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  1. Thanks for the information - yes i could get someone to do it for me, but i was hoping to ignore it and maybe it would go away... I am not sure what you meant about forms, i mean i took the loan and had the card so i am surely responsible for the debt? There really is nothing to dispute is there? Its been about 5 years since i took the credit card out, although i have made payments over the years, none made for the last year and about 4 years since the Egg loan again i have made payments but not in the last year, they know where i am in terms of address here in SA... I am not worried about my credit rating in the UK as i do not intend to move back there, but i am concerned that they stop me at the airport or something?? or i get arrested here?? Please excuse my ignorance but i have no idea what the implications are, my intention when i left was to continue paying the debt but financially its just not viable! Thanks for your assistance
  2. Thank you very much... but just to make sure i understand correctly if they have contacts in this country can those contacts serve papers on me and i will have to go to court? Many thanks
  3. Hi There everyone, Hopefully someone can shed some light for me please!! I lived in the UK for 6 years and left 2 years ago to return home to SA, i left about 6000 pounds debt in the UK 900 with Barclays (Credit Card) and the rest with Egg, I keep getting calls from RMA International but i do not take these calls as i do not have the money to make the payments, with the exchange rate the way it is i just cannot pay that money back. I wanted to ask if they can actually send Debt collectors to my parents home here or take me to court will it stand up in another country? What are the implications of ignoring them? And also can they stop me entering the UK for a holiday? Thanks Wondering
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