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  1. ok thanks, sorry for the endless questions but i just wanna get it right. Your help is greatly appreciated and i shall make a donation if all goes well I shall bump the thread when i get any letters back from Lloyds
  2. haha thanks. As the second loan is currently being paid by me though do i need to send a SAR for it? The reason i say this is because when i spoke to them on the phone on tuesday they said the refund would be around £2000 but it would go towards the loan it was being paid on rather than a cheque to me, but i would prefer a cheque
  3. just an update, my SAR letter is ready to be posted at the weekend (i cant get down the post office till then). ive put both my loan policy numbers on there plus the things you have listed, i managed to find the data subject access department address on another forum so if anybody needs it let me no and ill post it up wish me luck
  4. thanks aa, im gonna read through your posted links now. As for the ppi not adding up, i posted it exactly as its written on my agreement so i dont no what to say edit - does it matter my bank account is also with lloyds aswell?
  5. if you need help with stuff like that its probs best you start your own thread, im seeking advice myself but im sure somebody with more knowledge than me will be able to help you :grin:
  6. i spoke to them on the phone lastnight, they advised me that my ppi would be refunded against my existing loan instead of given to me as a cheque. I agreed to getting that done just so they'd send me the paperwork for me to read through properly. Id prefer to have the cash as the repayments are not a problem and i never missed one, i think it will be easier to write them a letter next time explaining that i was offered i dont want and would prefer a cheque? im going to claim ppi on my other loan aswell with the help of aa (thanks by the way)
  7. what what you say is the best thing to do? the woman said on the phone lastnight that the refund is going to be ofset against the loan, i asked them about getting a cheque sent to me but they said it doesnt work like that. I agreed on the phone to have the refund offset against my loan but they are still sending me the paperwork to sign and confirm the agreement. Thanks for your help aswell The first loan was paid off by the second so i can definatly reclaim some ppi charges off it as they never offered me a refund when it was paid off early in may 2008
  8. another update. I spoke to lloyds earlier about my current loan (the second one) to get the ppi cancelled which they said was fine. I was informed the refund was about £2000 and it would be credited back on to my loan to bring the balance down, is this correct? i said in principle i agree and the paperworks in the post to sign. I just want to check before i sign and send it back
  9. Ok here's the details of my loans, ive attached it as a word document as i typed it up earlier. Can paste the details if needed, the first loan was taken out in Febuary 2007 loan details.doc
  10. ok thanks, i will type out the figures when i get home. As to my other question shall i cancel my ppi now or wait to send a letter and let it run its course?
  11. hey thanks for the reply, i always thought it was weird that happend. The bank was manager was trying to play it off like because my bank account wasnt in the best shape i had to have ppi or my application would get rejected. One small problem though i dont own a scanner and where i work doesnt have one either, you do mean both my loan agreements yeah? (all the charges and interest breakdown). I can take a pic of it with my digital camera if thats anygood? best i can do One more question, shall i ring up and cancel my ppi now or send the letter and let it runs its course?
  12. Im thinking about writing a letter to lloyds about my ppi charges i just need to clarify a few details and that im not going to end up wasting my time. Basically febuary 2007 i took out a loan for 9,000 at my local lloyds branch as i was experiencing some debt troubles, i was offered ppi which i said i didnt want as it bumped the loan up a hell of alot (my work offers a good sick/redudancy package) but the bank manager said i had to have it otherwise they reckon the loan would not get authorised so as i was desperate i agreed. In april 2008 i was sent a letter advertising that i can top up my existing loan so as i was going on holiday i decided to go for it to get some extra spending money. Upon phoning lloyds the gentleman i spoke to basically explained the top up loan is actually taking out a new loan for more than the previous and paying the old loan back plus leaving some "top up" money left over, i agreed to this and got a new loan of 11,000 paying back the old one in the process which also had ppi attached to it. Now browsing the internet at work today i come across this part of the forum and it got me thinking, do i actually have a case to claim back my ppi? since the original loan was taken out ive never claimed once and i assume when i paid the old loan back and took out the new one the ppi carried over? My old interest rate was 18.1% and the interest on my new load is 20.9% any help would be greatly appreciated - ive got both loan agreements in front of me plus the ppi t&c's so if any info is needed please ask
  13. ok i will do, im gonna send it off asap. Finally am i to stop all payments whilst this is going on? sorry to act like a proper noob, just wanna do it correctly
  14. so i can still do this even though ive been on a agreed repayment plan with them for about 6months yeah? if so ill print it off and send it asap. If they cant produce my credit agreement what happens next?
  15. i opened the account in 2006. I dont no much about this CCA stuff, i thought it only applied to bank charges
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