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  1. Ahh, good old Halifax, I CCA'd them on my loan and preference account, just because i knew it would be quicker and potentially give me more ammunition. They have replied for my loan account, with a copy of my statement/charges but atachted a copoy of teh agreement for my prefernce account and not my loan. Good job.
  2. I've checked the railway bye-laws and it states: 18. Ticketless travel in non-compulsory ticket areas (1) In any area not designated as a compulsory ticket area, no person shall enter any train for the purpose of travelling on the railway unless he has with him a valid ticket entitling him to travel. (2) A person shall hand over his ticket for inspection and verification of validity when asked to do so by an authorised person. (3) No person shall be in breach of Byelaw 18(1) or 18(2) if: (i) there were no facilities in working order for the issue or validation of any ticket at the time when, and the station where, he began his journey; or (ii) there was a notice at the station where he began his journey permitting journeys to be started without a valid ticket; or (iii) an authorised person gave him permission to travel without a valid ticket. So I cant see how they can have a case under this either?
  3. Halifax calls are getting crazy now, but I'm still refusing to confirm my details over the phone. Though a chap today did say that if I didn't speak to him today then my account would be passed for legal action, this is before i confirmed my details with him! I've had a reply from Halifax about my SAR, there is one thing of note in this: "Please note, HBOS plc is not obliged to supply records held in paper format if they don not form part of a relevant filing system." What does this mean, and is it legal, I thought they had to supply all information. my SAR to BOS still dosnt show as received, even though it was sent on the 5th!
  4. In January I made a train with First Great Western journey from a Station with no ticket facilities, got off the train at a major station and then straight onto another train to my Final destination. On the second train there was a conductor who I asked to buy a ticket, he said I should have a ticket and I explained the situation the that I had changed trains and my originating station did not have any ticket facilities. He said that I should of bought a ticket at the major station when I changed trains and would issue me with a penalty. He took down my name and address and said I would get a charge through the post. He didn't give me any paperwork at the time. I have received a latter stating that I have 10 days to pay £46, or legal action will be taken. This is ridiculous considering the original Fare was only £5, and has arrived after the 10 days specified on the letter (great) Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Well Halifax have received my SAR, as i have had a reply that they are processing my request ( though I know they received it last week anyway). Despite telling them on the phone, and now in writing that I will only deal with this in writing, I still have a bucket load of missed calls from them on both my mobile and house phone! Is there anything I can do about that?
  6. Ok, Rejection letter ref CC charges will be posted tomorrow. I received a copy of my bank statements, and the charges add up to £3500, with over £1000 worth in the last year. I am considering putting in a claim under the hardship exemption, and was wondering if I should ask for interest when claiming? I am prepared to take this to court if necessary. I have also e-mailed the FOS, with the hope they can shed some light on what type of account the Preference account really is. Thanks for all your help, Mike
  7. Thanks for the advice. I will no longer be dealing with anything over the phone with them. In regards to my CC charges, anyone have any idea of what I should say in the letter rejecting there offer and asking for the full amount, I've had a good hunt around the site (been looking since my last post) and can't find anything. All the charges are from before April 2006, and I feel justified in asking for the full amount back with interest.
  8. You should take them to court, if you meet the the FSA guidelines for hardship, your case will not be stayed by the court. you might want to wait for one of the more experienced members to confirm this, but I'm 90% certain its the case.
  9. Ok Update time, will be opening a parachute account this week. First off, my letters have been received by HBOS, according to the recorded delivery check. Secondly, Halifax called on Sunday Ref loan, I said I had sent a letter and would only deal with them in writing. The Guy on the end of the phone said that this was not possible, and that I had to deal with it on the phone, and if I didn't speak to him about it right then they would charge me £10! Not impressed. Third, Halifax have come back to me offering me the difference above the £12 on the Credit card charges, thanks, but no thanks, will be pursuing the full amount. That's it so far, thanks to everyone who has posted.
  10. Is this true?!? , where would this be listed, in my credit agreement or my Current account Terms and conditions? I have another bank account but its with lloyds, so that's useless, Can anyone recommend a good bank for me to get a Basic account with?
  11. Ok I sent them the Subject Access Request letters for the loan and preference account, which by the way is a credit card hiding as a bank account as it is listed as a credit card on my Credit file. To make matters worse, Halifax tried to take my loan payment out on the 30th, when it wasn't due till the 4th!. Pity as if they had taken it out on the correct day the funds would of been in there. Anything I can do about this?
  12. Ok I've scanned the front and back of the agreement, anyone have any clue what account type it is?
  13. To be honest, I'm not really sure, the documentation implies that is some sort of bank account, yet works like a credit card, wit ha credit limit and monthly repayments. It was opened in Nov 06 not 07 as i said before. I haven't made a payment to this since July 08. I have a copy of the original agreement, maybe if I scan it in someone can work out what it is. Ok, I think I can manage that, I've found what I believe to be the correct template letter. Nope, Got another temp Job in January, I probably have about £200 a month I could pay out. Thanks for the advice.
  14. Thanks, I'll get that in the post asap. Any idea what i should do in regards to the loan? Also I just realised both agreements were in Nov 06 not 07, not that I'd imagine it would make any difference
  15. Ok here are a list of all my account with HBOS and my Situations with them. Halifax Current Account, opened Aug 2001. Overdraft Limit £2000. I’m towards the bottom end of my overdraft limit and some months going over it. I have send for a copy of my statements, and I believe the owe me at least £2000 back in charges. Halifax CC, Opened Aug 2001. Closed Account Have recently sent a request for a repayment of ~£1000 in charges relating to this account in 05/06. BOS Preference Account. Opened Nov 07. Limit £1000 This account is causing me all kinds of problems, I had about £60 on the card at the time, and had just put a lot more on between the statement and payment date. Halifax bounced the £5 direct debit (and in the process charged me £35) which completely messed me up and I haven’t made a payment since. At the end of Nov my current account was suspended and my card eaten by an ATM. I called Halifax to ask why and they passed me over to collections, who said it was due to Preference account and they would unsuspend this when I paid the outstanding balance. Fair enough I thought, and was assured I would still be able to put money into the account, and once I had, I could go into the branch and pay BOS with a Giro slip, at which point they would unsuspended my account. Well payday come at the beginning of Dec and it bounces, turns out I can’t put money into the account after all. I phone up collections, who said they don’t suspend Current accounts due to arrears on preference accounts, and it must be due to my loan or CC (which has been closed for over a year). After checking with both departments (I was behind on my Loan, due to having no money in my account, due to the suspension, but that’s it), she confirmed that There was no reason for my account to be unsuspended and no record of my call at the end of November. She unsuspended my account and said she would arrange for a new Card to be sent to me. At this point I lost my Temp Job (was made redundant in Oct 07, Apr 08 and Aug 08 ) as I had no money to get to work etc. After 14 day had past I called up asking where my card was, there was no record for my request to have a replacement sent out and no record of my calling (again!). Halifax then promptly sent one out to me. I’ve Received a letter from Blair Oliver and Scott telling me that the account had been passed to them, and that I need to pay within the next 5 days or they will send someone round/court action, but I haven’t received anything from BOS saying that they have passed my account to them, of any default notice. Halifax Personal Loan. Nov 2007. Amount Outstanding ~£7000 Because my account was suspended (see above) they bounced all my direct debits, including my loan and charged me £175 in fees (In Dec alone), which means I’ve missed 3 payments on my loan and have now been sent a default notice. Any advice on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. It's got to the point where I cant take it any more, I'm fed up of talking to people on the phone who are rude and swear at me, and then there being no record of me calling! Thanks in advance.
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