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  1. Hi all, I need some advice on an issue I've been having for months please. So February 1st of this year, I went to a Currys store and took out a mobile broadband contract with a laptop deal, where I paid £140 towards the laptop. I got told that I had 14 days in which to cancel. On the 14th February (the 13th day of my cancellation period), I went back to the store to cancel the broadband and pay off the remaining balance on the laptop. Currys told me that I had to get in touch with Vodafone, as they were the only ones that could cancel it. I went home, rang Vodafone and got told that since the agreement was through Currys, that Currys had to cancel it. I rang Currys and got told again that only Vodafone could cancel it, rang Vodafone again and got told the opposite. I was going away for a couple of weeks on the 15th, got in touch with Currys and got told that I could go in after I got back. I went in to the store when I got back from being away, and got told again that only Vodafone could cancel it. I told them that I'd been on the phone constantly and that only they could do it. They agreed to do it, and said that they would send an email requesting cancellation of the account. A couple of weeks later, I got a bill from Vodafone for the mobile broadband, but didn't pay. I again rang Currys and got told that I would be called back. I wasn't, so I rang the complaints line again. They went through the same process ("Is it ok to put you on hold while we ring the store?"). They took me off hold and said that the store would ring me. I never got a phone call from the store, but I kept receiving bills from Vodafone which I am not paying. After numerous times ringing and complaining about the store, I still feel like I'm getting nowhere. Last week I received a letter from 'dlc', or 'direct legal & collections', saying "We have been instructed by our client to obtain immediate payment of the balance outstanding. A default may have been registered against your credit file with a credit reference agency. This could affect your ability to obtain future credit if payment is not made in full." Obviously I am very angry at this, as if I do get a default on my file then it will not be my fault at all. I don't really know how to go about it now, but I rang Currys yet again this morning and got told that the store manager will ring me at 3 after he has been in touch with head office. Should I go to a consumer complaints company, or Watchdog or something? Like I said, I'm not sure how to deal with the problem as I've not had something like this happen before, so any advice would be great. Thanks.
  2. Ah, well that's good to hear hahaha. Thanks for your reply, I guess I'll have to go another way about sorting things out.
  3. Does anybody know if there's a way to improve a credit score? Apparently I have bad credit, but I honestly don't know how. I've never missed a payment with anyone, I even paid off my loan I had 2 years earlier than it was due. Now I want to borrow some money to pay off everything that I have on catalogues etc. and I've been declined because of credit scoring. So basically, is there a proven way to improve a credit score?
  4. Hi all, newbie to the site and this is my first post, so bear with me haha. Anyway, about a year or so ago I signed up to Littlewoods for a credit account, seemed a great idea at the time. They sent out a credit agreement that I was supposed to sign and send back, but I never signed it or sent it back. Does this mean that my account is in some way void? They continued to send out orders etc. even without my signature. Any views?
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