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  1. Would I be allowed to work for him though? I didn’t think you could work for relatives as permitted work?
  2. Hi UncleBulgaria67 thanks for the reply. I’ve read that through but it’s the fact that it’s technically working for my husband that’s the issue as I’m not sure this is allowed. I may just leave things well alone for now until we’re in a position for me to come off ESA altogether. I’ll tell the accountant to leave things alone. As I said, I won’t be working, it’s more something he wants to do for tax purposes which is why I don’t want to rock the boat as I won’t be any better off.
  3. Hi Honeybee13. I’m on Contribution-based.
  4. Morning. I need some advice. My husband owns his own business and he is sole owner and director. I am on ESA Support Group and have been for over 20 years. Up until now he’s submitted his own accounts but we now have an accountant as he is a limited company and the accountant has suggested that he put me down as earning £130 a week and take that off my husband’s wages. He says it won’t affect my ESA as it is within permitted work allowances but will allow us to use up my unused tax allowance. (My OH only draws about £18k). I want to speak to DWP about it but I’m worried it will trigger a review. Having had to go through a PIP appeal before - which I won - I don’t want to rock the boat. If and when the business can afford it I will stop claiming ESA completely but right now we rely on it and we’d really struggle if I lost it. if I can take the £130 a week and still get my ESA like the accountant says then I’ll do it as he obviously thinks it’s the right thing to do. I want to make it clear We wouldn’t be earning any additional money, he’s just talking about redistributing what we already get. Any ideas if this is allowed?
  5. No you're right but they've had such a bad experience that I don't know that they'd trust anyone to go in without them being there. I know it's a learning curve for them and they'll just have to swallow it and move on but as I said, it's a shame.
  6. Thanks Steve. I've done the same thing and can't find anything. Looks like she's not going to budge on the 14th either. They're going to get some legal advice today just so they know where they stand. It's just all the aggravation of having builders in to replace the boiler - taking time off work to let them in etc etc and for what? They'll not get the benefit from it and they've been complaining about it since they moved in in June. It's such a shame. Their first home together and it's been ruined. The pitfalls of renting I suppose
  7. We're not too sure. She's said she intends to move back in but who knows? All seems to be a bit fishy to me.
  8. Thanks for the reply Steve They ideally want to go sooner. She's still planning on replacing the boiler so they'll have all the hassle of the builders etc but then they'll have to move out and they don't see why they should have all the inconvenience if they're not going to get the benefit. It's good to know she can't make them leave this side of Christmas but what you're saying is that they can't leave earlier than the 14th? The letting agents have refunded her all her fees because of the communication problems with them over the boiler and they wondered if they'll be entitled to any kind of compensation. The letting agents have behaved really badly. There are some loose wires which they've repeatedly asked them about as they weren't sure what they were and their answer was 'stick your tongue on it and see if they're live!' that pretty much sums up their experience with them
  9. Thanks for the reply. The landlord has agreed to replace the boiler but has now served them notice to quit. Their ST agreement ends on 14th December and she’s said she wants them out by the 21st. If they find somewhere else before then will they be liable for the rent up until the 21st? The fact that it’s a week before Xmas they really don’t want to wait that long.
  10. Hope this is in the right place. If not, Admin please move. My son and his girlfriend moved into their first flat 4 months ago. They have been very happy there but now the weather is getting colder, they have tried to put the heating on and there's something wrong with the boiler. They have had various conversations with the Letting Agent who sent round their plumber last week who has condemned the boiler, saying it is beyond reasonable repair and requires replacing. The Landlord is refusing to accept this and won't authorise the repairs. The letting agent say their hands are tied until they can get an agreement out of the Landlord. Meanwhile the flat is getting increasingly damp and is freezing cold. They have tried to get hold of the CAB and the local council but to no avail. I've told them to continue to pay their rent but that I would see if I could get them any advice on what they can do. Any ideas?
  11. They sent me an email this afternoon stating that "on this occasion they'd cancel the ticket". Cheeky ********. Oh well, at least one less thing to worry about. Thanks for the advice though.
  12. Thanks for all your replies. The college I was at are sorting it out. They seem to have this problem alot.
  13. Thanks for the reply. In answer to your questions... There was no ticket left on the car The date was 14th March 2017 Got the letter 25th March 2017 It wasn't a permit. It was a Pay and Display Car park and I have the ticket Thanks
  14. Hi all I have received a letter from this company stating that I did not display a valid permit in a college car park whilst attending an event. I did have a parking ticket from the machine which was clearly displayed on my dashboard. The letter includes a photograph of my car but from a distance and simply showing that my car was parked in the car park. I have written the following. Before I send it, is this OK? ******* I write to appeal against the parking charge notice as detailed above. I attach a copy of the parking ticket I purchased and clearly displayed on my dashboard. The photographic evidence you have supplied does not show the dashboard clearly and so does not show whether the ticket was or was not clearly displayed. I was attending a event at the college and was not advised that I needed anything other than a valid parking ticket in order to park my car, which I have provided to you. ******
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