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  1. Me thinks one doth watch too much Zeitgiest. I If what they claim in that movie is true, why do people use banks? Why has this never been exposed? Why bother having customers if banks can "print" free money? Why are countless banks and multi-nationals going down the plug hole? I would like to see some real evidence before i consider these "accusations" as cold hard fact. Im talking about primary sources here.... not just myths and hearsay. Fact is credit card companys give consumers 100% chance to pay their balances off each month but the fact is most people think they can get a good deal and pay minimum payments (which we all know barely covers interest charged and will COST MORE and TAKE LONGER to clear the balance than if they just bought the stuff outright with cash, but consumers dont see it like that they have the impression that what they are getting is something for free or something at a reduced price.Im rambling now but bottom line is if you want to pay the balance off and therefore not have to pay interest do it... set up a DD, s/o, pay it with your cashcard and then you WILL NOT have to pay ANY interest. obviously banks hate customers who do this every month because the balance doesnt revolve and the bank makes diddly squat on that account. Its simply not worth us keeping the account going. People who pay the minimum as they think they are being clever and cheating the bank (alot in my experience) really have no idea that they are EXACTLY the kind of customer the bank wants.... make minumum payments miss a few then bring it up to date by paying the minimum payment. Ergo pay more interest and charges and make the bank more profit.... RANT OVER TBC.....
  2. Im no expert but i would stay on your payment plan, if theres no problem with your creditors yet then why borrow more money to pay off the balances? have you considered consolidating these debts? if you on payment plan they will be interest free though am i right? Just out of interest who are your credit cards with (i understand if you would rather not say) but i work for one of the big lenders so may be able to offer some insight. tbc ...
  3. always send your letters recorded delivery that way they cant say they never recieved them. tbc...
  4. Right, first off get on to your bank and get them to investigate. If it was eversheds i would try ringing the actual company i.e ge money and quote your account no. Ask the agent to search the system using the card number you paid it with. tbc
  5. You have just about hit the nail on the head there mate. its actually quite frustrating at times when i speak to people who are going through a tough patch and all i can say is send us a letter. I wish it was me who makes the rules but sadly it aint
  6. Unfortunetly a signed and enforcable credit agreement is, at the present time, the be all and end all. How can you possibly argue against it in court?
  7. I've got my tin hat on but i have read these forums for a few years and now when i am at work i am dying to tell people about this site but i need to work and as you can imagine that would be a big no no for my bosses
  8. Surely if its legal for them to send you a document with your details on but no signature i could be a millionaire by now... They know they cant enforce it but are trying to fob you off and assuming you are not aware of the law - basic practice
  9. Hi there im new to the forums, Just have a quick query really. In august 2008 i took out a 12 month buy now pay later agreement on a samsung tv from comet. The basics of the agreement are that i have 12 months in which to pay the total off interest free, no due dates or monthly payments but basicly at my own leisure, but it needs to be paid off before august this year otherwise interest gets front loaded and i must pay nearly double the amount of the tv on top... But the problem i have is that in the fine print of the contract it states that HFC Bank will charge £20.00 handling fee per payment... this sounds rather dubious to me is this just their way of making up for the lost interest if i pay it off in time. If it is i am just going to have to save up the money and pay it in one lump sum... Now is this legal for them to charge that much to take a payment??? or is it just an underhand way of making money on an interest free agreement? Anyone with experience dealing with HFC or just anyone who is clued up help would be muchmuch appriciated. TBC....
  10. Good look mate, If all else fails then you can always go underground
  11. Hi there Sorry to hear about your financial problems the loss of your loved ones.... I couldn't say i know what your going through right now but believe me its not the end of the world and you CAN solve these problems.... Have you considered getting an appointment with the citizens adivce bereau or the Consumer credit councelling service? These are two charity orginisations i know help people in your predicament? If you need the numbers i can find the nearest CAB to you... I work for a credit card company, in the collections department, and i happen to know that if you specifically request we remove your number, we must do so by law. So i suggest if you do speak to them again you request they remove your number and corresspond with you in writing. Perfectly reasonable request and also they are obliged to do this... if you want any help from an insider just PM me or something i would be happy to give you some help.... TBC.......
  12. nice tactics Fortunetly i am yet to have to deal with a DCA, i imagine it could be rather amusing from certain posts on this board. Obviously it could also be rather depressing... depends how you look at it. TBC
  13. I will never forget my most stressful and traumatising call so far, which was because the customer was a lawyer.. She actually enjoyed reading the law to me, listening to me squirm as i had to explain i am not a lawyer or financial expert and i did not know what section x was of this act and how MY personal actions were contravining this act. She knew i didn't have a clue what she was on about. Safe to say i had to go outside for a few cigs after that call.... my god
  14. The difference in my case being that i no longer work for the agency as the company the agency put me with took me on a permanent contract but the agency continued paying me. They cant deduct money from my wages because i no longer work for them. in effect i was being paid twice once by the agency and then by my employer. Also they kept paying my after my contract with them had expired, they knew when this would happen so why continue to pay me? It was most definetly not a rolling contract.
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