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Everything posted by litestar

  1. Hi everyone Just to clarify my current position - Refund received £386.45. Not a lot but when you're skint - loads. 03/07/06 - LBA sent (had statements) 21/07/08 - deadline passed, cancel all DD, SO 02/08/06 - pt offered 02/08/06 - accepted as pt 09/08/06 - offer for Full amount 09/08/06 - accepted 29/08/06 - closed account 31/08/06 - Refund in account I was all set to fill in court forms this weekend, instead I'm waiting for Monday to go get my money!!! Thanks to all who have given their time, knowledge and expertise to make this happen. Great Job..... Anyone looking here thinking about taking that first step..... go for it.... the guys here are fantastic with sound advice and the results speak for themselves. Lyn
  2. Hi Lindy Lou Sounds like you need encouragement to stick with it. I too was afraid of doing it wrong but my charges just got refunded to my account in full. I had statements so sent LBA - I got offered part as 'full and final settlement' I crossed out that bit on their acceptance letter and included my own saying I accepted as part payment - full settlement was still required. They came back with full offer. As they didn't coff up very qiuck so I sent further letter closing my account forthwith - 2 days later money in account. it took nearly two months all together. Not long really. Stick to your guns - that is also the message all through the FAQ. If you want support on your journey - there's plenty of that here. Keep going. You'll get there. Good luck Lyn
  3. Hi everyone, I've been reading the faq's for a while now and taken some action against my bank NatWest Direct Business Banking, I thought I'd let you know how far I've got. LBA sent 21st July got usual letter (13 days) incuding offer to pay most of my total charges claimed, replied thanks but full settlement still required. They agreed full settlement (13days into next 14 day deadline), I accepted, sent letter back........ Nothing! No cheque.... No payment into my account..... :? but....... a further charge has been added to my account for non payment of DD that was cancelled last month and moved to another bank! I have drafted a letter today to close the account. I'm not sure if I should start with the moneyclaim (court) now or write again informing them the refund has not been received. The latter I feel is contrary to the LBA. Are they playing games thinking I will drop the claim? Has anyone else got this result and how did you resolve it? All help greatfully received,
  4. Hi Weststreet. This may be late in coming but I'm new to the forum and you may find it useful in the future. Glad to hear you've seen specialist now and have some answers. As a therapist I use online sites to assist me to understand complaints I'm unfamiliar with: www.wrongdiagnosis.com gives information on symptoms etc. www.medical-library.org/mddx_index.htm you can search in various ways here. Good luck Litestar
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