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  1. Hi Liverpool-Paul, Hi mate, just dropping you this quick note to let you know i passed my medical. Yogster
  2. Loggy-z, Mate did you pass your medical? Yogster
  3. Mate, I am going to check my results against what you have given me with my GP as my results are difficult to understand, my results show as a measurement "iu/L" am i looking at the correct column as there are two results? I will get back to you this week after i have seen GP and i will let you know my results. Also mate if you pass the blood and urine test, how long before you are told if you can drive or not? Yogster
  4. Hi Mate, Thanks for your reply. Have you any idea of the pass rate figures for ALT, Gamma GT etc as i have had a Liver function test a week ago with my GP and i have a print out of the results so i can check if OK. Thanks Mate Yogster
  5. Hi Liverpool-Paul I have my medical soon also in two weeks. After reading the threads can you confirm that if your blood results are ok they will not contact your doctor. Also is there any mention of drugs on the questionaire, if so what do they ask? Thanks Yogster
  6. Hi simi240, What is on the questionaire? Do they ask anything about drugs, and do they check your medical records for any drug use? Can you tell me what is on the questionaire?
  7. Thanks for the info! Did they check your medical records?
  8. Loggy-z, Can you give me your email address please so that we can stay in touch.
  9. Hi, I have recently had my disqualification removed 9 months early after appeal for drink driving twice in ten years, 9 years apart. I have now been told that i have to attend a DVLA medical prior to my licence being re-issued. Can anyone give me any information on this as i have heard that it is almost impossible to pass. Do they get your medical records from your GP?? What happens in the medical? Is there anyone that has passed this test to give me some info. I do not drink now only very rarely, but i did drink excessively a few years ago. I am just really worried about this and could do with some advice. Also stupidly i have got myself on a Methadone script, will they check for this on a drink drive medical?
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