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Everything posted by t03spd8

  1. Hi guys, Do you mind if I asked what ever happened with this? As I have a disputed overdraft default with LTSB with a default dated feb 2009 and have just checked my credit file and it has been assigned to this IND Ltd crew as of december 2012 so I fear I am going to be issued with the same bombardment!
  2. Hi everyone, I'm in desperate need of some advice here. Aberdeen City Council mucked up our application for council tax exemption as when they wrote to the University to confirm student status they spelled my flatmates name completely wrong and obviously they could not find a match for her in the University system to confirm she was a student and how long for. So I called them and told them what they had done (after she sent them 2 letters explaining) and they said they required her to go into University and get a letter from them stating that she is indeed a full time student. She got this from them and posted it to the council and yet they have told the court to go ahead and process a summary warrant for an outstanding balance of ~£1300. What should we do? I cannot imagine Scott&Co buying it if we call them and tell them the council have mucked things up, but at the same time we've sent them everything we needed to send them and yet this still happens. Of course they never sent us any proper letters regarding the settling of the problem, just automated postal reminders to pay the outstanding 'debt' for which we owe nothing anyway! Any advice on the best course of action would be greatly appreciated. X
  3. Dear Charlie - Trust me I am glad you have been saved from this hell cycle. Good work.
  4. Just spoke to my bank who said that they can still take money out of my account from the cancelled card if it is a subscription / regular payment even though the card has been stopped or cancelled! so basically they are going to rob me of every penny that ever comes into this account?! What can I even do!
  5. I set up an arrangement to pay back my debt by installments with this company when my hours were cut at work and I was unable to pay back my loan with them in full. In spite of me adhering to the plan, they managed to take £20 from my account using a debit card I HAD CANCELLED!!. Im due to have money paid into my account tomorrow (a hardship grant from my University - I'm a postgrad student) and I dont want it to get swallowed up by CFO. How can they take money from me from a cancelled card? I have called my bank and they said that sometimes cancelling the card does not guarantee that it cannot be used again - what a pile of..... Any advice will be greatfully received guys Xx
  6. Hi MsW Thanks for those threads I have read them carefully though is there anywhere that has the templates that I can send to them? Regards T03
  7. Thanks msweather and anyone else I know all the information is on here I just dont know where to start or where to find it - I have looked Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated
  8. thats what I thought! yeah someone else got the same thing on the same day as me!!! Its so so bad isnt it! What am I going to do God
  9. So guys, Ive had it with the threats and the random figures they have been spitting out about how much I owe them. Once again I have had a final demand to pay XXX.XX for a loan which was for £100.00 In fact, I had one email from Toothfairy themselves at 8am saying I owed one amount but by the time NDR contacted me 3 hours later I owed them £91.00 more! So theyve said that I either pay the full outstanding balance (which is close to £800) on a monthly basis at £100 per month, or I can pay a settlement figure of £350.00 in the next 6 days... I cant pull that amount out of my *ss I am not interested in doing either of these things for a £100 loan. So the court is my only way to go but I need your help! Firstly, I want to request the balance that I owe as a full statement with the exact costs and how they are calculated. Is there a template on here that allows me to do that? Also I want to counterclaim for harassment based on their communications with me over the last few months to include several different email addresses and most recently, my facebook account. Do you think I have the grounds to do this? Finally I want to write to them asking for a copy of the original agreement I signed with TFF. Is there a template anywhere on this forum I can modify to do this? Have I left anything out? I really feel like I am out of my depth in the vast information available on here and really need guidance. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  10. Clarity will write you a letter and will be much more professional in their handling of this. The biggest advice here is to cancel your debit card and your direct debit. If they have your debit card number they will milk your bank account for every penny you have. It is then almost impossible to get the money back - in fact you probably wont. Please don't panic - it is an understandably difficult situation to be in but PTP won't care - Clarity will be much easier to deal with. Take care and try to stay calm.
  11. This company really must be a bunch of mates operating out of someones mums garage............
  12. I got the exact same message on Facebook yesterday mate dont worry I've reported it to Facebook as harassment and blocked the person from contacting me I am also seeking legal advice.
