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  1. hi ya guys just to let you know i had a letter today saying that thay have changed there mines on the letter that i wrote after i had your advice appealing for my travel claim back , i asked them to wavie the ex but no joy on that part but at least i got the rest back . thanks again guys i dont think i could of done this without this site and advise xx
  2. thanks , will keep you informed on the reply i get from them thanks agains guys for your advise
  3. thanks for this littleladyellz i will put that in the letter . do you mean about the medical certificate from the insurance that the doc has to fill in ? as if so he did not charge me nout for it plus if thay do change there mind on my claim do i recevie the full amont or still need to pay the ex £50 each?
  4. ok will sort a letter out to them on what advise you have gave me , im really greatfull for your help will it take them upto 8 weeks to get back to me? i will keep you posted on what thay say
  5. (They can make you pay £25 for it. ) who can make you pay? my mom was the next of kin as she was my granmother 1st child
  6. (the terms look to me to be sufficiently loose to be worthy of challenge.) what do you mean buy that ?
  7. i had a medical form off the insurance so my granmother doctor could fill it in but some of the things thay where asking my granmother doctor said this is confidential and i can give this info out he could not even tell me never mind the insurance i sent a copy of the death certificate as thay requested that too i now she took tablets but she was 82 and a lot of people at that age take them so you think i should say it in a letter on how you send about the complaints procedure? im really greatfull for your help as i really dont understand this kind of stuff
  8. on the letter i received from them said: standard policies, such as the one covering your agreementmant have standard term and conditions and exclusions, not all claims can be paid . under the pre-existing medical conditions section of your poilcy it states that " if you are aware that you or any other person (including relative, travelling companion or close business associes) have: a pre-existing condition that can force you to cancel or cut short your trip: been admitted as a inpatient in hospital in the last 24 months: suffered for heart or circulatory related condition ( angina,stroke): any cancerous condition: any lung related disorder then you must contacted the medical pre-screening company in order to arrange for that condition failure to advise them of the medical condition will result in those undisclosed condition not being paid* ( know one at the travel agency ask me if anyone have any medical conditions , just do you need a family travel insurance and i said yes thats it !! i have been on a few holiday over 10 years and never been asked about medical conditions and allways booked my insurance thougth the agency) the medical evidence presented to us confirms that my late granmother suffered from chronic heart disease. ( my gran had a heartatack about 20 years ago i dont even remember it as i was only a kid then ) unfortunately as you have not declared your late granmothers medical condition to the pre-sreening company, i regret to advise you, that i am unable to be financial assistance to you on this occasion. however, if you have any further questions in relation to the above , please do not hesitate to contact this no bla bla .....
  9. really sorry to hear about your mum sali, you think thay would be understanding about close members of the family dieding just before you go on holiday or while your out there, we pay this money to have a break and go for a good time thats what holidays are all about but how can you really hand on heart you can do this and go if some thing like this has happened to us and not even get no money back at all it bad that we lose someone but paying for it to because thay have died its shocking!! plus pay for your own way back if you need to get back because of our loss!! i no if yourself hurts yourself on hoilday you can get over it but when you lose someone as close as your family you never get over it !! i just wish thay have a heart
  10. thanks for this lex i will put it on to writing ,but not sure how to word it as never had to do anythink like this before can you help ? and whos f.0.s and how do i contact them if the letter i send to the insurance company still dont change there decision? and do i say the my mums policy with the post office paid her out as she had a standand one 2? thanks tammie
  11. so do you no what on each policies and what it covers ? do i contact axa insurance uk on any think?
  12. hi not sure on the cover think it was just a standard one as thay did not ask just said do you need travel insurance and said yes and booked it as a famliy for 3 and paid £40 for it i dont have nout as most of the info was sent off to the cliams department??
  13. hi ya i booked my holiday back in feb last year for myself,my other half and my little girl i paid the deposit and my travel insurance with t/cook but a few months later my other half could not get the time off work so i paid to changed the name for my mum to take his place but my insurance would not change the name so my mum took her own insurance out with the post office i paid the rest off the holiday off in full about two months before we was traveling but two days before we was going my granmother died unexpected so i wented back to t/cook and told them what happened as we was to upset to travel and we was the only family lefted to sort all the stuff out ! i ask if i could still keep the holiday but go a later date but thay said i could not do that only think i could do is claim my money back off my travel insurance so i sent all the forms off to mine and my mums insurance thay told us we will have to pay them£50 ex per person a few weeks later the post office sent my mum a cheque -the £50 still had nout off mine till the 2nd jan 2009 saying really sorry for your loss but we are not going to pay you a penny as when i took my travel insurance out i should of told them my granmother had heart probs but my granmother was not traveling with us or had nout to do with the holiday the letter off my granmother doc to the insurance said it was sudden unexpected (she did have heart probs but had it most of her life over 30 years) so what can i do about this can anyone help me with and advise thanks
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