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  1. Aww Many Thanks i wasnt sure because we had made communication, all the letters ive read all say we havent made communicate well we have but weve always disputed be liable, never admitted it because although we could be we dont feel we are
  2. serveral debt companies have passed around an energy company debt over the last 5 years relating to an alleged debt from 2001 - 2002 now i realise the debt is more than 6 years old, but over the last 5 years i on my we have been communicating with these companies stating that we believe we do not owe the debt from when my boyfriend was still living with hsi wife and trying to get proof, we received some copy bills last week for the one account with bills for these dates. Weve not admitted liability for the debt and have not made a payment and only just found out what they are for, but we have been in communication saying its not our debt and trying to find out what its all for. does this matter when trying to claim stat-barred ????
  3. Trip advisor has some very usual information and great reviews
  4. ive not hear of citizen advice choosing not to deal with a company, did they say why they wont deal with n-power ? ive recently been to see them about a slightly problem with e-on
  5. Quote from another thread about "Car at Garage for 5 weeks now garage appears to have shut up shop" not the same i know maybe worth a try but someone suggested a good reply to that " what does your ins co. say or offer after a few unanswered letters from their legal team i know someone that had the same sort of scenario a couple of years ago, ins co, paid for a locksmith to break-in [police were present too] and recovered the car [though it was a £24k range-rover!]. notice of recovery [or something] was left at the premises, he never heard another thing about it. as you are AA too what do they say, both have legal teams that you can use and might even be free. just athought.. dx100uk"
  6. could somebody else just check but it seems these people are a sponsered link of google ?, What they are charging is what they say in their terms anc conditions but since they never told you about any terms and conditions and you never agreed to any terms and conditions and couldnt have possibly know about any, then you should have a good case, trading standards sound like a good bet
  7. Without knowing much I would advise you to go to your local citizens advice who will be able to either advise you put you in touch with a solictor to take on the matter or may even be able to phone the company and put the scares on them Either way this situation your in isnt right and there bound to be something you can do and somebody to help you just got to find it and you certainly shouldnt let these people get away with it
  8. when my boyfriend was living with his ex-wife, had a power supply in his name, as far as he is aware is signed a direct debit mandate at the time for the money to go out monthly, but as usually in their house hold his wife controlled all that was going on, it seems that eventually she gained access to his bank account and frauduently cancelled the payments and took the money herself. So therefore the enegy bills added up with-out his knowledge, this started in 2002 and continued until 2004. Nobody contacted him or went to see him face to face to his knowledge if they did then they were diverted by his wife. Since she kicked hi m out of the property in 2004 and he had his mail re-directed he has since found out about the non-payments and debts run up. Powergen have been demanding money and have passed it on to different debt collection agencys. we have requested copy bills for a very long time but have always been sent summaries with no meter readings, on our last request we have received a summary of the last 3 months bill that he was supposidly there. This only gives estimated readings. He does not have any final meter readings as she expelled him from the house whilst he was out and has not allowed him back in since. It seems that all the bills may be estimates and the final bill. He has not admitted the debt to be his, as we do not believe it is. Could somebody please advise me how we come off over this, as we have to act as they are threatening court action
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