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Everything posted by Elgrand

  1. Here's the response from the DCA to my letter dated 20th may. Elg.
  2. MBNA have just responded to my CPR 31.16 request. I know i should'nt be surprised by it but i am. I sent them the template letter with a few mods for my purpose from PT's thread underlining the part stressing this is NOT made pursuant to section 78 Consumer credit Act 1974. They sent me a one paragraph letter back, saying. In your letter you state that you request information in accordance with s.78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and that you enclose the £1 fee. As the £1 fee was not included, can you re-send with the appropriate cheque. Yours Sincerely Gail Powell.
  3. Elgrand

    Davey vs Amex

    I would very much like to know, thanks DD. Elg.
  4. Thank you so much for your help creditcardmug and you too Davey for suggesting it. Elg.
  5. A quick update. I have written to M&S again, by way of a CPR 31.16 and have sent a seperate letter to their complaints department. I have sent an email enquiry/complaint to the ICO asking for clarification on the signature stalemate,(still awaiting a response from the ICO) The response i got today from M&S, is what looks like a dodgy DN that i will post for comments. Elg
  6. Thanks Davey, will ask creditcardmug if he would kindly have a look. The postmark has a large S and ukml black bar code with an orange barcode underneath.
  7. Hi angel, Sounds like you have been busy, very well done for the win helping your friend. good luck with 1st credit. Elg.
  8. Heres the two pages of the default notice, I hope i've got this right. Letter dated 5th may remedy date 19th leaving no days for postage envelope (kept) was received by me on the 11th may looks like a second class postage mark. Read the Ambiguous statement on page 2 saying if you have not paid the amount requested within 28 days etc. so what i gather is the account will be terminated on the 19th and all oustanding money due, but if i don't pay within 21 days then i will be reported to the cra?? Could someone kindly confirm my thoughts on this being invalid? Elg.
  9. So, still no information for the account prior 2003! They state securitisation is beyond the scope of the SAR!
  10. No response to my CPR request yet, but did receive a letter regarding the information specified to meet my SAR.
  11. Thanks smouk, better forget that thought then
  12. Hi smouk, Just subbed and read your thread. Very similar as you stated. Now i wonder why they did not cancel/terminate my account as quick as yours and am wondering if it has anything to do with the outstanding amount( just a thought) Mine is close to 6K
  13. Hi BRW. I definately have not received a previous termination letter and that was one of the reasons i sent a second SAR, trying to fish for further info. As you kindly quoted in an earlier post, it was now my job to sit back and wait for the termination and that is what i have been waiting for. I totally agree and was waiting for this to happen. My second SAR came back with this letter The response that they sent about the cancellation is what i believe a direct response to my CPR 31.16 request. (That is the letter they have referenced) So, do you think i should reply to this and ask for the SAR again or construct another letter asking for specific data, such as DN and termination etc. Thanks again for everyone's time and help. Elg.
  14. Correct Smouk, i will post up the SAR response. Elg.
  15. Thanks GG, have done that today. Thanks PT, excellent thread
  16. Totally agree, wrote to both and to date have not heard back. I guess now Amex have Frederickson International as their external collection agency on the case, i'll be hearing from them next. I sent off for another SAR but have been told by Amex that we are not obliged to supply the same data in succession and have returned my £10 postal order. They do however comment that they would supply any additional data free of charge if i specify what it is i require. Elg.
  17. Waiting for that one now! Thanks for forewarning me macmiddle and smouk, both my letters to Westminsters and RMA were received in preston. Elg
  18. Just got a reply from Amex to my CPR 31.16 request and they have just referenced it as a letter. I'll post up what appears to me to be a termination although they state Cancelled?? Hopefully someone can clarify that. Any comments most welcome Elg
  19. Hi, Now received a letter from Debt Managers Limited demanding final payment. Need to respond to this and wondering what's the best way of doing it. GG. Going to pop over to your thread with them again and have another read.
  20. Received a Default notice yesterday 11th may. Sent i believe 2nd class Letter dated 05th may Remedy date 19thmay Will post later the letter later. So looks like they have got that wrong.
  21. No DN yet, I will keep you posted. Elg.
  22. Hi GG, It's a pre action cpr 31.16 (have now edited earlier post)and no court proceedings have yet been started. I am going to allow for the 21 days to pass and send a second request, Their reasoning for not complying is incorrect as you have stated, as no allocation has yet been made. I will point this out in the next letter. They have mentioned that they do not hold a copy of the original signed agreement but are insisting they have complied with my cca request whilst providing me with a true copy. What i require is a copy of the signed agreement in its original form and that the request I am making is NOT made under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Thanks Elg.
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