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  1. Now all sorted. I kicked a stink and it turns out the court made a mistake. They say they will take judgment off. Thank you for your help
  2. This is driving me mad. The court have clarified that the judgement was not registered. They state it would only be registered should I default. I can only talk on the phone to solicitors, who spend most of conversation trying to assure me that it is only enforced should i default. They cleim that its the courts responsibility. The court claim they didnt do it. As i say, driving me mad
  3. Hi, i have just received the reponse from the court. They have sent a form for me to complete for a transcription request. However, in the cover note, they state that "The judge gave a monetary judgment for "£", however, this should not be registered unless enforcement proceedings are taken against you. (Just to confirm that this only happened on the 14th Jan. I have made the first payment as per agreement. There is no suggestion at all that i have not paid. Actually, when i did the credit check, the judgement was registered on the day of the hearing!!) I still cant get my head around how this can happen. How can an independant body (Abbey National) have the power to regsiter a judgement overiding a court?? Anyway, any advice on how i get this off will be much appreciated.
  4. Thank you. I'll post that tommorow. Clearly, I will keep you informed. As an aside, I cant quite get get my head around how Abbey have managed to register a Judgment. Surely, this can only be done by the court? Bit worrying
  5. I rang the court again and asked for transcript, they have asked me to write to them and explain and they say they will pass to judge. They are adamant it was not registered. I think i should write to them & The Abbey
  6. In my line of work i can check, and it has been registered on the day of the hearing
  7. Ell-enn. I am overwhelmed by your assistance by the way. Should i call the solicitors who act for them or just send letter? You dont think that, owing to a mix up that there is any chance of a repossession?
  8. Just spoken to a clerk at court and she has stated that the file clearly says that there is NO judgment. She says it is something that Abbey might do independantly, to which i asked how a seperate bodt had the power to register a judgement. She couldnt answer but said I should speak to them. I'll obviosuly call them but do you have any advice as to how to approach it. Nightmare
  9. Hi, It says The court orders that 1, The defendant give the claimant possession of "address" on or before 11th feb 09 2, the defendant pay the claimant £2320.61 being the amount outstanding under the mortgage 3, This order is not to be enforced as long as the defendant pays the claimant the unpaid instalmants under the mortgage by the payments set out below in addittion to the current instalmants under the mortgage payment required £95 per month, the first instalment being paid on or before 01 feb 09 and it is adjudged that the claimant recover against the defendant the sum of £84,797.86 it is ordered that the defendant pay the sum of £84,797.86 to the claimant. To confirm, i did pay the first instalment on time. Later on in the form, it says "If you do not pay the money owed, when due and the claimant takes steps to enforce payment, the order will be registered in the register of judgments etc. This may make it difficult to get credit..... Well, it has been registered. I have done a credit report and i have a judgment for £84,797.86 I have to say, after the court hearing, i was very relieved as i was told I just had to be the added £95 + plus mortgage. Having now read this properly, I am concerned that i actually may be repossesed. HELP!!!
  10. Hi Ell-enn, I'll get later and post. Thank you
  11. I did ask this lower down. No answer as yet. I recently went to court and was subject to a suspended possession order. I was told very clearly that this would not be in the public domain. However, I have found out that a CCJ is now registered against me. Firstly, does anyone know if this is standard practise on a Suspended Possession order? lastly, any advice on a course of action as i was told by judge and solicitor that it would NOT be a CCJ. A CCJ is terrible for me in my line of work
  12. Hi Golden, I dont think I am qualified to give advice. However, as I noticed you had not had a reply yet, I thought I would let you know that I dont think you have too much to worry about. Having been in a worse situation than you and read on here much worse situations, you will get good advice here and I'm 100% confident you will resolve this. Although, it is very stressful. Remember, it is not the solicitors that decide on a repossesion, it is a judge. In my experiance, they will do everything to assist you. They are also under instruction from the government to have repossesion as an absolutely last resort. Dont get too stressed and get on with your life. I'm sure you will get proper advice shortly
  13. Hi Golden, I dont think I am qualified to give advice. However, as I noticed you had not had a reply yet, I thought I would let you know that I dont think you have too much to worry about. Having been in a worse situation than you and read on here much worse situations, you will get good advice here and I'm 100% confident you will resolve this. Although, it is very stressful. Remember, it is not the solicitors that decide on a repossesion, it is a judge. In my experiance, they will do everything to assist you. They are also under instruction from the government to have repossesion as an absolutely last resort. Dont get too stressed and get on with your life. I'm sure you will get proper advice shortly
  14. I recently went through this process and had a lot of assistance on here. In court i had a discussion with other sides solicitor and in the hearing a suspended order was granted very easily. One thing that was mentioned was about a judgment. I was told, both by the solicitor and the judge that this type of judgemnt would not be in the public domain. Yesterday, i got home and had a letter from a company ultimately trying to lend me money or wipe off debts (you know the sort). Anyway, the it was clear that the letter was sent as a direct result of a judgement. I havent done anything as yet, but was hopeing i could get some advice on here on what to do. I tried very hard to keep a clean bill of health financially, in spite of my obvious difficult time.
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