak to the area manager to try resolve it and his attitude was the same my dad tried to speak to them and they wouldnt listen when told the car was simply too unsafe to even leave the forecourt because of the shoddy work of kwikfit. Does anyone know our rights here? We are now left out of pocket because kwikfit didnt do their job properly and by the looks of it overcharged majorly for re-conditioned parts. Any advice of what to do next would be appreciated. Many thanks Misselle
  24. I have some more details for the above, My grandparents confirmed the flights from Edinburgh two days before flying and where told everything was fine and their pre-booked seat numbers were fine. When at the airport in Edinburgh basicaly they were told that the airline hadnt booked them on a leg of their journey so couldnt fly. Their big anoyance is the delay wasnt their faults they did everything required to fly. The overnight one was the worst as my grandad has a weak heart so the stress didnt do him much good and then to be told they would only be given a holiday voucher for a hotel room for my aunt and her kids near killed him. He has been left very much out of pocket because of the whole experience With regards to the return flights, the hotel faxed, emailed and telephoned Holiday Genie on behlaf of my grandparents aswel as my grandad doing it and no phone calls or emails or faxed were returned as promised. The phonecards were used in the hotel and the hotel have provided with an itemised call list from their room to show who the calls were made to and for how long and how much they cost. With the problems with the hotel also, they were moved room after complaining and have lots of photos to show the poor state of the hotel plus all the marks over the kids bodies from the flea bits they recieved and believe me there were alot of bites.
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