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  1. C.B.A - we rarely go into the emergency credit as we put £50 per time into the meter - if we do go into emergency its for less than a day every time. We have never had a token meter - always a key meter.
  2. We were with Eon for Electricity Supply but about three months ago changed to Southern Electric. We have always had a prepayment meter but today received a final bill from Eon for £308 - my question is "how can you owe for electrictiy when you pre pay for it"? Tried phoning them but just held in a line and never answered
  3. Hi Jen nope I was just a normal customer who was being treated badly and unfairly so I make my own letters up. I have had cause to complain before to mail order places and so after the initial enquiries fail then I find out the bosses and always go direct to them. I knew I was right and told them I was prepared to take my complaint ANYWHERE to get justice. All I can suggest is, if you don't get any satisfaction then contact local press, local radio, maybe then the nationals and tv such as Watchdog (but in all honesty I reckon the tv shows are not that good unless thee are thousand who complain about the same thing and then they never really follow things through) In cases of companies going bust though, I really don't know what you can do as I have never experienced problems in that field. Just see if your local BBC Radio station have a consumer advice programme and if so, I would try them.
  4. Try this page Untitled Page but it doesn't look good for you. Very sorry. This is what they say about items returned for repair. Q. What if I have an item in for repair? A. The administrators are not in a position to complete any repairs which have been commenced. The administrators are working hard to determine the status of all repairs and will be contacting repair customers as soon as reasonably practicable. Please log your repair queries with the call centre or via the email address orderqueries@empiredirect.co.uk Keep trying and keep hoping.
  5. After a quick google search I found this below - all I can suggest is that you contact one of the numbers listed. Best of luck! Another UK retailer has gone titsup - electrical retailer Empire Direct has gone into administration. The Leeds-based chain's 14 warehouse shops and online store are shut as Another UK retailer has gone titsup - electrical retailer Empire Direct has gone into administration. The Leeds-based chain's 14 warehouse shops and online store are shut as it was unable to trade in administration because of low stock levels. The firm's collapse means 150 jobs have been lost. Customers awaiting orders should email orderqueries@empiredirect.co.uk, or phone 0871 4729000. Suppliers should call 0871 4729001. it was unable to trade in administration because of low stock levels. The firm's collapse means 150 jobs have been lost. Customers awaiting orders should email orderqueries@empiredirect.co.uk, or phone 0871 4729000. Suppliers should call 0871 4729001.
  6. I had a problem with a package I was supposed to have received but didn't. I telephoned Royal Mail in Colchester (I think it was) and was told I had signed for it and I could have a copy of the receipt for a cost? I argued that just because an item had been signed for, it doesn't mean it had been delivere correctly...if at all? In the end, I received a free copy of the signature not - it was unreadable just proving the point I was making. Anyone delivering any package to the incorrect address can receive any old signature In my case, the supplier of the goods believed me, sent out a substitute item and claimed from the Royal Mail himself. A signature proves nothing at all does it Sorry I can't offer more helpful comments
  7. See my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/retailers-high-street-line/179063-littlewoods-direct.html#post1960743 on Littlewoods Home shopping to find out the problem I had but in the end this is how I dealt with it Send letters of complaint to these people outlining your problem and the ways you have tried to resolve it. Send all the letters recorded delivery Mr Alistair McGeorge (Chief Executive Officer) Mrs Susan Murray (Managing Director) Mr Alan White (Financial Director) Customer Services Manager The first three named above were sent to Littlewoods Shop Direct - Skyways house - Estuary Commerce Park - Speke Road - Speke - Liverpool - L70 1AB The customer services one was sent to the normal address which is the Innovations Centre (address can be found online) and was only sent to them to let them know that I meant business.
  8. Right, this is long but sorted. I hope sincerely that this will help anyone having a problem with Littlewoods Home Shopping. After contacting a few places looking for help in sorting this problem out, all failed to offer any decent help, I decided to go to the top. I found the names of three "powerful" names in the Littlewoods heirarchy and wrote to them stating the problem, the attempts I have made to sort it, quoting the Mail Order Protection Act and the threats that I am willing to take in order to sort this out. I then sent FOUR letters, all recorded delivery so they would have to be signed for....these were sent to... Mr Alistair McGeorge (Chief Executive Officer) Mrs Susan Murray (Managing Director) Mr Alan White (Financial Director) Customer Services Manager The first three named above were sent to Littlewoods Shop Direct - Skyways house - Estuary Commerce Park - Speke Road - Speke - Liverpool - L70 1AB The customer services one was sent to the normal address which is the Innovations Centre (address can be found online) and was only sent to them to let them know that I meant business. Today I found out that the debt has gone, the interest overpaid has been recredited to the account and the minimum payments adjusted. I am unsure (as this was found out only after phoning them after getting the latest bill and complaining as it is still showing all the incorrect information) as to whether anyone has apologised. The computer got the blame for this latest bill being sent out as the information sorting it has only come through today - so they say. So, if you are having problems with Littlewoods, I wish you well, use the above information and make sure you record the letters.
  9. this forum doesnt seem very helpful - so many requests with so few replies!!! We only come to these places because we are seeking help.
  10. Hi everyone. Having a problem with Littlewoods Direct. In July of 2007, we ordered a laptop on BNPL (November 2008). This was a birthday present for my wife but the delivery date altered twice. Because the delivery date was unnacceptable, we cancelled the order and bought one from high street store cash 0 same one in fact and £150 cheaper!!! The problem arose in November 2008 when we noticed this had been added to our account??? We telephoned and was told it was on its way - this was in 2008!!!! We asked the person on the end of the line to check again - "Oh she said, that was 2007!!" - she then saw that we had cancelled it and confirmed this. The next month, there it was again, added to our balance, interest added per month and minimum payment increased (we always paid off more than the minimums anyway) Another phone call and we were told it was ok again!!! Next month the same thing - only this time we were told to put it in writing to their accounts section - we did. Had a standard reply in early December saying they are looking into it - heard nothing since!!! Januarys bill arrives, its still there, interest ion this fictitious £499 debt still being charged, min payment higher than it should be. We wroteanother later giving Littlewoods Direct until 21st January to sort it or we would be taking this higher. 21st January has arrived, nothing from Littlewoods so any suggestions as to where we go next? At our wits end here - we only owe a couple of hundred pounds but they say we owe almost £700??
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