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  1. Received this morning a statement for Barclaycard and they have cashed the cheque, although still adding charges and interest. Should I just wait and send another letter and cheque 1 month from the first ?? Thanks in advance
  2. Thought I would share the first update with you all. Have received a letter from Citi Credit Cards this morning stating that to be accepted onto their reduced payment scheme I need to send another cheque for the same amount as the first in a month. It is then their decision if they allow me entry to the scheme. I feel fairly positive about this as at least they have not dismissed it out of hand and my proposal to them was about £10 with a balance of £2,500. This was obviously pro-rata'd based upon what I could afford on my current income, since our little monster was unexpectantly born early !!
  3. Quick little question before I go to the post office to send the CPR off.. On the letter from 42 man I have only put requests 1 and 2 for the agreement and the default notice as there is no mention of a termination on the POC Is this correct or should I include this request and re-print, hoping to get this sent off later today so a quick yes or no would be gratefully received. Thank you
  4. Hi all, Thanks to some brilliant advice on here from 42man and Ell-enn we have staved off our repossesion order and secured loan and are now concentrating on our unsecured debt. We are trying to sort our lives out slowly now the old man is back in work. As per the templates here we completed a personal budget sheet and ensured we were paying our priority debts and contribution to the arrears. I then sent out recorded letters to all my credit card/loan companies (6 in total) asking them to accept a reduction and showing them my affordability, all taken from the template library. All bar 1 have already banked their cheques and I am awaiting the next bout of letters... Do I take this they have agreed to the lowered amounts (still realistic) or best to wait and see. Will feedback how it all goes and whether we can move forward sensibly out of this mess.
  5. Thanks again. He would help for sure although I am only doing this as his administration is awful - great saleman; poor administrator see why he did well at Halifax !!! Will keep you all updated - and ask many silly questions along the way !
  6. Thanks 42 man. I am acknowledging today and also sending CPR letter as per your post. It is worth noting that my hubby (whose loan it is) worked for Halifax at the time he took the loan with them - does this affect what I will be undertaking today and the way we proceed. Clear to say he no longer works there for many different reasons.
  7. Make you right 42man. Ok I am not sure if I received a default as I have received so many threatening letters from Halifax et al, since my partner lost his job last year. Now he is back in employment we have struck agreements with mortgage and secured loan and now trying to make some recovery on our unsecured debt - clearly halifax beat us to the punch. I have to fight this as have gone through so much stress recently to secure our property that a unsecured loan threatening this would be a minor tragedy. Therefore I need to get cracking, and fast. Issue date was the 17th Feb so I now am guessing (and would love some confirmation) that I go online and acknowledge that I wish to defend all of this claim (ACTION 1) ACTION 2 - I send off the letter to the sols acting on behalf of Halifax, requesting all of the information - I had no previously CCA this loan and it did not have PPI. I then wait for the fireworks ??? I am so grateful for your help 42 man and have had a good read of Starbar's thread who seems to be going down the same route, albeit a few weeks ahead.
  8. Thanks 42 man.. I am still in quandry and have started reading the link, although raises more questions than answers so far - I take things in slowly I'm afraid... I have a couple more questions and that will lead me to whether to fight or not : What are the implications of a CCJ - Will I still be required to pay the debt ? Can I not strike a deal pre-court to pay this off in instalments ? - Is this still the same level CCJ ? If I fight on your grounds, which appear robust, what are the %'s of success given previous threads ? and is the outcome the debt scrapped altogether ? Sorry the questions I dont want to commit loads of time if I do not fully understand as my 6 month old takes up all my time at mo. If I do fight, I will absolutely follow it the bitter end. Thanks again
  9. Hi peeps, Sorry to jump back in but could really do with some help on this one I was hoping to produce my budget sheet from my visit to the court to deal with my priority debts and make a lower amended offer per month to Halifax ?? Is this likely to be accepted given this is all I can afford ??? Grateful for any opinions - and surely I wont have to go to Northampton ???
  10. Thanks for your time. "The claimants claim is for £6200 ish presently due pursuant to a credit agreement entered into by the parties, full particulars of which have been supplied hitherto. By an agreement dated 15/7/2005 the defendant has an account number ... with the claimant. The defendant has failed or delayed to adhere to the terms of the default notice issued by the claimant under the terms of the consumer credit act 1974. The balance due is. Am grateful for any help and would like your opinions on how this pans out.. Thanks again
  11. Hi all, After some brilliant help in the repo section from ell-enn we have staved off our priority debts and managed to come to an agreement with both our mortgage and secured loan and are now on track not to lose our family home. The personal budget planner we did for the courts for the charges gave us £450 a month left over to pay our many unsecured creditors, on a pro rata basis. I have written out to these however the Halifax loan has beaten us to the punch and already applied to the courts in Northampton. I would just like some verification that I am about to do the right thing : I am sending them a copy of my personal budget planner and including the amount I can afford to pay them each month - obviously less than the current monthly payment by a way. Is this sensible & what are the likely outcomes please ? Surely we are not expected to go to N'hampton ?? There is no equity in our home so cant imagine they can go down that route ? and cannot attach to my earnings as all accounted for in priority debts ? Be grateful for any help ?
  12. Thanks for your kind words.. Had at least 1/2 a glass of wine to celebrate. Just for clarity to be fair it was Abbey who said lower the payment to £100 per month so take nothing away from them. Albeit apparently the judge was very pleasant and "realistic" Thanks again..
  13. Thanks for your kind words.. Had at least 1/2 a glass of wine to celebrate. Just for clarity to be fair it was Abbey who said lower the payment to £100 per month so take nothing away from them. Albeit apparently the judge was very pleasant and "realistic" Thanks again..
  14. Other half just got back from court and the news is all good. Ell-enn you are a genius and we are eternally grateful. When we get back near straight will donate what we can afford to ensure this great database of knowledge continues as a site. Basically they suspended possession on assurance that we pay our MP and an additional £100 (we offered £170) from the 25th of Feb. The process was not embarrassing by all accounts and he was treated with respect and humility. Although we will not be rushing to go through it again. Thanks to Ell-enn once again and thanks to Abbey for doing the right thing..
  15. Other half just got back from court and the news is all good. Ell-enn you are a genius and we are eternally grateful. When we get back near straight will donate what we can afford to ensure this great database of knowledge continues as a site. Basically they suspended possession on assurance that we pay our MP and an additional £100 (we offered £170) from the 25th of Feb. The process was not embarrassing by all accounts and he was treated with respect and humility. Although we will not be rushing to go through it again. Thanks to Ell-enn once again and thanks to Abbey for doing the right thing..
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