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  1. Update: I handed in my notice last Friday by special delivery post and email. I received confirmation that they have it, but are now dragging their heels in confirming my end date. My new job wants me to start a week earlier than my notice period, so I really need to confirm my start date with them, so it's all waiting on my current job. What can I do? I also checked my account and despite sending them my doctors certificates, I haven't had any money paid into my account. I know from other people that this company will do anything to get out of paying for anything they don't want to and make life difficult. I'll be so glad when it's all over with them!
  2. Thanks pippadeee! Once my contract has arrived I'll get cracking on my resignation letter. I'll be so glad once it's all over! If I am over my probation period but haven't had a meeting to say I've passed, does that mean I'm still on 1 weeks notice, or should I give them 4 weeks?
  3. Sorry for the long delay in replying... I've been working on my situation and have some good news... I have a job offer! It felt like the big grey storm cloud had disappeared from over my head. My only worry is what to say to my job I'm trying to leave. I'm still signed off from work, and to be honest still don't feel up to even going in to hand in my notice or facing them in any way. Can I resign by email and not go in for my notice period while I'm signed off? What do I say in my letter, that won't have any detrimental effects on my career. I'm a little scared to complain in case they get nasty and make my life worse than they have already.
  4. Thank you for your reply, I didn't expect one so soon. It really helps hearing what other people think as I've started to question myself about everything I do and my confidence is really low. It was someone in finance, (who also does a bit of office management), who sent me the email. It looked as if it was dictated though as it was all quite official sounding. I'm pretty sure they want rid of me now I've been off for so long. They tend to sack people really easily at this company. Another girl who was having a tough time was recently forced out because she wouldn't play up to the head of the company flirting with her. My boss is good friends with the head of the company and the other director, and as it's such a small place where everyone protects themselves to get ahead, I had no one to voice my feelings to. I just can't believe this is happening to me. I'm desperately looking for something else as I need the money to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. If they aren't paying me while I'm off sick then would it be better to just quit? Is it legal for them not to pay me even if I have a doctors certificate?
  5. Hi all, this is my first post and I'm hoping you can help me with my situation. I have been in my current position for over 4 months now, however due to intense psychological bullying from my boss such as degrading attitude in front of others, undermining all I say and do, with-holding tasks until the end of the day so I have to stay late while he goes home, throwing the phone across the room, ignoring me as and when he chooses, not paying me back for lunches I've been asked to get, and the list goes on... I became very depressed after 3 months of this treatment. He is known for being like this and often degrades another member of staff in front of me and tries to get me to join in calling her names and putting her down, which I refuse to do. I became inconsolable almost every night knowing I had to go in the next day and even began hurting myself. I decided to go to the doctor to see if I was loosing my marbles, as I felt like I was having a breakdown. The first time I was signed off for 2 weeks, then the fear of going back drove me to self harm again so I was signed off for a further 2 weeks and put on an antidepressant and urgently referred to a specialist. My next visit I was signed off for another 4 weeks, of which I am on the first week of now. My company is really small and we have no HR to report any grievances to. When I was first signed of I called in and spoke to someone who is the PA and central point of contact for the company to explain what's happened, as I didn't want to speak to my boss. Since then she would text me to see how I was, and so I'd keep her posted about my subsequent sign offs. I even asked if I should let anyone else know, but her response led me to believe it wasn't necessary. Yesterday I received an email from the company, saying they were concerned that my only contact was via text and could I come in for a meeting. When I saw this I had an immediate panic attack, where I couldn't breath and collapsed on the floor. It's so hard to express the anxiety I feel in words, but I hope I have given you an idea of my situation so I can get advice on what I can do. My last pay was only half paid, can they refuse to pay me even though I was over my 3 month probation (hadn't had the meeting though). Also do I have to attend the meeting? Also I'd appreciate any further advice based on my situation if you have any. Sorry for the long explanation, it's been quite cathartic to get it all out.
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