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Everything posted by grace908

  1. Thanks honeybee, I wasn't sure where to post
  2. Hi, Im not sure where I should be posting this but here goes. I am a 2nd year mature student and last year got full dependents grants as I have two children, both of which need childcare while I study. This yesr however I am having major problems in that Im apparently getting much less (nearly £7000) even though my income this year is actually lower than last. If anyone had had the displeasure of dealing with the SFE advisors they will know how frustrating it is to get a straight answer on thresholds and entitlement. I was wondering if anyone knows what calculation they use for the dependant grants so I can try and work out why its much less this year. Im also really afraid that I must have had an overpayment last year since my income was higher but I got more. I just cant get a straight answer out of SFE and the not knowing is driving me to distraction. Any help massively appreciated. Dizzy
  3. Morning all, Ive had some forms with the particulars of the claim from nrams solicitors. Strange thing is they are quoting the orignal mortgage details, the one we took out in 2004, we remortgaged with them two years later!!! Also the amount of mortgage is incorrect as well, they are stating £76295, we only took out £67500 originally although im not sure if this is even relevant as this was the original mortgage that was paid off when we got the new deal in 2006. Do i need to malke the judge aware of this as it seems they cant even get the original amounts correct let alone what we owe now. Thanks Dizzy
  4. Thanks Guys, I got a bit brave and spoke to the mortgage company and ive filled in my defence forms. They are welcome to what I have got left over cos its not much!!!!! I definately feel a bit stronger and ready to face it now its all coming to a head so to speak, and i dont miss my physcotic neighbours one bit Thanks for all your support and advice
  5. Thanks tuttle, Do I put my student loan down as income? I'm not sure on this as surely its a loan like any other and has to be paid back? Thanks
  6. Thanks guys, had a long think last night and im going to go to court, doesnt sound as scary as i thought. What will i be expected to say? Im going to do the i & e and send that back with the defence forms, what i dont understand is why they want an I & E at this point before the house is even sold, thats what i panicked about yesterday, surely they wont know whats owed til its sold. I am going to try and get it the cAB this week, but would like any feedback if you have anything?? Thanks again
  7. Hi sillygirl, Im actually petrified of going to court - is there a way i can get this accross without attending? My husband has depression and doesnt deal well so I know he wont be any good either. I & E forms - i am a student now and im not sure what i would include as my income, its difficult to know what i need money for too far in advance with regards to books and thing so im not sure what the expenditure there would be. Is there a standard cost to go off with regards to food and things as they vary all the time especially with two young children Thanks
  8. Hi Angela, We moved out at the end of august as planned and have just had the court date for repossession set for 3rd December. Im not sure if i need to fill in the defence forms as i am dont want the house. The forms also state that the claiment is looking for payment of the mortgage arrears - would a court award them this before the house is sold? Im worried mnow as there is an invome and expediture form in there as well. Ive never been to court so really dont know what im doing Can anyone advise please
  9. Hi, Thanks for your help, its approximately 10k plus the unsecured part of the mortgage which is 17k Thanks Grace
  10. Ive just had an estate agent round and its worse than i thought, i will get 60,000 if im lucky. Im thinking that bankruptcy would be a better option as im not interested in buying again. we also have unsecured debt that we are struggling to pay.
  11. Hi all, My situation at the moment is that i need to move house due to my neighbours who are making my life hell - its not worth getting the police invoilved as they really dont care. My problem is that i have a together mortgare with 7000 outstanding on the secured part and 17000 on the unsecured part. My house has dropped in value as i bought in 2004 at the height of the bubble. Im looking at getting 70000 tops for the house leaving me well and truly stuck there in a neighbourhood i hate. I dont know what options i have other than to hand the thing back, but would i then struggle if i needed to get a rental If anyone could give me any info of any options i have i would be extremely gratefulThanks Grace
  12. I never did unfortunately - littlewoods passed it to lowell and i get a letter every few week threatening legal action but nothing has happened so far. Littlewoods never supplied me with a copy of cca either so im not sure if they can actually do anything
  13. Just received a letter from wescot this morning saying they are acting on behalf of halifax now demanding the full balance - really dont know where to go from here Can anyone help?
