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  1. AS far as I know, the salvage costs are included pick-up and storage, including breaker charge (if it were we did not request the car back). He has taken the car back, so in effect the Insurance company are right to take off the salvage costs, but storage and collection? Not only that, but the offer they have sent us, it's just not acceptable! How do I argue this offer and get it reviewed?
  2. Can anyone help me with this situtation please? I'm sorry to push, but it's been so long now, and I am tired of dealing with the Insurance to be honest. Thanks again.
  3. He went into a vehicle, that went into a vehicle - if that makes sense? If not, he went into the back of a van of which already hit another vehicle in front of him. Even though we are being blamed for all the accident, because the Van driver did not signal (brake lights/hazards etc) there was no warning. We are not to blame for him going into the vehicle in front of him. So far to say, they are charging me for storage (?!?) and pick up costs (?!). Even though from the start, we requested the vehicle back. These are the amounts I was advised over the phone, I have requested that it is put in writing to me to the policy holders address. Not entirely sure as we do not have a copy of the policy, only option is the downloadable one, of which we have no access to currently (have also requested copy of this via post). However when speaking with the Insurance company, they informed me that the policy DOES include a courtesy car. If there are any more questions, please ask. Thanks again.
  4. Hi, Need a bit of help with a incompetent insurance company and it's lack of customer support. I have been dealing with a accident claim on behalf of my brother-in-law. I have been named on the account by him as a representative as his first language is Polish. Now, I understand the DPA in regards to this, but will touch on this later if need be. He had a accident 30/01 and even after numerous calls from the Monday onwards, he did not receive a courtesy car until weeks later!!! After a long battle with them to get this courtesy car, it took a further 3 weeks to email a simple document to them. It went to a salvage company on the 24/02 and we have only just received this on 09/03. We have agreed to have the vehicle back, minus the excess (£350), salvage cost and hidden charges (£1100) and there engineer's inspection valuation (£1250). So we are left with a figure we're not really that happy with, and considering that they estimated costs to be around £5,500 - the cheque still has a bit of reach to go before we are satisfied. Now, I really feel the need to be determined to get some compensation from them for not being able to eat my dinner on my dinner break, as they are not open on Saturdays and I work 7am-6pm M-F (they open 9am-6pm!). I'm not sure how to attempt a second offer, or more. The costs my brother-in-law incurred over the time he has had no vehicle, only had the coutesy car for 2 full days, still not in reciept of this so called cheque deserves some recoil? I spent so long speaking to pretty much every team member from one manager that it did not strike a light with them. Even the salvage company commented on how poorly this Insurance company conducts its business. Can any one help me repel back at them with this case of time spent and actual turn around? It grieved me to help, but being family and all I felt I had to step in after he called every day of the first week and got no-where! I suppose the question is, is where do I start to reject there first offer? Not only that, but request compensation for lack of communication within a team, let alone different departments. Lack of communication with the Customer, only one call received after numerous broken promises. Additional costs for travel to the policy holder being without a vehicle, and as it still stands no settlement cheque? A long winded question, but thought I would post up as much information on it as possible to give the best possible scenario. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks, will get it drafted up and sent today 1st class. I assume that I will have to send this payment through a PO, do I sign that or not? Also, in the mean time, how would I go about asking for something like that about this top up loan, would it be by the same method as I do not have any account details for the top up loan. Are they really at right to charge me £10 for a copy of T's & C's of which I never received, and along with that a £10 just for a copy of a contract I don't believe I signed with them.
  6. What about the top up loan? As I have no paperwork of this nor do I remember signing any additional paperwork to confirm this and agree to payment terms etc. Considering the last time I spoke to them (They have changed their name three times since last contact) they advised me of a £10 for a copy of T's & C's of which I never received in the first place, along with an additional charge of £10 for a contract that I apparently signed of that I have no recollection of. Is there anyway to get around these ridiculous charges that the so called top up loan provide? Along with the fact that I have never had the originals. However I missed a payment to see how they would react and they pounced on me like a ton of bricks!
