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  1. Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry if thats a naive question but I haven't eyt made my way round the whole site. I checked online that my pay had gone in to my A & L current account on the due date the other month (it usually regsiters soon after midnight & should then count as real money in your account). As it had been paid I went online again in the morning & ordered all my xmas presents online as I had funds to cover it. It took me a while to happen to notice, checking that month's charges again, that AFTER I had made online payments hours after my pay went in, the bank had rejigged the order of payments that day, putting my BACS payment last & therefore charging me for going over my overdraft. I checked some more, and have also found examples of the bank charging for going over my overdraft limit to pay a direct debit which WOULDNT have taken me over that limit. e.g. debit for £80, £100 left in overdraft, but £25 charge made BEFORE debit is logged, meaning I go over limit! Has anyone esle experenced this? For me the BACS thing is tantamount to fraud as they consciously changed the order of events & I'm considering taken legal action. Any thoughts gratefully received. (To give you a context I'm a single working parent overwhelmed with debts & getting hit so hard by A & L every month I didn't even notice these cheats for a while. Thanks, Morag
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