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Everything posted by fitzos

  1. hi folks does anyone have a link for an LBA after the bank have replied to the prelim but not offered anything as the on in the templates library is meant for when the banks don't reply. Or shall I just use that one and change the words. Cheers
  2. I had filled the form out and was just about to send it when the cheque came through the post, which saves alot of hastle, donation on way. cheers
  3. hey all, great news, barclaycard have paid all of the money they owe aswell as the 8% interest and on top of the £170 goodwill gesture, which is great, thanks for the help and goodluck everyone
  4. Hi When filling in the value part of the N1 do I just put 45 pounds for the court fee or do I add on the hearing charge aswell which I think is 50, or does that come later, Cheers
  5. cheers bookworm, yeah going to do N1 form, is that hearing fee a new one, I didn't have to do that on my last claim.
  6. Hey all, just an update, all templates sent off, I was offered a good will gesture, I have declined this, heard nothing further from then so I am about to start a court claim, the court fee's link doesn't appear to be working but I went onto the website and I think for a claim of 480 pounds the fee is 45, think that's right? This is my 5th claim now you'd think it would be easy ha. Cheers
  7. cheers, sorry haven't updated for a while but great news, Lloyds paid all of the money they owed including the 8% and the best bit is they paid the full amount ontop of the 170 pound good will gesture, they never did this for me, I'm slightly jealous that my brother got more then he was supposed to ha. Good luck everyone and thanks
  8. Thats an extremely good, and annoyingly obvious idea, thanks bookworm.
  9. Hey all thought I'd start a thread as I'm starting a claim for my brother as he lives in Australia nowand I've finished all of my own claims I'm actually claiming for his Lloyds TSB credit card so do I use the same addresses, contacts and threads as if I were claiming from Lloyds TSB bank or is it a completely different thing, cheers
  10. Hey all, thought I'd start a thread as I'm Aabout to start a claim for my brother as he lives in australia now and I've finished, and won, all of mine (yes I am slightly smug) I was wondering if I send the SAR letter off with his name on can I send a cheque for £10 from me or will they not accept this as the cheque will be from a different person Cheers guys
  11. cheers slick, perfect
  12. hey all, There used to be a letter to reject a partial offer, I sent my prelim and they said they would give me some of the money back, I cant find the letter anymore to reject this, anyone know where it is Cheers
  13. would that be OK to do, yeah I will do that, I have a feeling they might just pay up though as its a small amount. I hope they refuse now (never thought Id want the bank to not agree with me ha) would be great to practise with cheers slick
  14. cheers slick, I'm so annoyed I sent off my prelim then read your post, would have been a good idea to use this as a practise run, cheers for the link
  15. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    woop woop My cheque came yesterday, It gets easier with everyone I do ha Thanks to you all for your help its greatly appreciated, gonna attempt to pass on my knowledge so any questions, bring them on cheers again, can someone move this bad boy to WON please:D
  16. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    cheers andrew, congrats kenny, so its over for you then, well done. got my two cheques through now just waiting for them to send the cheque for the court fees and It'll be done
  17. cheers maroon Decided to hold off for a few days while I look into CI as I might claim it and I know you have to do it from the very start,
  18. hey all, I have my statements and I was obviously a very sensible lad with my Barclaycard, only £74 in charges, Im sure they will give me this straight back, Still looking into CI for my other credit cards though as I have much more charges on them, wont bother with CI on this card though hardly seems worth it.
  19. trust you ladies to high jack my thread to talk about elegance and sparkly things, ha I might start to send my letters to the bank on scented sparkly paper, what do you reakon?
  20. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    nice one kenny. great to hear, we've had an identical journey. Meet you at the bank to pay in our cheques!!!
  21. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    thanks hopeful, Should be getting the hang of it now, its my third one.
  22. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    ah not so blind after all, I've tipped your scales, thanks for the help
  23. fitzos

    fitzos vs virgin

    Oh yeah, why would I see that, its only in big, bold letters, ha Cheers, will look through it, My main problem is I cant get an advanced spreadsheet to open as I dont hace excel and the links for the works one is down
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