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  1. Thanks guys, knowing my luck they probably will take me to court!! Happy new year Tony
  2. Thanks A127! I wondered how I stood as I have already made contact with them and offered payment (although this was subsequently cancelled)? Does this accept liability? Thanks Tony
  3. Hi all, I hope someone can help. I have just received a letter from ‘Rossendales Collect’ requesting payment (£80) for a 'speculative invoice' that I received in August whilst on Holiday in Cornwall and would like to know how or if I should respond and where I stand legally? The 'speculative invoice' was issued by ‘Searchlight Security & Parking Solutions’. At the time I was unaware that I had parked in a Pay and Display car park until my return to the care some 22 minutes later when I discovered the notice. The Pay and Display sign was behind a 4x4! However, annoyed as I was I returned payment via credit card to the P.O. box address on the notice. There was no alternative options for payment or contact details on the ticket. The fine was for £80, reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days. I subsequently discovered (through another online forum) that Searchlight (a private parking company with questionable authenticity) is not backed up by the 1991 Road Traffic Act and its'speculative invoice' is misleading and not legally enforceable. Concerned that I had given my credit card details to an unreliable source, I cancelled the credit card after the 14 day payment period, by which time they had not taken payment. What should I do now? Thanks in advance for your help. Tony
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