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  1. Thank you both for your very reassuring replies. It's the sort of incident that makes you wonder intially if you are going mad. I can gather from other entries on this and other forums about the DVLA that this sort of thing is far from uncommon. It makes you wonder what sort of shambles their database must be in. Coincidentally, a friend of mine rang me last night. Her husband is a very active member of a car-owners club. He says that their member's hassles with the DVLA are stuff of legend! Seems to be widespread as I said. I think it is the DVLA's stubborn refusal to discuss anything that rankles. It is clearly just a smoke-screen so that they do not have to explain themselves and their incompetence. Once again, thanks for the support. Much appreciated.
  2. Hello This is my first posting - so sorry if I ramble. I have just received a notice telling me I am not taxed and have not made an application for a SORN - please pay £40/£80. However, back in October 2008, because my dear old car finally decided to shuffle off, I sent back my tax disc for a refund using a V14 and making the SORN declaration on the same form at the same time, just as their website and info. leaflets advise. About the 3rd week in November I duly received a cheque for £38.33 from the DVLA as a refund for my tax disc. I banked it there and then and waited for my SORN (which I admit I forgot about during December because I have about 4 family birthdays (including my son's ) and Christmas to contend with. The SORN never arrived but I received a rude shove in the grey-cells with the arrival of this notice of my "offence" on January 12th. It accuses me, amongst other things, of not being taxed. Well, of course I'm not - they have refunded my road-tax! I have returned their letter complete with a rather snooty letter from me, asking them to check their records and reconsider. Surely (or am I being thick here?) if they have refunded my road-tax, this MUST mean they have accepted that my car is off the road and thus have acknowledged my SORN declaration? It certainly proves they received the form at least! I wish I had known about and read this website before-hand. I would NEVER have trusted them to get it right - I would have kept copies of everything (sadly I didn't, I naiively assumed they knew what they were doing!) The only proof I have is their refund cheque. Is this enough or am I going to have to pay this fine which has only been levied in the first place because of their cock-up? Any advice or reassurance very welcome!! Thanks.
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