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  1. Hi, Well after we paid the outstanding 129.00 we heard no more at all from them and we didnt pursue any furthur as we really only wanted to settle on the correct amount which luckily we did, as for the company we dont know what happened as for obvious reasons we didnt keep in touch once our loan was completed, I just hope other people read this and query anything they are of unsure of should it not appear right, if they hadnt been so greedy we could quite easily ended up paying well over the odds for this loan!
  2. thank you thats perfect!
  3. I have been dealing with hsbc in house collection team for a friend with this sites help! We have sent off a cca request which we received all complete and accurate unfortunately! Anyway we then sent off a SAR with the £10 fee the information they have sent back is very sketchy and incomplete no list of transactions doesnt show amount outstanding etc. they have had 30 days is there a letter template I can send them stating that the information they provided is incomplete and does not satisfy the sar request, also what is our next move to keep the story simply they took out a loan paid it for 18 mts lost there jobs with 3 children in tow they are really struggling Help please!
  4. exactly what I have done sent them a letter Lba stating my origina request is still incomplete, low and behold guess who phoned again asking what i made the outstanding amount! after going through receipts of what had been paid my figure was 129.00 told them this they have agreed to except this as they cant trace all payments that have been made to them and now they are doing a fraud investigation into thier company as they believe that someone has been subsidising thier income! paid it when I received a statement to say that this amount was all that was outstanding, and have vowed not to ever let anybody i know use this company again! thx 42man for all your advice as always you have been an angel!
  5. no, I think my previous reply was a little hasty, as on closer inspection the paperwork was somewhat short of most things I have tried to get a full and final settlement figure (original problem) which once again they are now claiming is still at nearly £2000 and after spending several hours laughing at thier so called complete records it seems we will have no option but to take this to court, makes me wonder how many other peoples lives this so called company have destroyed with thier ruthless greed, I will be in touch no doubt over the weekend for help with the court paper work!
  6. We received a respose yesterday morning a full break down basically everything we asked for and anacknowledgement that there must of been some kind of mistake on thier part, as the outstnding balance is less than £250 which is what my partner and I both expected in the first place I am just so gratefull for this site if we hadnt of sought the expert opions on here we could of been continuing to pay this indefinitly, thx to everyone who helped this has made our lives hell now for months and now we are eventually getting somewhere! thank you.
  7. No nothing at all, just about to ask what my nxt move is! they have been completly silent we have continued to pay as these people put the fear of god into my mother she became an absolute state after the threatening behaviour on the phone we are moving nxt tuesday so my nxt move will not be carried out untill the following wkend I was hoping to be able to sort everything out with them before we moved including paying the correct balance but they arent interested otherwise they would of complied they think thier bullying tactics puts them above the law which it doesnt it just gives them furthur to fall!
  8. Right, they have had thier 40 days I am hoping someone can help with a letter before action letter please! we have not received any response from them at all but we have proof of delivery, and of course the cashed cheque! thanks very much in advance.
  9. Thanks again, Yes the loan is in our names my mother stood as guarantor for us. i can we will just have to sit and wait and c what they send (or not) .
  10. any help would really be appreciated as they are really a nasty lot to deal with, not really sure how else to move this forward as they are refusing to communicate with us, I feel the only option is to send the same paper work(SAR) but from my mother although neither her or myself have received a formal notice that she is now responsible for the outstanding balance surely we should of received some sort of notification.
  11. As you can see from my previous note we sent the SAR from ourselves, Blackheath have just phoned my mother who took over the payments to tell her they are no longer dealing with ourselves at all, but can offer her a reduced settlement figure of 1500 which is still to high as the man quoted on friday that all the total is about 795 should I now send a SAR from my mother as they are refusing to acknowledge anything sent by ourselves as always any help would be much appreciated.
  12. Sent the SAR recorded it has been received and they have cashed the cheque which they have taken off the balance, is this right? I understand I now have to wait for 40 days, is there anything else I need to be following up with while waiting on their response. Do I need to send them any reminders or anything?
  13. that was what I thought i just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing.
  14. I have just received a postcard from these people asking me to contact Ellie on this number**********,it also has 2 ref numbers on it, the problem is it is addressed to the occupier, I have no doubt that the ac they want contact is ours, but their failiure to use my name envelope and such I am now wondering what the best course of action is any advice on what I should do now will be very much appreciated,
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