  13. Yeah thats who I emailed and he forwarded my letter(s) to a lady in the senior management team who was just as equally unhelpful as everyone else I've spoken to so far :'(
  14. Ok so I've written to them regarding the engineers charges. I got charged about £300 for an engineers visit to repair a fault on the line. When I called up to make the fault report they told me that I would only be liable if the fault was with my handset or the wiring to do with the handset - any wires leading to the master socket in my property were then part of the BT network and property of BT. in spite of all my other problems they have now offered me £50 compensation and a £50 refund for the late payment and payment processing fees. I've written back to them totally disgusted RE-EXPLAINING the issue with the faulty phone line being at their end and even if it wasnt, that I was totally mis-informed by their faults team. Considering I'm studying towards an MSc in Computer Science I think I understand networks quite well at this stage... IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO? I'm so sooo exhausted now
  15. Im just worried as they are already demanding that I owe over £320 for my £100 loan 8 weeks ago. If anyone else can share some info with me specifically regarding Toothfairy please let me know
  16. Dear All, This is the first thread I have started. I have a big problem resulting from a £100 loan I took out from Toothfairy Finance. The wages department at work screwed up at the start of April and I am due a big payout tomorrow. In the meantime I told Toothfairy Finance I was unable to pay them £136 and asked if I could delay for 4 weeks and incur 4 extra weekly charges of £9 each. I did not get a reply from them. Since then they have: 1. Called my home number on a daily basis leaving information regarding who they are and my private account with them, that is that I have an outstanding loan and how much it was for leaving the information open to third parties. 2. Sent me various emails each day telling me that they are adding fines to my loan. 3. Threatened me with bailiffs and BANKRUPTCY - for a £100 loan? I dont think so. They also said they would send bailiffs to all known addresses to collect goods up to 9 times the value of the debt. 4. Told me they have passed my file to a Solicitor and they are charging me £150 for this to be done. I have not heard from any solicitor or any debt collection agency (West Yorkshire Security Debt Collections) whom they say they have also consulted with. They have offered me no chance to make a fair payment which would be £172 (the original £100 and 8 weekly charges of £9). Nowhere in the agreement I "ticked" when I signed up for a loan does it state about late fees or solicitors fees or how much these would be. Can anyone offer any advice??? I have tried to correspond with them politely and calmly and I am certainly no fool. I know that they cant do these things under the guidance for debt collection from the OFT and their actions and words so far could jeopardise their licence. Any takers?? Will realllly appreciate the help. Cheers guys, S.
  17. Well I'm not getting my loan say WFS. Can't say I'm surprised. They didnt make any payouts in December I guess when your parent company share prices drop from £3 to 10p you know you're in trouble. £16k with a total repayable of £39k is criminal I'm really sorry to hear that. I applied for £1000 over 2 years and I think I would have paid back £1800 had they given me the loan. and that was without PPI etc. I too have a lot to learn about the financial side of life - my rights, my responsibilities, what I can do, what processes are in place that can help me pay back what I owe ( I dont want to run away from my debts I want to clear them! ). What annoys me is that I believe they have LIED to me the whole way through December wasting valuable time, and also their conveniently scheduled maintenance on their website with regards to applying for a new personal loan - why not just tell people to bog off that they cant take applications - more lies. *Sigh* I guess in the long run I'll consider myself lucky I didn't get my loan from Welcome Finance and just battle this one out. Good luck everyone.
  18. Yeah I think youre right EBOY and by 75% too. Maybe I'll hold out some hope considering I got an offer/quote in November 08, but we'll see. Are there any other companies like Welcome that lend to people with poor credit ratings? Cattles are screwed
  19. I was calling myself a scrounger because I am desperate for a loan just now - I wasnt referring to anyone but myself But thanks for the advice - I will certainly start my own thread. The only reason I posted here was because its entitled "Welcome Finance" and I thought it was acceptable to ask a question as others have in the past Good luck all.
  20. The balance of the amount you borrowed or the balance + interest? I dont have a comfortable life ,otherwise I wouldnt be borrowing** money from Welcome Finance would I? I'm just saying it seems beyond logic that signing up for payments at £X.XX per month for X months can go wrong. Surely you just multiply the monthly payment by the amount of monthly payments and thats what you give them??! Theres nothing else in this agreement that I can see that states you have to pay more? Its not my fault if youve borrowed at high interest then borrowed more and then more again and dont know what you owe any more. Thats your problem not mine. ** I did not mean to refer to anyone as a scrounger P.S Making sure you can afford the repayments of a loan is just a sensible thing to do before you borrow, dont you think? Rather than being a smug comfort
  21. Im sorry but it seems everyone who complains here are people who have missed payments on the loans they agreed. Im sat here with my Finance Agreement and it tells me how much im borrowing, my monthly payment, how many monthly payments and my APR. I know I can afford my monthly payment and will have little problems securing this money each month to do so, so whats the problem? I am paying 60 odd % APR but thats my own fault for getting myself into bother a few years ago - im working out of that. When I called they did push the PPI quite forcefully but I told them I couldnt afford it and not taking it reduced my monthly installments by almost half......... But I managed to get an offer / quote without it. Hmm... I think I can make up my own mind without having the opinion of the careless and the misfortunate forced down my throat. PS if any welcome employees can help me out with my previous question I'd really appreciate it!
  22. I applied for a loan with WFS (unsecured loan) in November 2008, sent away the paperwork on 10th December 2008 and STILL am yet to receive payout. Does anyone at Welcome post here? Is anyone else in the same boat? I need advice - are they ever gonna give me money or is it actually really busy or am I just being fobbed off? I sent away all the correct documents - they have confirmed this much. Ta T03
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