  14. Hi, I requested a cca from littlewoods with help from this site and have received standard emails saying its been sent in the post - well over six months ago and nothing has ever been recieved by them apart from demands for payment - at the time i asked them to put the account in dispute until i had received the cca. I hadnt heard anything for two or three weeks and have now started getting letters from lowells - the latest letter threatning to get a charge put on my house or make me insolvant. My question is - is this debt enforceable or not? As far as i could gather if they couldnt provide the agreement within the designated time frame it wasnt enforceable What is my next step here? - I stopped paying them as they changed my payment date and subsequently kept adding charges to my account which was wiping the payment i was making Thansk for any help
  15. Hi all, I had an overdraft of £5000 with halifax that had £300 worth of charges, back in april last year after them terminating the agreement i agreed to pay it back at £50 per month which they eventually agreed to for a six month period. As soon as i had made the last payment in november i received a letter from robinson way demading that i pay the full balance which i dont have available and wont do for some time. My issue is, do i let them take me to court or try to come to some arrangement - are robinson way a dca or just another name for halifax??? I was happy to pay the £50.00 a month but as soon as they had got their charges paid off i am now left back to square one with this - i have just been servicing this debt for years but the new charges they imposed were crippling and not getting rid of any of th balance Any advice would be welcome Thanks
  16. Hi Guys, Can anybody help me with this??? Ive received a letter this morning from a company called robinson way limited demanding the full balance within 10 days or they will commence legal proceedings - as i suspected back in march halifax have taken the payments ive made, repaid the charges and now sold the debt on - i dont know where to go from here thanks
  17. Hi all, well its now november and i set up a standing order in april and have paid the £50 they agreed every month on time - received a letter today from blair oliver scott demanding repayment of the full £5009 (Balance less the charges they levied which i have paid off as above) - so what i was dreading happening has hap[pened and i am now back to square one - dont really know where to go from here - do i cancel the standing order as it goes direct to the bank account i was using or do i contnue paying it in??? Thanks for any advice
  18. I will get another letter typed up and keep you posted on what they say:-)
  19. Hi, I think i used "defaulted in November" incorrectly in my original post - what i meant by this was that I failed to pay anything into the account in november. They didnt send a default notice until december and then as above, they terminated the agreement 12 days later (Although as i said i am still showing as having a £5000 limit on my online banking). I have sent countless letters offering the £50.00 and asking them to suspend charges to help me reduce the debt but as above i didnt receive any reply back until last week. i received a letter last week saying they didint accept my complaint but i could start paying 50.00 per month as of 1st april but that this arrangement would only be in place til november - i think the only reason they accepted it at all is because i sent a ltter recordered delivery telling them that if they couldnt accept my repayment plan then they should take me to court - got templates from this site. I am worried that if i do start paying this (which i want to do) they are just going to cover the charges they have already levied and then i will be back at square one. To be honest i have had this worry hanging over my head for three years and have just been servicing the bare minimum interest because i wwas afraid to face up to it - I just feel that i need to get something in place to get a regular payment going - If my situation improves any then i would be able to make a larger payment, but i cant see that happening in the next year or two Thansk again
  20. Hi can I ask you the background to this please so I can offer some advice ?Exactly how did you defaulted on an overdraft? From what I am reading here you went over your Overdraft limit and took no action to bring it back under the agreed limit. Not judging you just trying to understand exactly what happened. The reason i went over is because they started the new overdraft fees which were nearly three times the normal monthly interest - unfortunately times are very tight at the moment, my nuresery fees had just gione up agaion and i just couldnt sustain it - i hoped to be able to come to some arrangement with them It is a very large overdraft and £50pcm is very small. You are looking at 10years to pay this debt off and that does not include any charges. I realise this, but at the moment its all i can afford and its better than nothing. The reason I am asking is that there are approaches you can take here but it really depends on your personal situation and how you got into this situation. I have first hand experience of this so can run you through some pit falls and options but the decisions you make right now will affect how this turns out. My credit rating has been destroyed by a similar problem and I am having to work very hard to repair it, I hope to advise you so you don't make the same mistakes I did. Finally, last comment I would make for the Bigger picture do pursue the FSA, FOS etc but please do not rely on them for help right now, you will be on your own here but CAG will help. - Thanks four your help, any advice is much appreciated - Im not trying to run away from this debt i want to make payments but it seems they will only agree to this until nov this year then they may take the facility away which will leave me back at square one again 9th March 2010 08:56surpriseRe: Halifax
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