  7. Ok, I have a few questions unanswered with the threads I have found in my search. I can see that it is important to know what type of agreement I have, mine states clearly on both pages "Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974". With this, what would be a third of payments, would it be total cash price of the vehicle? Or would it be total amount payable for the goods? Also, I have shortfall Insurance, I'm led to believe that if the car was involved in a RTA and considered a write-off, this would pay off anything I owe but is it really needed? Also, would I be at right to say that they would have to get a court order to retrieve the vehicle if I have paid 1/3 of the total cash price for the vehicle? Thanks in advance. Dave.
  8. Hi all, just thought I would post to say Hello and introduce myself. I'm Dave and from the West Midlands, work for a ISP company for four years and after investigating this site so far, have found it very useful indeed! I do hope to meet all members and maybe even give a little advice myself if and where applicable. Dave.
  9. Hello all, new to the site however that I will start in another thread..... I took a vehicle out back in December '06 with said company as my credit history is not filled with butterflies. Upon my visit to the Car Craft centre in West Midlands I was told this should only take an hour, and according to their current TV adverts, I was assured. I was there for almost 6 hours, felt like a lifetime and was treated poorly. I finally got to choose the car I wanted with my wife and knowingly went ahead with the agreement. The agent that took forever was not very well equipped in knowledge or care, but still we agreed to a £250 monthly spend. This £250 monthly budget was never taken into consideration and boy did the sales agent push all sorts of expensive vehicles our way, but we settled on a Vectra. Now since this obscene sale we went away to wait for the agreement to be "Finalised" and sent to us. When we got this it was more like £500 a month more than anything! I had this parts insurance, of when the hand brake failed and my vehicle ploughed into the back of another the replaced only the hand brake.......The parts insurance did not cover this nor the damage caused to both my and friends vehicle (co-worker luckily). When I had a major electrical fault, this was not covered either miraculously enough. These problems took me time to sort with Car Craft, the garage, and not welcome themselves. I then felt that it was time to review my current "Insurances" and cancel the lot, except the current Shortfall Insurance, of which I currently not happy paying for either. I got my payments down to now £283.06, including what U Can called a top-up loan of £1000 (Additional £36.20/month). This I am still not happy with and fixed for a four year term costing a small fortune with a continuous Electrical/Handbrake issue on the vehicle itself and damage caused due to these obvious defects. This makes me angry and to see that its happened on more than one occasion with Car Craft. I went on holiday in June and called Welcome up and asked that they give me break on one payment, they agreed and asked that I cancel it with the bank just to make sure. I went ahead and did this of course and went on my holiday. I called Welcome up upon my return and notified them to re-activate the direct debit, they again assured me that a confirmation would be out in the post. I never received this and continued on my merry way, planning for Christmas (A 10 year family reunion). I noticed in July that my Direct debit did not draw, as I did not receive any confirmation as yet I left it and again it happened in August. At that point a letter was sent to there office to see what action is being taken to resolve the matter as I was concerned now for two months the direct debit did not draw. I did not receive any response to this letter, but got a "Stay in touch" letter from them, telling me of my local office. Since then until recent (few days before Christmas) I received a default notice from them and then a unexpected home visit! This chap was not someone I imagine would work for Welcome, as he was a well built fellow and I felt that this was a form of "Heavy" tactic, as he explained himself as a "Collector" and that he did not want to come take the car away from me. I defended myself stating that I have paid more than a third and they do not have that right, and agreed that I will try to get a payment to him on the 22nd. This I could not do as I am currently changing jobs and just don't have £500 that he wanted. I called them later to the date explaining that I was unable to make the agreed payment and that I could probably do more a month in January. They did not agree to this and offered for me to make this payment on 31/12/08 and again they know full well that I can not make this payment. now they are currently harassing and threatening court order to reposes the car, still demanding payment! I really would like to keep this car, regardless of the problems, but would rather my money back at the same time! Can they really get away with such a heavy man tactic and charging to telephone me when I specify the time, and they cant even adhere to that? How would I go about fighting these extortionate people to get my money back, I'm more than will to give the dam pain car back but don't have another vehicle, so therefore would like to keep it. Any help would be appreciated and so for the long post, but I'm sure other people that have had this unnecessary unpleasant pleasure of dealing with welcome finance, I am not best happy with them at all! Thanks in advance. Dave.
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