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Mr Smiley

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  1. Hi, I can see lots of threads relating to DVLA's wonderful late licensing penalties but can't find any templates/letters to use to dispute their case against my partner. Please could someone just point me to where they are. Sorry, I've looked but can't seem to find them. This has not gone to court yet, we're just at the stage of them saying we must pay the £80 penalty. After their initial letter imposing this penalty we have now, after sending a copy of the original V5 doc to them, received an acknowledgement letter but they say we are still responsible up to the time of them saying they had not received this from us. So if someone could please just point me to the templates etc. that would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi, I've just joined the site and can see there's a lot of useful info on here so will look forward to reading through some of it when I have more time. Apologies in advance if what I am going to ask is already posted elsewhere but I need to complete a defence by Wednesday so I'm trying to get a quick response if anyone can advise please or point me in the right direction. I have received a County Court claim form which was addressed to an old address and has been forwarded on to me. The claimant say they have bought this debt from a credit card company which I had an account with some time ago. I have now checked my credit file with Experian and it shows that this claimant placed a Default on my file on 4th January 2009 and the date that the account defaulted shows as 10th March 2003. As I have never actually had any dealings with this claimant or was even aware that they had purchased this debt I am hoping that I can put this on my defence to give me time to sort this out and then try and ask the claimant to provide more information such as proof of ownership of the debt etc.. Does this sound like they have placed the default and issued the claim to try and get something against me before the statute barred date which I presume from what I have read would come into effect in March (as per the actual 'defaulted' date of March 2003)? I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance to anyone who can comment / help with this.
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