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Everything posted by pacheco50

  1. I feel relived to have found that I am not the only person who is being pestered by this bunch of unprofessional so called solicitors. Can someone please help me. My friend suggested that via cosmopolitan magazine website there was a free 1 month trial period at LA Fitness. You signed up on line for the free month and entered you bank details but you had to cancel by 1month on. So we thought we would go for it, we had to enter our bank details online then we were given a letter/voucher to take to the gym. A couple of weeks into the free trial my father was taken ill and I could not go the rest of the time so my friend and I clicked on the link and cancelled our membership. My friend received a confirmation of the cancellation but I did not. Iit went out of my mind as I had so much on with my father being ill and I then went on Holiday for 2 weeks. Then to my horror I noticed that a payment had gone from my account. When I called LA Fitness in Doncaster they told me that my membership was not and LA Fitness one but a Lifestyle membership???. They asked me to put the details in writing which I did and sent to Doncaster Office. I received a letter in October from LA Fitness stating that my direct debit had been cancelled etc etc and asking me to complete a new one. I ignored it as I was still awaiting a response from LA Fitness to which I have had nothing until I got a letter from ARC chasing me for the money outstanding. I called them explained and also said to them that I had not signed anything or even had a membership card from LA Fitness. They guy from ARC said that he would send me a copy of my signed agreement. I have received the agreement but there is no signature of mine only a copy of my bank details with a screenshot of membership details. I feel this is a total con, can these people really expect me to pay a years membership given that I did not get the email confirming my cancellation?? Please can someone clarify for me whether I have any rights here it just seem ludicrous that this can happen. I am now being chased for £558.00 !!! They have taken £58 in August as the first months direct debit which I also want back. Please can someone advise what to do next, Trevor Munn has now send me a threatening letter saying that documentation will now be prepared for the issue of an application in the Northampton County Court unless I pay the full £558.00 and I may be liable for another £125.00 and CCJ against me.
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