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  1. Hi again, Instead of trying to swerve the issue I called them to explain - they sent me a financial assessment to complete and, while my suggested fugure fell below their minimum amount (I offered £50 a month on £1400) they have at least stopped any interest and charges, and won't try to take payments until they have spoken to me. Or at least that's what their website told me... we'll see tomorrow I suppose. The guy I spoke to seemed pretty helpful to be fair. On a more general note, I called my bank to ask them to not send any money to Wonga should they request it through the "lost" debit card. They told me that as they are a loan company they are powerless to stop them taking payment, as they already have the card details, and they are unable to chargeback if they do take anything. It seems wrong that once I have provided a debit card to a company they are then able to take whatever they like from my bank account. PM
  2. Hi, My loan is due out tomorrow but I don't have funds to pay it, or to extend the date. I have cancelled my debit card - the only one listed on my account with them. Could they still take the payment out? I'm slightly worried about this. Ta PM
  3. Hi, I recently sent off speculative requests to all my old creditors to request they investigate any PPI that has been applied to a number of old accounts (all now defaulted and being repaid by token payments). I have had a letter back from Santander offering a refund but then stating that as I have arrears on the account (a cahoot loan) they will offset the refund against the arrears and refund the balance if any is left (there won't be). Some time ago I had a PPI refund from First Plus who refunded me with a cheque and did not offset against the arrears that were on that account. Should companies be offsetting the PPI refund against arrears or should they be refunding what is money that I have paid them on a mis-sold policy? Thanks, Pubman1
  4. Yay, really pleased for you, well done. Been following this thread - knew you'd be OK:-)
  5. Yay, really pleased for you, well done. Been following this thread - knew you'd be OK:-)
  6. All done - Mortgage Rescue has saved our home. Instead of trying to pay £200 to the 1st charge (interest only) and £599 to FP we now have a weekly rent of £83. Sale has completed and 1st charge paid off, £23k to FP towards the balance. My understanding is that the remainder of the FP loan will now be frozen with no further interest or charges and we'll negociate a monthly payment to them that we can afford. The remaider of what we owe them now becomes unsecured and will be treated the same as other unsecured debts. Next challenge is going to be to prove that they should never have let us have the loan in the first place and challenge it's validity, but that's for another day.
  7. It sounds to me that they are being totally unreasonable. If you can offer to pay the normal monthly payment and something towards the arrears and can show that this is affordable with a budget statement for the court I cannot see a judge granting repossession. You can challenge the charges - £20,000 sounds crazy! I don't know if N244 applies in Scotland I'm afraid, but there must be an equivalent process. Stay positive.
  8. Hi, My understanding of this is that you will need to fill out form N244 and take to court to get the eviction suspended. You are in a position to maintian the normal monthly payments and make an additional payment towards the arrears - it's unlikely that a judge will grant repossession in those circumstances. When Ellen picks up this thread she'll help with the N244. When is the eviction date? You're right to keep things in writing and not to discuss on the phone.
  9. Hi, best of luck this afternoon. I would have thought that 5 mins is reasonable - I have been going through a complicated repossession hearing since last December and my hearings have been allocated 10 mins to include the complications. They'll look at the facts and make a decision. Having read your thread I'd be suprised if they did not suspend the eviction.
  10. Hi all, another update - we have been back and forth to the court over the last few months with the hearing being adjourned pending mortgage rescue. FP re wrote the loan following the ombudsman decision and refunded me about £1800 which was the interest @ 8%. There are still arrears on the loan - not really sure how they have worked it out and they havn't sent a statement yet. Anyway, the mortgage rescue is going through and we have a completion date of 13 September so as of then no more threat of repossession!! FP solicitors wrote to us to say that they had requested for the most recent hearing to be adjourned and that I did not need to attend. However, when I got the next date through (15 Sept) it said that their application to adjourn had been refused and that they are to attend the next hearing to explain why they did not turn up at the last one - I think I'll go along to hear that!! So, thnks to all on here that have provided help and support - I notice that this thread alone has been running nearly 10 months and there were other threads before this. Without the support and advice I've had from here I don't think we'd still be in the same house. Will let you know once completion is done. Pubman
  11. Do you know if you will have the option to buy back your house at a later date if your circumstances change? Yes, it's now called the right to aquire and would apply in 5 or 6 years time. Is it looking like your rent payment will be a lot cheaper than your mortgage? We have the original mortgage and a secured firstplus loan. original is £200 per month andFirstplus was £800, but have just won PPI battle with them so waiting for them to re write the loan. Rent likely to be around £360 per month. And finally, do you have a lot of other personal debt? Yes, but making token payments to all of £1 per month, organised this ourselves. Once they had I&E statement showing mortgages they didn't really have a choice. One other thing - our house is in negative equity so if the council were to buy at market rate there would be a shortfall on the mortgage payment of about £20k. Do the council and mortgage lender negotiate to ensure this doesn't come back as a debt to you? We are also -ve equity. The council housing dept negociate with the shortfall lender, in our case Firstplus. The negociation on the shortfall should go along the lines of either being written off, reduced or at the least no further interest added.
  12. Regarding the PPI this has been mis-sold on a number of counts: 1. It was imposed as a condition of getting the loan 2. It was inappropriate as your husband was self employed - in fact the purpose of the loan was for his own business - and therefore would not cover him in any event. 3. There's probably more but that would be enough any way. How much are the arrears? You would have an excellent chance of having the loan re drawn as if the PPI were never taken out. If the arrears would be cleared by that then you have a good case for adjournment - the amount of arrears are in dispute as there is a complaint for the mis-sold PPI. The key thing is to have evidence that you have actually made a formal complaint, have you done this yet? As far as I am aware you should complaint to the company that sold you the PPI ie Black Horse as it is they who mis-sold the product. As for the rest I am sure that someone will be along shortly to offer you more advice. All the best.
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