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  1. hello lynn , Thank you so much for your advice , it doeas confirm what i have been told by friends ect. just one more question . what is cca ? sorry bit nieve to this !! kind regards hondagone
  2. hello ! I have been out of work for 4 months now and i do not have sufficiant funds to pay the minimum payment for next month . I also have 3 other cards and 1 personal loan . I have had these for some time now but i have never defaulted or missed any payments . Due to a glitch on my credit score i cannot consolidate with a personal loan . I am paying just under £500 in total per month and there is no sign at the moment of improving any income . What legal options do i have and how do i go about them ? Thanks hondagone
  3. hello ! I have been out of work for 4 months now and i do not have sufficiant funds to pay the minimum payment for next month . I also have 3 other cards and 1 personal loan . I have had these for some time now but i have never defaulted or missed any payments . Due to a glitch on my credit score i cannot consolidate with a personal loan . I am paying just under £500 in total per month and there is no sign at the moment of improving any income . What legal options do i have and how do i go about them ? Thanks hondagone
  4. hello ! I have been out of work for 4 months now and i do not have sufficiant funds to pay the minimum payment for next month . I also have 3 other cards and 1 personal loan . I have had these for some time now but i have never defaulted or missed any payments . Due to a glitch on my credit score i cannot consolidate with a personal loan . I am paying just under £500 in total per month and there is no sign at the moment of improving any income . What legal options do i have and how do i go about them ? Thanks hondagone
  5. hello ! I have been out of work for 4 months now and i do not have sufficiant funds to pay the minimum payment for next month . I also have 3 other cards and 1 personal loan . I have had these for some time now but i have never defaulted or missed any payments . Due to a glitch on my credit score i cannot consolidate with a personal loan . I am paying just under £500 in total per month and there is no sign at the moment of improving any income . What legal options do i have and how do i go about them ? Thanks hondagone
  6. hi scott , thanks for you very quick reply . my cards are mbna egg tesco barclycard personal loan is with egg thanks hondagone
  7. Hello everyone ! , i have been recomended to join this site to ask for some help in getting to grips with a few outstanding debts in which i have . I have now been out of work for 4 months now and struggling to find money to keep up the minimum payments for 4 credit cards which i have and 1 personal loan . totaling nearly £500 per month i have not yet missed a payment or in any way defulted on these payments . I will be the first to admit that i am somewhat nieve in dealing with this problem and do find admiting defeat somewhat embarrising . Looking into my statements i have noticed that i am paying an insurance which covers this sort of thing but the clauses within this seem to not help in any way ! I have been told that i should cancel the direct debits and offer in writing a minimall amount instead . Can anyone help ? Thanks hondagone
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